英语流利说 第17天


Q1: 你能总结出多少关于服饰的词汇?

Q2: “cop-out”, “off-duty”, “off-limits” 分别是什么意思?

Q3: 这种新时尚风潮背后的原因有哪些?



Get comfy! How curling up on the sofa became the height of fashion

The onset of winter is enough to make even the most sociable of us want nothing more after work than a simple formula: sofa, sweatpants, and a series on the laptop. Guess what? That is not a cop-out this year. Sofa dressing is the off-duty look for 2018.

The fashion site Man Repeller calls it “sleepleisure” and is in favour of it. So is the retailer Farfetch. “It’s a reflection of a big shift towards comfort,” says Celenie Seidel, Farfetch’s market editor. You could also credit Kendall Jenner and Rihanna, with their XXXXL hoodies, and Hailey Baldwin in a tracksuit at the airport.

The move to reclaim comfort clothes for outside the home has been underway for ages. But now it is the clothes you reserve for a night in front of the box that are in the frame. You know the kind – the big T-shirt you have had for ages, teamed with leggings. The grey trackies and matching hoodie. The comfy nightdress you change into way before bedtime.

This trend presents as the opposite of the perfectly tasteful, definitely-very-expensive loungewear of your best life as presented on Instagram. There is no need for perfectly groomed hair and makeup here. Instead, this is a situation for a topknot, no makeup, and a jade roller to hand.

Right now, considering what you wear around only your inner circle feels more modern than dressing to impress strangers in a bar – and, let’s be honest, Instagram sneaks in here. Thanks to the bathroom selfie and #iwokeuplikethis humblebrags, nowhere is off-limits from the feed. As Man Repeller puts it: “Innerwear is outerwear because what we do inside is no longer private.” 

怎么舒服怎么来!窝沙发 look 成为尖端时尚

冬季的到来,足以让平常最爱社交的人儿下班后都只求一个简单的三件套:沙发、运动裤和电脑里放着的连续剧。你猜怎么着?今年,这样穿不再是逃避真实世界的行为了,“沙发装”是 2018 年时下风头最劲的“下班 look ”。

时尚网站 Man Repeller 把这种风格称为“睡衣休闲风”,并且非常看好它。零售商 Farfetch 也表达了同样的观点,Farfetch 的市场编辑谢乐妮·赛德尔说:“这反映了一股向舒适穿着迈进的巨大风潮。”你也可以把这股潮流归功于肯达尔·詹娜和蕾哈娜的加加加加大码帽衫,还有海莉·鲍德温在机场穿的运动服套装。

这项把舒适衣物穿出门的行动已经进行了很长时间。但当下正时兴的,是把那些你在晚上专门穿着看电视的衣服穿出门。你懂的,就是那些穿了几年的肥大 T 恤,配上打底裤;灰不溜秋的抽绳运动裤,和配套的帽衫;离睡觉时间还有老早,你就迫不及待换上的舒适睡衣。

如同 Instagram 上展现的那样,作为完美人设的一部分,家居服是非常有品并且价格不菲的,但睡衣休闲的潮流代表的含义与它恰恰相反。它不需要梳得一丝不苟的头发和妆容。相反地,这是个仅需丸子头,素颜和手边滚脸神器的情景。

现在,考虑在最亲近的人身边要穿什么,已经比精心打扮去酒吧惊艳陌生人要时髦很多了。而且,实话说,是 Instagram 在背后发挥作用。多亏了诸如浴室自拍和 #我醒来长这样# 这样谦虚式自夸的话题,订阅源上已经没有什么不能展示的了。正如 Man Repeller 里写到的:“内衣就是外衣,因为我们在室内做的事已经不再是隐私了。” 

posted @ 2018-11-26 09:59  苏糊  阅读(451)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报