级联 mapreduce (Cascading Mapreduce)



 Cascading的逻辑模型将mapreduce抽象为一个方便的元组,管道,丝锥模型(taps model),数据以元组的形式表示,一系列的objects。举例: 我们可以有个元组(“url”,“stats”)。类型分别为:

where “url” is a Hadoop “Text” object and “stats” is my own “UrlStats” complex object, containing methods for getting “numberOfHits” and “averageTimeSpent”. Tuples are kept together in “streams”, and all tuples in a stream have the exact same fields.

An operation on a stream of tuples is called a “Pipe”. There are a few kinds of pipes, each encompassing a category of transformations on a tuple stream. For instance, the “Each” pipe will apply a custom function to each individual tuple. The “GroupBy” pipe will group tuples together by a set of fields, and the “Every” pipe will apply an “aggregator function” to all tuples in a group at once.

Here’s a more in depth example of “Each”. Suppose our tuple stream is of the form (“number1″, “number2″) and looks like:

(1, 2)

(5, 7)

(12, 5)

Assume this stream currently exists in a pipe called “workflow”. Now suppose we have a class “Double” that implements “operate” and which will double its argument and output the result in a field called “double”. Let’s look at the following code:

[cc lang="java"]
//”workflow” contains tuples of the form (“number1″, “number2″)

workflow = new Each(workflow, new Fields(“number1″), new Double(),
new Fields(“number2″, “double”));

What this code does is apply the “Double” operation to each tuple in the stream. The second parameter indicates that the “number1″ field should be used as the argument to the function. After the Double function completes, we will now have a 3-tuple of the form (“number1″, “number2″, “double”). The last argument indicates that we only want to pass on “number2″ and “double” to the next pipe. Running this code on the above example will produce the following tuple stream (with fields “number2″, “double”):

(2, 2)

(7, 10)

(5, 24)

Now let’s take a closer look at “GroupBy” and “Every” with the classic word count example. Suppose we have a pipe called “workflow” which contains a tuple stream of the form (“word”, “count”). Suppose these tuples were generated by counting the number of times a word appeared on a line of a text file. Here’s the code to generate tuples of the form (“word”, “total”) with one tuple per word:

[cc lang="java"]
workflow = new GroupBy(workflow, new Fields(“word”));
workflow = new Every(workflow, new Fields(“count”), new Sum(“total”),
new Fields(“word”, “total”));

That’s it! Let’s take a look at what this does on an example:

("banana", 10)

("rose", 2)

("sleep", 5)

("rose", 7)

("rose", 10)

("banana", 2)

The GroupBy step will emit the following “group stream”:


  ("banana", 10)

  ("banana", 2)


  ("rose", 2)

  ("rose", 7)

  ("rose", 10)


  ("sleep", 6)

The Every step will collapse these tuples into the form (“word”, “total”) and produce:

("banana", 12)

("rose", 19)

("sleep", 6)

Like the Each example, the second line of code indicates to use the “count” field to sum over. The Fields declaration inside the “Sum” function indicates that the output should be named “total”. Finally, the last Fields declaration indicates that “word” and “total” should be passed along to the next pipe.

One of the most powerful features of Cascading is the ability to fork and merge pipes together. For example, if you have one pipe with tuples of the form (“customer_id”, “name”) and another pipe of the form (“cust_id”, “age”), Cascading makes it super easy to join these pipes together to get tuples of the form (“name”, “age”). The operation is called “CoGroup” and can do inner, outer, or mixed joins. For this example, the code would look like:
[cc lang="java"]
Pipe namePipe; // this contains (“customer_id”, “name”)
Pipe agePipe; // this contains (“cust_id”, “age”)

// do the join
Pipe workflow = new CoGroup(namePipe, new Fields(“customer_id”),
agePipe, new Fields(“cust_id”), new Fields(“id1″, “name”, “id2″, “age”));

// strip away the “id” fields
workflow = new Each(workflow, new Fields(“name”, “age”), new Identity());

Once you have constructed your operations into a “pipe assembly”, you then tell Cascading how to retrieve and persist the data using an abstraction called “Tap”. “Taps” know how to convert stored data into Tuples and vice versa, and have complete control over how and where the data is stored. Cascading has a lot of built-in taps – using SequenceFiles and Text formats via HDFS are two examples. If you want to store data in your own format, you can define your own Tap. We have done this here at Rapleaf and it has worked seamlessly.

Once you have your taps defined, you hook up one Tap as the “source” to your pipe assembly, and another tap as the “sink” to your pipe assembly. This creates a “Flow”. Running the flow will read in the input set of tuples from the source Tap, run the tuples through the pipe assembly, and then write out the final output tuples into the sink Tap.

Internally, Cascading translates the pipe assembly into a series of MapReduce jobs. The taps specify the input and output formats along with the input and output paths. Cascading manages all the intermediate data necessary to get a sequence of MapReduce jobs to communicate. For example, a “GroupBy” followed by an “Every” followed by a “GroupBy” followed by an “Every” followed by an “Each” would translate into the following jobs:

Job 1:
Mapper: Emit first group key for every tuple
Reducer: Apply first “Every” operation in the reducer

Job 2:
Mapper: Emit second group key for every tuple

  1. Apply second “Every” operation in the reducer
  2. Apply “Each” operation to each produced tuple from the “Every” function

In this example, there would be a set of intermediate data between the two jobs that would be automatically deleted when the flow completes.

In contrast, an “Each” followed by an “Each” followed by a “GroupBy” followed by an “Every” would produce:

Job 1:
Mapper: Apply first each function. Apply second each function. Emit on group key.
Reducer: Apply “Every” function to tuples to emit output.

For operations like joins, Cascading automates all the MapReduce logic necessary that actually performs the join.

The most recognizable competing product to Cascading is Pig, a Yahoo technology we also explored. Pig lets you specify batch queries in a neat SQL like syntax, but we found Pig unusable due to the inability to plug in custom input and output formats. One of the nicest things about Cascading is that it doesn’t restrict you in any way – anything you can do via vanilla MapReduce you can do via Cascading. We like the fact that Cascading flows are all specified via a Java API rather than a SQL like language – this makes it very natural to create custom functions and very complex workflows. And if some part of your workflow is really performance-critical, Cascading gives you the flexibility to hand-code that part of the workflow with a MapReduce job and plug it in as a custom Flow.

Cascading has saved us a ton of headaches here at Rapleaf. In this post, I’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible with Cascading. If you’re interested in learning more, be sure to check out the website and the #cascading room on freenode. I would love to see more people get involved in this awesome project!

posted @ 2011-04-15 15:16  Angels-Wing  阅读(778)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报