“cannot be resolved to a type” 错误解决方法


    项目指定的jdk为“jdk1.6.0_18”,而当前eclipse使用的是“jdk1.6.0_22”。需要在BuildPath | Libraries,中做简单调整。 





    eclipse下,上述两条都对比过了,没有任何问题,可偏偏还报这错。这时,需要操作一下 Project | Clean... ,问题即可解决。原因是,机制所致。因为某些特殊原因,eclipse没能自动编译源代码到build/classes(或其他classes目录),导致类型查找不到。 


Based on the comments here, I started checking how I could make sure that my Ant build 

wouldn’t interfere with my Eclipse build.

I found an option in Eclipse that clears up the problem (and is possibly more efficient than

 changing the 2 build system’s output folders).

Windows–>Preferences–>Java–>Compiler–>Building–>Output folder–>

”Rebuild class files modified by others”.

posted on 2016-04-13 18:21  齐富俊  阅读(1748)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
