Elasticsearch_exporter 监控指标
Name |
Type |
Cardinality |
Help |
elasticsearch_breakers_estimated_size_bytes |
gauge |
4 |
Estimated size in bytes of breaker breaker字节的估计大小 |
elasticsearch_breakers_limit_size_bytes |
gauge |
4 |
Limit size in bytes for breaker breaker大小限制为字节 |
elasticsearch_breakers_tripped |
counter |
4 |
tripped for breaker |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_active_primary_shards |
gauge |
1 |
The number of primary shards in your cluster. This is an aggregate total across all indices. 活跃的主分片总数 |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_active_shards |
gauge |
1 |
Aggregate total of all shards across all indices, which includes replica shards. 活跃的分片总数(包括复制分片) |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_delayed_unassigned_shards |
gauge |
1 |
Shards delayed to reduce reallocation overhead 分片延迟以减少重新分配开销 |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_initializing_shards |
gauge |
1 |
Count of shards that are being freshly created. 正在初始化的分片数 |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_number_of_data_nodes |
gauge |
1 |
Number of data nodes in the cluster. node节点的数量 |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_number_of_in_flight_fetch |
gauge |
1 |
The number of ongoing shard info requests. 正在进行的碎片信息请求的数量 |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_number_of_nodes |
gauge |
1 |
Number of nodes in the cluster. 集群内所有的节点 |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_number_of_pending_tasks |
gauge |
1 |
Cluster level changes which have not yet been executed 尚未执行的集群级别更改 |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis |
gauge |
1 |
Max time in millis that a task is waiting in queue. 任务在队列中等待的最长时间(以毫秒为单位)。 |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_relocating_shards |
gauge |
1 |
The number of shards that are currently moving from one node to another node. 当前节点正在迁移到其他节点的分片数量,通常为0,集群中有节点新加入或者退出时该值会增加 |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_status |
gauge |
3 |
Whether all primary and replica shards are allocated. 集群状态,green,yellow,red |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_timed_out |
gauge |
1 |
Number of cluster health checks timed out 集群运行状况检查次数超时 |
elasticsearch_cluster_health_unassigned_shards |
gauge |
1 |
The number of shards that exist in the cluster state, but cannot be found in the cluster itself. 未分配分片数 |
elasticsearch_clustersettings_stats_max_shards_per_node |
gauge |
0 |
Current maximum number of shards per node setting. 当前每个节点的最大分片数设置。 |
elasticsearch_filesystem_data_available_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Available space on block device in bytes 块设备上的可用空间(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_filesystem_data_free_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Free space on block device in bytes 磁盘可用空间 |
elasticsearch_filesystem_data_size_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Size of block device in bytes 块设备的大小(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_filesystem_io_stats_device_operations_count |
gauge |
1 |
Count of disk operations 磁盘操作数 |
elasticsearch_filesystem_io_stats_device_read_operations_count |
gauge |
1 |
Count of disk read operations 磁盘读取操作数 |
elasticsearch_filesystem_io_stats_device_write_operations_count |
gauge |
1 |
Count of disk write operations 磁盘写操作数 |
elasticsearch_filesystem_io_stats_device_read_size_kilobytes_sum |
gauge |
1 |
Total kilobytes read from disk 从磁盘读取的总千字节 |
elasticsearch_filesystem_io_stats_device_write_size_kilobytes_sum |
gauge |
1 |
Total kilobytes written to disk 写入磁盘的总千字节 |
elasticsearch_indices_docs |
gauge |
1 |
Count of documents on this node 此节点上的文档数 |
elasticsearch_indices_docs_deleted |
gauge |
1 |
Count of deleted documents on this node 此节点上已删除文档的数量 |
elasticsearch_indices_docs_primary |
gauge |
Count of documents with only primary shards on all nodes 所有节点上仅具有主分片的文档数 |
elasticsearch_indices_fielddata_evictions |
counter |
1 |
Evictions from field data 来自fielddata缓存的驱逐次数 |
elasticsearch_indices_fielddata_memory_size_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Field data cache memory usage in bytes fielddata缓存的大小(字节) |
elasticsearch_indices_filter_cache_evictions |
counter |
1 |
Evictions from filter cache 来自过滤器缓存的驱逐次数(仅版本2.x) |
elasticsearch_indices_filter_cache_memory_size_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Filter cache memory usage in bytes 过滤器高速缓存的大小(字节)(仅版本2.x) |
elasticsearch_indices_flush_time_seconds |
counter |
1 |
Cumulative flush time in seconds 将索引刷新到磁盘上的总时间(累计flush时间) |
elasticsearch_indices_flush_total |
counter |
1 |
Total flushes 索引刷新总数到磁盘 |
elasticsearch_indices_get_exists_time_seconds |
counter |
1 |
Total time get exists in seconds 获得的总时间以秒为单位 |
elasticsearch_indices_get_exists_total |
counter |
1 |
Total get exists operations 获得操作总数 |
elasticsearch_indices_get_missing_time_seconds |
counter |
1 |
Total time of get missing in seconds 花费在文档丢失的GET请求上的总时间 |
elasticsearch_indices_get_missing_total |
counter |
1 |
Total get missing 丢失的文件的GET请求总数 |
elasticsearch_indices_get_time_seconds |
counter |
1 |
Total get time in seconds 总获得时间(以秒为单位) |
elasticsearch_indices_get_total |
counter |
1 |
Total get 总获得索引数 |
elasticsearch_indices_indexing_delete_time_seconds_total |
counter |
1 |
Total time indexing delete in seconds 索引的文件删除总时间 |
elasticsearch_indices_indexing_delete_total |
counter |
1 |
Total indexing deletes 索引的文件删除总数 |
elasticsearch_indices_indexing_index_time_seconds_total |
counter |
1 |
Cumulative index time in seconds 索引文档总时间 |
elasticsearch_indices_indexing_index_total |
counter |
1 |
Total index calls 索引的文件总数 |
elasticsearch_indices_mappings_stats_fields |
gauge |
1 |
Count of fields currently mapped by index 当前由索引映射的字段的计数 |
elasticsearch_indices_mappings_stats_json_parse_failures_total |
counter |
0 |
Number of errors while parsing JSON 解析JSON时的错误数 |
elasticsearch_indices_mappings_stats_scrapes_total |
counter |
0 |
Current total ElasticSearch Indices Mappings scrapes 当前的全部ElasticSearch索引映射擦伤 |
elasticsearch_indices_mappings_stats_up |
gauge |
0 |
Was the last scrape of the ElasticSearch Indices Mappings endpoint successful ElasticSearch Indices Mappings端点的最后一次尝试成功了吗 |
elasticsearch_indices_merges_docs_total |
counter |
1 |
Cumulative docs merged 累计合并文档 |
elasticsearch_indices_merges_total |
counter |
1 |
Total merges 合并总数 |
elasticsearch_indices_merges_total_size_bytes_total |
counter |
1 |
Total merge size in bytes 总合并大小(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_indices_merges_total_time_seconds_total |
counter |
1 |
Total time spent merging in seconds 合并所花费的总时间(以秒为单位) |
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_cache_total |
counter |
1 |
Count of query cache 查询缓存数 |
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_cache_size |
gauge |
1 |
Size of query cache 查询缓存的大小 |
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_count |
counter |
2 |
Count of query cache hit/miss 查询缓存命中/未命中计数 |
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_evictions |
counter |
1 |
Evictions from query cache 从查询缓存中逐出 |
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_memory_size_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Query cache memory usage in bytes 查询缓存的内存使用量(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_indices_query_cache_total |
counter |
1 |
Size of query cache total 查询缓存总大小 |
elasticsearch_indices_refresh_time_seconds_total |
counter |
1 |
Total time spent refreshing in seconds 刷新指数的总时间 |
elasticsearch_indices_refresh_total |
counter |
1 |
Total refreshes 索引刷新总数 |
elasticsearch_indices_request_cache_count |
counter |
2 |
Count of request cache hit/miss 请求缓存命中/未命中计数 |
elasticsearch_indices_request_cache_evictions |
counter |
1 |
Evictions from request cache 从请求缓存中逐出 |
elasticsearch_indices_request_cache_memory_size_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Request cache memory usage in bytes 请求缓存内存使用量(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_indices_search_fetch_time_seconds |
counter |
1 |
Total search fetch time in seconds 总搜索获取时间,以秒为单位 |
elasticsearch_indices_search_fetch_total |
counter |
1 |
Total number of fetches 提取总数 |
elasticsearch_indices_search_query_time_seconds |
counter |
1 |
Total search query time in seconds 查询总时间(性能) |
elasticsearch_indices_search_query_total |
counter |
1 |
Total number of queries 查询总数(吞吐量) |
elasticsearch_indices_segments_count |
gauge |
1 |
Count of index segments on this node 此节点上索引段的计数 |
elasticsearch_indices_segments_memory_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Current memory size of segments in bytes 段的当前内存大小(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_indices_settings_stats_read_only_indices |
gauge |
1 |
Count of indices that have read_only_allow_delete=true 具有read_only_allow_delete=true的索引的计数 |
elasticsearch_indices_settings_total_fields |
gauge |
Index setting value for index.mapping.total_fields.limit (total allowable mapped fields in a index) 为Index .mapping.total_fields设置索引值。限制(索引中允许映射的字段总数) |
elasticsearch_indices_shards_docs |
gauge |
3 |
Count of documents on this shard 该分片上的文档数 |
elasticsearch_indices_shards_docs_deleted |
gauge |
3 |
Count of deleted documents on each shard 每个分片上已删除文档的数量 |
elasticsearch_indices_store_size_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Current size of stored index data in bytes 当前存储的索引数据大小(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_indices_store_size_bytes_primary |
gauge |
Current size of stored index data in bytes with only primary shards on all nodes 当前存储的索引数据大小(以字节为单位),所有节点上只有主分片 |
elasticsearch_indices_store_size_bytes_total |
gauge |
Current size of stored index data in bytes with all shards on all nodes 所有节点上所有分片的已存储索引数据的当前大小(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_indices_store_throttle_time_seconds_total |
counter |
1 |
Throttle time for index store in seconds 索引存储的节流时间(以秒为单位) |
elasticsearch_indices_translog_operations |
counter |
1 |
Total translog operations 总translog操作 |
elasticsearch_indices_translog_size_in_bytes |
counter |
1 |
Total translog size in bytes 总translog日志大小(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_indices_warmer_time_seconds_total |
counter |
1 |
Total warmer time in seconds 总warmer时间(以秒为单位) |
elasticsearch_indices_warmer_total |
counter |
1 |
Total warmer count Total warmer time in seconds 总warmer数 |
elasticsearch_jvm_gc_collection_seconds_count |
counter |
2 |
Count of JVM GC runs JVM GC运行的计数 |
elasticsearch_jvm_gc_collection_seconds_sum |
counter |
2 |
GC run time in seconds GC运行时间,以秒为单位 |
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_committed_bytes |
gauge |
2 |
JVM memory currently committed by area 当前按区域提交的JVM内存 |
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_max_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
JVM memory max JVM最大内存 |
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_used_bytes |
gauge |
2 |
JVM memory currently used by area 内存使用量 |
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_pool_used_bytes |
gauge |
3 |
JVM memory currently used by pool 目前使用的JVM内存池 |
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_pool_max_bytes |
counter |
3 |
JVM memory max by pool JVM内存最大池数 |
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_pool_peak_used_bytes |
counter |
3 |
JVM memory peak used by pool 池使用的JVM内存峰值 |
elasticsearch_jvm_memory_pool_peak_max_bytes |
counter |
3 |
JVM memory peak max by pool 最大的JVM内存峰值 |
elasticsearch_os_cpu_percent |
gauge |
1 |
Percent CPU used by the OS 操作系统使用的CPU百分比 |
elasticsearch_os_load1 |
gauge |
1 |
Shortterm load average 短期平均负载 |
elasticsearch_os_load5 |
gauge |
1 |
Midterm load average 中期平均负载 |
elasticsearch_os_load15 |
gauge |
1 |
Longterm load average 长期平均负载 |
elasticsearch_process_cpu_percent |
gauge |
1 |
Percent CPU used by process 进程占用的CPU百分比 |
elasticsearch_process_cpu_time_seconds_sum |
counter |
3 |
Process CPU time in seconds 进程处理CPU时间,以秒为单位 |
elasticsearch_process_mem_resident_size_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Resident memory in use by process in bytes 进程使用的驻留内存(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_process_mem_share_size_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Shared memory in use by process in bytes 进程正在使用的共享内存(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_process_mem_virtual_size_bytes |
gauge |
1 |
Total virtual memory used in bytes 使用的总虚拟内存(以字节为单位) |
elasticsearch_process_open_files_count |
gauge |
1 |
Open file descriptors ES进程打开的文件描述符 |
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_number_of_snapshots |
gauge |
1 |
Total number of snapshots 快照总数 |
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_oldest_snapshot_timestamp |
gauge |
1 |
Oldest snapshot timestamp 最早的快照时间戳 |
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_start_time_timestamp |
gauge |
1 |
Last snapshot start timestamp 上次快照开始时间戳 |
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_latest_snapshot_timestamp_seconds |
gauge |
1 |
Timestamp of the latest SUCCESS or PARTIAL snapshot 最近一次SUCCESS或PARTIAL快照的时间戳 |
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_end_time_timestamp |
gauge |
1 |
Last snapshot end timestamp 上次快照结束时间戳 |
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_number_of_failures |
gauge |
1 |
Last snapshot number of failures 上次快照失败次数 |
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_number_of_indices |
gauge |
1 |
Last snapshot number of indices 索引的最后快照数量 |
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_failed_shards |
gauge |
1 |
Last snapshot failed shards 上次快照失败的分片 |
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_successful_shards |
gauge |
1 |
Last snapshot successful shards 上次快照成功分片 |
elasticsearch_snapshot_stats_snapshot_total_shards |
gauge |
1 |
Last snapshot total shard 上次快照总分片 |
elasticsearch_thread_pool_active_count |
gauge |
14 |
Thread Pool threads active 线程池线程活动(bulk、index、search、force_merge) |
elasticsearch_thread_pool_completed_count |
counter |
14 |
Thread Pool operations completed 线程池操作完成(bulk、index、search、force_merge) |
elasticsearch_thread_pool_largest_count |
gauge |
14 |
Thread Pool largest threads count 线程池最大线程数(bulk、index、search、force_merge) |
elasticsearch_thread_pool_queue_count |
gauge |
14 |
Thread Pool operations queued 线程池中的排队线程数(bulk、index、search、force_merge) |
elasticsearch_thread_pool_rejected_count |
counter |
14 |
Thread Pool operations rejected 线程池的被拒绝线程数 |
elasticsearch_thread_pool_threads_count |
gauge |
14 |
Thread Pool current threads count 线程池当前线程数 |
elasticsearch_transport_rx_packets_total |
counter |
1 |
Count of packets received ES节点之间网络入流量 |
elasticsearch_transport_rx_size_bytes_total |
counter |
1 |
Total number of bytes received 接收的字节总数 |
elasticsearch_transport_tx_packets_total |
counter |
1 |
Count of packets sent ES节点之间网络出流量 |
elasticsearch_transport_tx_size_bytes_total |
counter |
1 |
Total number of bytes sent 发送的总字节数 |
elasticsearch_clusterinfo_last_retrieval_success_ts |
gauge |
1 |
Timestamp of the last successful cluster info retrieval 上一次成功的集群信息检索的时间戳 |
elasticsearch_clusterinfo_up |
gauge |
1 |
Up metric for the cluster info collector 集群信息收集器的启动指标 |
elasticsearch_clusterinfo_version_info |
gauge |
6 |
Constant metric with ES version information as labels 带有ES版本信息作为标签的常量指标 |
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