Android notes

  1. 通过无线调试android的时候不要同时开启全局代理如proxifier,端口占用导致出错;
  2. 赋予sdcard可执行权限:adb shell 中用root权限执行 mount -o remount rwx /mnt/sdcard/
ZQ Quit ZZ Save session and quit
ZR Restore last session T Choose a tab
c-i Show usage cs Change scroll target
u Show usage e Scroll a page up
d Scroll a page down j Scroll down
k Scroll up h Scroll left
l Scroll right gg Scroll to the top of the page
gf Open a link in non-active new tab gF Go one tab history forward
gb Open Chrome Bookmarks gj Open Chrome Bookmarks
gc Open Chrome Cache gd Open Chrome Downloads
gh Open Chrome History gk Open Chrome Cookies
ge Open Chrome Extensions gn Open Chrome net-internals
gs View page source gu Go up one path in the URL
gU Go to root of current URL hierarchy G Scroll to the bottom of the page
f Open a link F Open a link in new tab
a-f Open multiple links in a new tab a-p pin/unpin current tab
i Go to edit box q Click on an Image or a button
E Go one tab left R Go one tab right
B Go one tab history back S Go back in history
D Go forward in history r Reload the page
t Open an URLs b Open a bookmark
oh Open URL from history om Open URL from vim-like marks
ob Open Search with alias b og Open Search with alias g
ow Open Search with alias w on Open Chrome newtab
: Open commands v Toggle visual mode
/ Find in current page * Find selected text in current page
x Close current tab X Restore closed tab
m Add current URL to vim-like marks ' Jump to vim-like mark
n Next found text N Previous found text
w Switch frames p Open selected link or link from clipboard
[[ Click on the previous link on current page ]] Click on the next link on current page
ys Copy current page's source yt Duplicate current tab
yf Copy current page's URL yl Copy current page's title
se Edit Settings sr Reset Settings
si Open Chrome Inpect sg Search selected with google
sog Search selected only in this site with google sob Search selected only in this site with baidu
sow Search selected only in this site with bing sos Search selected only in this site with stackoverflow
soh Search selected only in this site with github sb Search selected with baidu
sw Search selected with bing ss Search selected with stackoverflow
sh Search selected with github ;q Insert jquery library on current page

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posted @ 2015-04-22 05:59  QGB  阅读(224)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报