
我们曾如此渴望命运的波澜,到最后才发现:人生最曼妙的风景,竟是内心的淡定与从容。 我们曾如此期盼外界的认可,到最后才知道:世界是自己的,与他人毫无关系。

Less is more, more is different!


How to temporally disable IDE tools (load manually)

It is possible to prevent the IDE Tools from being loaded automatically when starting Visual Studio.

To do this, please follow these steps:

1) In the Visual Studio IDE, select the Options… menu item in the DevExpressmenu or press the Ctrl+Shift+Alt+O key combination to invoke the Options Dialog.

2) In the tree view on the left, navigate to the “Core” folder.

3) Select the Startup options page.

Note that this page level is Expert, and will only be visible if the Level combo on the lower-left of the Options dialog is set to Expert.

4) Activate the “Load Manually” option and click OK:

Another way to change this option is to tweak your Windows Registry key manually (via the regedit.exe tool):

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Developer Express\CodeRush for VS\%YourProductVersion%\LoadManually

where %YourProductVerions% is a version of the DevExpress IDE Tools you have installed, and the “LoadManually” is the key of type string which value needs to be modified. Set the value to “True” (without quotes) if you would like to prevent the automatic loading of the IDE Tools at Visual Studio startup. Note, if the registry key doesn’t exist you need to create it manually using the Registry editor.


posted on 2015-01-15 20:30  yycGIS  阅读(285)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报