webstrom live templates
javascript: 在live templates底部要选择javascript
# $('#$END$') $ $($end$) $bd $(document.body) $d $(document) $w $(window) . $('.$END$') ? $CONDITION$ ? $VAL1$ : $VAL2$ a alert($END$); ac appendChild($end$) ae addEventListener('$var$', $end$, false) ag arguments ap appendChild arg arguments at attachEvent($end$) bb (function(){ $END$ })(); c constructor cb callback cl console.log($END$); d document da document.addEventListener('$var$', $end$, false); db document.body dba document.body.appendChild($end$); dc document.createElement($end$) dct document.createTextNode($end$) dd document.documentElement de documentElement defn define(["$MODULE_REF$"], function($MODULE_VAR$) { $END$ }); del delete $end$ det detachEvent($end$) di document.getElementById('$END$') dn document.getElementsByName('$END$') dq document.querySelector('$end$') dqa document.querySelectorAll('$end$') dt document.getElementsByTagName('$END$') e else { $end$ } eif else if($var$){ $end$ } f function $var$($var2$){ $END$ } fa false fc function $INDEX$(){ } $INDEX$.prototype = { name: function (){ } } fd function($var$){ $end$ }, for for(var i=0,len=$ARRAY$.length; i<len; i++){ $END$ } forin for (var $VAR$ in $ARRAY$) { } gc getElementsByClassName('$end$') gi getElementById('$end$') gt getElementsByTagName('$end$') h height() hover hover(function(){ $end$ },function(){ $ARRAY$ }); i this i. this.$var$ = $var$; ib insertBefore($end$) ic this.className = $end$ id getElementById($end$); if if($var$){ $end$ } ife if($var$){ $end$ } else { $var2$ } ifeif if($var$){ $end$ } else if($var2$){ $var3$ } iff if($end$){ } ifif if($var$){ $end$ } else if($var2$){ $var3$ } ih innerHTML itar for (var $INDEX$ = 0; $INDEX$ < $ARRAY$.length; $INDEX$++) { var $VAR$ = $ARRAY$[$INDEX$]; $END$ } iter for each (var $VAR$ in $ARRAY$) { $END$ } itin for (var $VAR$ in $ARRAY$) { $END$ } j $('$END$') jb $($end$).bind('click', function(){ }); jc $($end$).click(function(){ }); jd $($end$).delegate('click', function(){ }); jfd $($END$).find() jh $($end$).hover(function(){ }, function(){ }); ji $(this) jqfn (function($){ $.fn.$END$ = function(options){ var defaults = { }; var opts = $.extend({}, defaults, options); return this.each(function(){ }); } })(jQuery); jval $('#$END$').val() l length lc location lh location.href lo location mf $var$ : function($END$){ $END2$ } mo $ene$: { } nf $var$ : function($END$){ $END2$ }, nn nodeName no $ene$: { }, nt nodeType nv nodeValue p prototype pn parentNode qs querySelector($end$) r return $end$; rc removeChild($end$); re removeEventListener($ene$) ref ///<reference path="$PATH$"/> $END$ rf return false; rff return function(){ $END$ } ri return this; ritar for (var $INDEX$ = $ARRAY$.length - 1; $INDEX$ >= 0; $INDEX$--) { var $VAR$ = $ARRAY$[$INDEX$]; $END$ } rm return { $end$: function(){ } } rn return null; ro return { $end$ } rr return $end$ rs return '$end$'; rt return true; s style sd style.display si setInterval($end$); sif setInterval(function(){ }, $end$); st setTimeout($end$); stf setTimeout(function(){ }, $end$); sw switch($var1$){ case $var2$: $var3$ break; } t that t. that.$var$ = $var$; tag getElementsByTagName($end$) tg tagName to typeof $end$ tr true try try{ $end$ } catch(e) { } ts toString() u undefined us "use strict"; $END$ v var $end$ va var $END$ = []; vf var $END$ = function(){ } vo var $END$ = { name: function(){ } } w window wd width() while while($var$){ $END$ } zz (function(){ $end$ }());
video <video id="$VAR$" src="$END$" width="100%" height="100%" preload="preload" x5-video-player-type="h5" x5-video-player-fullscreen="true" webkit-playsinline="true" playsinline="true" style="object-fit: cover;"></video> st <style type="text/css"> $END$ </style> ss <script type="text/javascript" src="$END$"></script>