英语流利说 第4天









Angela Merkel's legacy(遗产、后果): has she saved or destroyed Europe?

Angela Merkel’s approach(方法) to a problem, wrote one of her biographers, is “to sit it out”. Rather than(而不是) entertain(v,考虑) grand ideas of a “historic mission” or “strategic vision”, she aims to “solve today’s problems, in a way that ensures she stays in power”.

The German chancellor, once described by Forbes as the world’s most powerful woman, managed(做到)  that for 13 years. She has been measured(慢而稳), cautious(谨慎), methodical(有条理的), pragmatic(务实的), sometimes maddeningly noncommittal(观点不明朗的) and seemingly always in control.

But this week, weakened by plummeting polls, an unpopular and ineffective(不得民心) coalition(联盟), dire(糟糕的) performances in recent state elections and increasingly acrimonious(激烈的) in-fighting(内讧) among her centre-right alliance, she conceded defeat.

She is, her defenders says, a fundamentally(本质) decent(正直的) politician who fought for democratic values; whose civil, level-headed persona(形象) represents all that the posturing populists(民粹主义者) now challenging(威胁) Europe’s unity in countries like Hungary and Italy – and the one in the White House – do not.

Others, however, are not so sure. “Much of what we think we know about Merkel is either spin(偏袒性的报道) or speculation(猜测),” says Hans Kundnani, senior research fellow at Chatham House. “The extraordinary thing is, after 13 years in the chancellery(总理职位) we still don’t really know who she is.”

Merkel’s hard line on enforcing austerity(强制执行经济缩减) was popular in Germany but almost certainly helped fuel support for populist movements in southern Europe, while her 2015 open borders policy – based, Kundnani believes, as much on a misreading of German opinion as on compassion – boosted the German anti-immigration party.

“We don’t yet know,” says Kundnani, “whether Merkel will go down(被记录) in history as the woman who destroyed Europe, or saved it.”


sit sth out:旁观一件事,直到结束 

mad someone 让某人发疯,激怒某人;maddeningly 令人恼火的


weakened by sth:因为某事而变得脆弱

plummeting polls:骤然下跌的民意调查

level-headed :冷静,明智的




based as much on a as on b:基于a和b两个依据

posted @ 2018-11-11 23:19  苏糊  阅读(316)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报