SQLServer 父子结构group汇总显示
SmCode | PdtCode | OrignBrand |
A | A1 | null |
B | B1 | A |
C | C1 | A |
D | D1 | C |
E | E1 | null |
F | F1 | null |
G | G1 | F |
SmCode | SmCodeList | PdtCodeList |
A | A,B,C,D | A1,B1,C1,D1 |
E | E | E1 |
F | F,G | F1,G1 |
alter proc P_SampePdtList as begin delete from ZTR_CodeList; select s.SmCode,d.Code,s.OriginBrand into #temp from DB_Product d,SM_SampleClothing s where d.SampleId=s.Id select * into #temp1 from ( select * from #temp union select distinct OriginBrand,null,null from #temp where OriginBrand is not null and OriginBrand not in (select SmCode from SM_SampleClothing) ) t; with CTEGetChild as ( select *,SmCode oid from #temp1 where OriginBrand is null UNION ALL (SELECT a.*,oid from #temp1 as a inner join CTEGetChild as b on a.OriginBrand=b.SmCode ) ) --insert into ZTR_CodeList SELECT oid,stuff ( ( select ','+SmCode from CTEGetChild t where oid=CTEGetChild.oid for xml path('') ), 1, 1, '' ) as SmCodeList,stuff ( ( select ','+Code from CTEGetChild t where oid=CTEGetChild.oid for xml path('') ), 1, 1, '' ) as PdtCodeList,getdate() CreateTime FROM CTEGetChild group by oid end