tmp for cassandra batch delete
now i have no time to verify this bash script. it is hard for me to delete each data via primary key
if [[ ${1} == "" ]];then
echo "Please indicate the cassandra Address."
echo "Use this cmd like this:"
echo "./"
arr=(`cqlsh ${1} -f list_tables.cmd`)
echo "table list: ${arr[*]}"
for((i=0; i<${#arr[@]}; i++));do
count=(`cqlsh ${1} -e "use clicki_v4; select count(*) from ${arr[i]};"`)
#echo ${count[*]}
echo "before truncate table, there are ${count[2]} rows in table ${arr[i]};"
#NOTE: dangerous command, please seriously check!!!!!!
cqlsh ${1} -e "use clicki_v4; truncate ${arr[i]};"
count=(`cqlsh ${1} -e "use clicki_v4; select count(*) from ${arr[i]}"`)
echo "after truncate table, there are ${count[2]} rows in table ${arr[i]};"
use clicki_v4;
desc tables;
CREATE TABLE coach_uat.mytable (
uid text,
id int,
name text,
CREATE TABLE coach_uat.mytable(
key1 text,
key2 text,
key3 text,
column1 bigint,
column2 int,
column3 timestamp,
primary key(key1, key2, key3);
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