本程序模拟实现了一个ATM + 购物商城程序
1、额度 15000或自定义 2、实现购物商城,买东西加入 购物车,调用信用卡接口结账 3、可以提现,手续费5% 4、支持多账户登录 5、支持账户间转账 6、记录每月日常消费流水 7、提供还款接口 8、ATM记录操作日志 9、提供管理接口,包括添加账户、用户额度,冻结账户等
atm/ ├── README ├── atm #ATM主程目录 │ ├── init.py │ ├── bin #ATM 执行文件 目录 │ │ ├── init.py │ │ ├── atm.py #ATM 执行程序 │ │ └── manage.py #ATM 管理端 │ ├── conf #配置文件 │ │ ├── init.py │ │ └── settings.py │ ├── core #主要程序逻辑都 │ │ ├── init.py │ │ ├── db_handler.py #数据的存储和加载 │ │ ├── logger.py #日志记录模块 │ │ ├── login.py #登陆模块 │ │ ├── main.py #主逻辑交互程序 │ │ └── transaction.py #记账\还钱\取钱等所有的与账户金额相关的操作 │ ├── db #用户数据存储的地方 │ │ ├── init.py │ │ └── accounts #存各个用户的账户数据 ,一个用户一个文件 │ │ ├── guanyu.json #用户账户示例文件 │ │ ├── liubei.json #用户账户示例文件 │ │ └── zhangfei.json #用户账户示例文件 │ ├── interface #提供为其他应用的接口 │ │ ├── init.py │ │ └── pay_interface #支付接口 │ └── logs #日志目录 │ ├── init.py │ ├── access.log #用户访问和操作的相关日志 │ └── transactions.log #所有的交易日志 └── shopping_mall #购物车程序 ├── data #用户数据存储的地方 │ ├── guanyu #用户账户示例文件 │ ├── liubei #用户账户示例文件 │ └── zhangfei #用户账户示例文件 └── shopping.py #购物车主程序
atm: 1. 账号:liubei 密码:liubei123 2. 账号:guanyu 密码:gy123 3. 账号:zhangfei 密码:zf123 购物商城程序: 1. 账号:liubei 密码:liubei123
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) print(BASE_PATH) sys.path.append(BASE_PATH) from core import main if __name__ == '__main__': main.run()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) print(BASE_PATH) sys.path.append(BASE_PATH) from core import main if __name__ == '__main__': main.root()
import os import sys import logging BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) DATABASE = { 'engine': 'file_storage', 'name': 'accounts', 'path': '%s\\db' % BASE_PATH } LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO LOG_TYPES = { 'transaction': 'transaction.log', 'access': 'access.log' } TRANSACTION_TYPE = { 'repay': {'action': 'plus', 'interest': 0}, 'withdraw': {'action': 'minus', 'interest': 0.05}, 'transfer': {'action': 'minus', 'interest': 0.05}, 'consume': {'action': 'minus', 'interest': 0}, }
import json import os from conf import settings def db_save(acc_data): path = '%s\\account\\%s.json' % (settings.DATABASE['path'], acc_data['account']) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(acc_data)) return 1 def db_read(account): path = '%s\\account\\%s.json' % (settings.DATABASE['path'], account) if os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, 'r') as f: data = json.loads(f.read()) return data else: return 0
import logging from conf import settings def logger(log_type): # 创建Logger logger = logging.getLogger(log_type) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # 创建handler ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) path = '%s\\logs\\%s' % (settings.BASE_PATH,settings.LOG_TYPES[log_type]) fh = logging.FileHandler(path) fh.setLevel(logging.INFO) # 定义formatter formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s-%(name)s-%(levelname)s %(message)s') # 绑定formatter ch.setFormatter(formatter) fh.setFormatter(formatter) # 添加handle对象 # logger.addHandler(ch) logger.addHandler(fh) return logger
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import json from core import logger BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) def authentication(func): ''' 用户认证程序 :return:登陆成功返回True ''' def inner(data): acc = '' auth_list = [] # 用于存放每次输入的用户名 user_data = {} auth_flag = False print('- - - Login - - -') while auth_list.count(acc) < 3 and auth_flag == False: # 当相同的用户名登陆失败3次,跳出循环 # acc = 'liubei' # pwd = 'lb123' acc = input('Account:').strip() pwd = input('Password:').strip() path = '%s\\db\\account\\%s.json' % (BASE_PATH, acc) # 用户信息存放路径 if os.path.isfile(path): # 用户名是否存在 with open(path) as f: acc_data = json.loads(f.read()) # 读取信息 if acc_data['lock state']: # 用户是否被锁定 if acc_data['password'] == pwd: print('Login success !') auth_flag = True user_data['account_id'] = acc user_data['is_authenticated'] = auth_flag user_data['account_data'] = acc_data user_data['tem_data'] = data logger.logger('access').info('Login %s' % acc) func(user_data) else: auth_list.append(acc) logger.logger('access').info('Login %s - Password Error' % acc) print('The password is error,you have %s times' % (3 - auth_list.count(acc))) else: logger.logger('access').info('Login %s - Lock' % acc) print('Your account has locked.') exit() else: auth_list.append(acc) print('The account is not exist...you have %s times' % (3 - auth_list.count(acc))) if auth_list.count(acc) == 3: # 已存在的用户登陆失败三次,锁定,写入文件 if os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, 'w')as f: acc_data['lock state'] = False f.write(json.dumps(acc_data)) return inner
# Author:q1.ang from core import login from core import transaction from core import logger from core import db_handle transaction_logger = logger.logger('transaction') user_data = { 'account_id': None, 'is_authenticated': False, 'account_data': None, 'exit_flag': False } def withdraw(): ''' 提现功能 :return: ''' while True: print(''' - - - - 提现 - - - - 信用卡额度:%s 可用金额: %s ''' % (user_data['account_data']['limit'], user_data['account_data']['balance'])) money = input(" \033[0;32m输入提现金额(手续费%5)('q'退出):\033[0m").strip() if money == 'q': break else: money = - int(money) * 1.05 tem = transaction.transaction(user_data['account_data'], money, 'withdraw') if tem == 1: # 提现成功 print(' \033[0;35m... 提现成功,手续费(%s):%s \033[0m'%('%5',abs(money)/1.05*0.05)) transaction_logger.info( 'Account %s - Withdraw %s - Balance %s' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], abs(money), user_data['account_data']['balance'])) elif tem == 0: # 提现失败 print(' \033[0;31m余额不足 ... 提现失败 ...\033[0m') transaction_logger.info( 'Account %s - Withdraw %s - Balance %s - Fail(balance not enough)' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], abs(money), user_data['account_data']['balance'])) else: print(' \033[0;31m遇到了一些错误 ... 提现失败,请重试 ...\033[0m') transaction_logger.error( 'Account %s - Withdraw %s - Balance %s - Fail' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], abs(money), user_data['account_data']['balance'])) def repayment(): ''' 还款功能 :return: ''' while True: print(''' - - - - 还款 - - - - 信用卡额度:%s 可用金额: %s ''' % (user_data['account_data']['limit'], user_data['account_data']['balance'])) money = input(" \033[0;32m输入还款金额('q'退出):\033[0m").strip() if money == 'q': break else: money = int(money) tem = transaction.transaction(user_data['account_data'], money, 'repayment') if tem == 1: print(' \033[0;35m... 还款成功 \033[0m') transaction_logger.info( 'Account %s - Repayment %s - Balance %s' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], money, user_data['account_data']['balance'])) elif tem == 0: print(' \033[0;31m... 还款成功 ... 超出还款额度,退还:%s \033[0m' % (money - user_data['account_data']['repayment_money'])) transaction_logger.info( 'Account %s - Repayment %s - Return %s - Balance %s' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], money, money - user_data['account_data']['repayment_money'], user_data['account_data']['balance'])) else: print(' \033[0;31m遇到了一些错误 ... 还款失败,请重试 ...\033[0m') transaction_logger.error( 'Account %s - Withdraw %s - Balance %s - Fail' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], money, user_data['account_data']['balance'])) def transfer(): while True: print(''' - - - - 转账 - - - - 信用卡额度:%s 可用金额: %s ''' % (user_data['account_data']['limit'], user_data['account_data']['balance'])) account1 = input(" \033[0;32m收款人('q'退出):\033[0m").strip() if account1 == 'q': break elif account1 == user_data['account_data']['account']: print(' \033[0;31m不能给自己转账,请重输 ...\033[0m') break # 收款人data user_data2 = db_handle.db_read(account1) if user_data2 == 0: print(' \033[0;31m该用户不存在,请重输 ...\033[0m') else: money = input(" \033[0;32m转账金额('q'退出):\033[0m").strip() if money == 'q': break else: money = int(money) # 转账 if user_data['account_data']['balance'] >= money: tem_receive = transaction.transaction(user_data2, money, 'transfer in') # 收款 if tem_receive == 1: # 收款成功,无返还 if transaction.transaction(user_data['account_data'], -money, 'transfer out') == 1: #扣款成功 print(' \033[0;35m... 转账成功 \033[0m') transaction_logger.info( 'Account %s - Receive Account %s - transfer %s - Balance %s' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], account1, money, user_data['account_data']['balance'])) continue elif tem_receive == 0: # 收款成功,有返还 if transaction.transaction(user_data['account_data'], -user_data2['repayment_money'], 'transfer out') == 1: # 扣款成功 print(' \033[0;31m... 转账成功 ... 超出还款额度,退还:%s \033[0m' % ( money - user_data2['repayment_money'])) transaction_logger.info( 'Account %s - Receive Account %s - transfer %s - Balance %s - Return %s' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], account1, money, user_data['account_data']['balance'],money - user_data2['repayment_money'])) continue else: print(' \033[0;31m余额不足 ... 转账失败 ...\033[0m') transaction_logger.info( 'Account %s - Receive Account %s - Transfer %s - Balance %s - Fail(balance not enough)' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], account1, money, user_data['account_data']['balance'])) continue print(' \033[0;31m遇到了一些错误 ... 转账失败,请重试 ...\033[0m') transaction_logger.error( 'Account %s - Transfer %s - Balance %s - Fail' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], money, user_data['account_data']['balance'])) def balance(): print(''' - - - - 余额 - - - - 信用卡额度:%s 可用金额: %s ''' % (user_data['account_data']['limit'], user_data['account_data']['balance'])) input(' \033[0;31m任意键退出 ...\033[0m') def bill(): print(' - - - - 账单 - - - -\n') record_option = input(' \033[0;32mPlease write day of bill[e.g:20180101-20180807]:\033[0m').strip() record_start = int(record_option.split('-')[0]) record_end = int(record_option.split('-')[1]) for i in user_data['account_data']['record'].keys(): print(' \033[0;35m- - - - %s - - - -\033[0m' % i) for j in user_data['account_data']['record'][i].keys(): if (record_start <= int(j)) and (int(j) <= record_end): print(' \033[0;34m[%s-%s-%s]\033[0m' % (j[0:4],j[4:6], j[6:8])) for time,money in user_data['account_data']['record'][i][j].items(): print(' ',time,'-',money) input(' \033[0;31m任意键退出 ...\033[0m') @login.authentication def pay_interface(data): ''' 外接支付功能 :return: ''' global user_data user_data = data print(''' - - - - 支付 - - - - 信用卡额度:%s 可用金额: %s ''' % (user_data['account_data']['limit'], user_data['account_data']['balance'])) money = - user_data['tem_data']['price'] tem = transaction.transaction(user_data['account_data'], money, 'consumption',user_data['tem_data']) if tem == 1: print(' \033[0;35m... 支付成功\033[0m') transaction_logger.info( 'Account %s - Pay %s - Goods %s - Balance %s' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], abs(money), user_data['tem_data']['name'], user_data['account_data']['balance'])) elif tem == 0: print(' \033[0;31m余额不足 ... 支付失败 ...\033[0m') transaction_logger.info( 'Account %s - Pay %s - Goods %s - Balance %s - Fail(balance not enough)' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], abs(money), user_data['tem_data']['name'], user_data['account_data']['balance'])) else: print(' \033[0;31m遇到了一些错误 ... 提现失败,请重试 ...\033[0m') transaction_logger.error( 'Account %s - Pay %s - Balance %s - Fail' % ( user_data['account_data']['account'], abs(money), user_data['account_data']['balance'])) input(' \033[0;31m任意键退出 ...\033[0m\n') @login.authentication def interactive(data): global user_data user_data = data menu = ''' - - - - welcome - - - - 1.提现 2.还款 3.转账 4.查询余额 5.查询账单 - - - - - - - - - - - - ''' menu_dic = { '1': withdraw, '2': repayment, '3': transfer, '4': balance, '5': bill } while True: print(menu) option = input('>>>').strip() if option in menu_dic: menu_dic[option]() elif option == 'q': exit() else: print('Without this option[%s]' % option) def root(): ''' 管理接口 :return: ''' def add_acc(): acc_data = { 'lock state': True, 'record':{ 'withdraw': {}, 'repayment': {}, 'transfer out': {}, 'transfer in': {}, 'consumption': {} } } acc = input(" \033[0;32m账户名:\033[0m").strip() pwd = input(" \033[0;32m密码:\033[0m").strip() limit = input(" \033[0;32m额度:\033[0m").strip() acc_data['account'] = acc acc_data['password'] = pwd acc_data['limit'] = int(limit) acc_data['balance'] = int(limit) if db_handle.db_save(acc_data) == 1: print(' \033[0;35m... 账户创建成功\033[0m') transaction_logger.info('CreateAccount %s - Limit %s ' % (acc_data['account'], acc_data['limit'])) else: print(' \033[0;31m遇到了一些错误 ... 创建失败,请重试 ...\033[0m') transaction_logger.error('CreateAccount %s - Limit %s - Fail ! ' % (acc_data['account'], acc_data['limit'])) def change_limit(): acc = input(" \033[0;32m账户名:\033[0m").strip() acc_data = db_handle.db_read(acc) if acc_data != 0: limit = input(" \033[0;32m额度:\033[0m").strip() acc_data['limit'] = int(limit) if db_handle.db_save(acc_data) == 1: print(' \033[0;35m... 额度更改成功\033[0m') transaction_logger.info('Change limit %s - Account %s ' % (limit, acc)) else: print(' \033[0;31m遇到了一些错误 ... 额度更改失败,请重试 ...\033[0m') transaction_logger.error('Change limit %s - Account %s - Fail ! ' % (limit, acc)) else: print(' \033[0;31m用户不存在,请重试 ...\033[0m') def lock(): acc = input(" \033[0;32m账户名:\033[0m").strip() acc_data = db_handle.db_read(acc) if acc_data != 0: acc_data['lock state'] = False if db_handle.db_save(acc_data) == 1: print(' \033[0;35m... 冻结成功\033[0m') transaction_logger.info('Lock Account %s' % acc) else: print(' \033[0;31m遇到了一些错误 ... 冻结失败,请重试 ...\033[0m') transaction_logger.error('Lock Account %s - Fail ! ' % acc) else: print(' \033[0;31m用户不存在,请重试 ...\033[0m') menu = ''' - - - - welcome - - - - 1. 添加账户 2. 更改用户额度 3. 冻结账户 - - - - - - - - - - - - ''' menu_dic = { '1': add_acc, '2': change_limit, '3': lock, } while True: print(menu) option = input('>>>').strip() if option in menu_dic: menu_dic[option]() elif option == 'q': exit() else: print('Without this option[%s]' % option) def run(): interactive(user_data)
# Author:q1.ang import os import sys import time from core import db_handle BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.append(BASE_PATH) def transaction(*args): acc_data = args[0] money = args[1] trans_type = args[2] if money <= 0: if abs(money) <= acc_data['balance']: acc_data['balance'] += money if trans_type == 'consumption': pay_data = args[3] record(acc_data, trans_type, pay_data) else: record(acc_data,trans_type,abs(money)) return db_handle.db_save(acc_data) else: return 0 elif money >= 0: if acc_data['balance'] + money <= acc_data['limit']: acc_data['balance'] += money record(acc_data, trans_type, money) if db_handle.db_save(acc_data) == 1: return 1 else: acc_data['repayment_money'] = acc_data['limit'] - acc_data['balance'] acc_data['balance'] = acc_data['limit'] record(acc_data, trans_type, acc_data['repayment_money']) if db_handle.db_save(acc_data) == 1: return 0 return 3 def record(acc_data, trans_type, money): localday = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime()) localtime = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) if localday in acc_data['record'][trans_type]: acc_data['record'][trans_type][localday][localtime] = money else: acc_data['record'][trans_type][localday] = {localtime: money}
{"lock state": true, "account": "guanyu", "password": "gy123", "limit": 20000, "balance": 20000, "record": {"withdraw": {"20180807": {"00:00:00": 100, "18:00:15": 123, "18:01:24": 321, "18:05:51": 1, "20:01:08": 1234, "20:04:03": 123, "20:17:42": 100, "20:56:57": 5000, "21:00:57": 5000, "21:07:00": 5000}}, "repayment": {"20180101": {"00:00:00": 1}, "20180807": {"20:38:54": 0, "20:40:27": 0, "20:42:09": 0, "20:43:38": 0, "20:57:06": 0, "21:01:13": 1, "21:02:23": 1, "21:02:38": 4997, "21:06:51": 1, "21:07:08": 10000, "21:40:17": 500, "21:43:38": 500, "21:46:08": 500, "21:59:17": 500}}, "transfer out": {}, "transfer in": {"20180807": {"22:37:54": 123, "22:39:25": 5000, "22:43:40": 1, "22:48:36": 1, "22:49:40": 200, "22:50:41": 3000, "22:52:27": 699, "22:58:38": 0}, "20180808": {"17:06:31": 0}}, "consumption": {"20180101": {"00:00:00": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "23:01:02": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}}, "20180202": {"00:02:00": {"name": "\u7f8e\u5973", "price": 998}}, "20180724": {"22:11:13": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "22:11:14": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "22:38:21": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "22:40:32": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "22:41:31": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "22:41:35": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "22:42:41": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "22:42:43": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "22:46:16": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "22:56:56": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "23:13:32": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}}}}, "repayment_money": 0}
{"lock state": true, "account": "liubei", "password": "lb123", "limit": 15000, "balance": 823.1000000000003, "record": {"withdraw": {"20180807": {"00:00:00": 100, "18:00:15": 123, "18:01:24": 321, "18:05:51": 1, "20:01:08": 1234, "20:04:03": 123, "20:17:42": 100, "20:56:57": 5000, "21:00:57": 5000, "21:07:00": 5000, "22:48:56": 100, "23:18:59": 210.0, "23:22:23": 210.0, "23:22:45": 210.0, "23:23:59": 210.0}, "20180808": {"17:05:34": 105.0, "19:50:45": 1377.6000000000001, "20:20:33": 1.05, "21:36:22": 1.05, "22:45:15": 1.05, "22:56:45": 2.1, "22:57:17": 1.05}}, "repayment": {"20180101": {"00:00:00": 1}, "20180807": {"20:38:54": 0, "20:40:27": 0, "20:42:09": 0, "20:43:38": 0, "20:57:06": 0, "21:01:13": 1, "21:02:23": 1, "21:02:38": 4997, "21:06:51": 1, "21:07:08": 10000, "21:36:09": 500, "21:37:24": 500, "21:38:38": 500, "21:40:17": 500, "21:43:38": 500, "21:46:08": 500, "21:47:09": 1, "21:59:02": 1, "21:59:17": 500, "23:01:55": 1301}, "20180808": {"17:06:10": 100, "17:06:15": 845.0, "22:57:32": 1}}, "transfer out": {"20180807": {"22:37:54": 123, "22:39:25": 0, "22:43:40": 4999, "22:48:36": 1, "22:49:40": 200, "22:50:41": 1000, "22:52:27": 0, "22:58:38": 0}, "20180808": {"17:06:31": 0, "23:02:45": 1}}, "transfer in": {}, "consumption": {"20180808": {"20:24:50": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:24:51": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:24:52": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:24:53": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:26:25": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:26:26": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:26:27": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:26:28": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:26:29": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:29:45": {"name": "\u6e38\u8247", "price": 20}, "20:30:17": {"name": "\u6e38\u8247", "price": 20}, "20:30:24": {"name": "\u6e38\u8247", "price": 20}, "20:30:26": {"name": "\u6e38\u8247", "price": 20}, "20:33:58": {"name": "\u7f8e\u5973", "price": 998}, "20:35:02": {"name": "\u7f8e\u5973", "price": 998}, "20:35:49": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:35:51": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:37:29": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:37:39": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:37:53": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:37:54": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:37:59": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:45:08": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:45:10": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:49:09": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:49:10": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:49:13": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:49:19": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:49:38": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:49:40": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:49:41": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:49:42": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:49:43": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:56:34": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:56:36": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:58:59": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "20:59:21": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "21:22:02": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "21:23:25": {"name": "\u6e38\u8247", "price": 20}, "21:23:54": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "21:26:59": {"name": "\u7f8e\u5973", "price": 998}, "21:29:53": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "21:34:57": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "21:37:50": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "21:43:46": {"name": "\u6e38\u8247", "price": 20}, "21:44:40": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "21:51:24": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "21:54:54": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "23:04:18": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "23:39:52": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}}}}, "repayment_money": 845.0}
import os import sys BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.append(BASE_PATH) from core import main def run(data): main.pay_interface(data)
{"lock state": true, "account": "liubei", "password": "lb123", "balance": 973, "record": {"20180101": {"00:00:00": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "23:01:02": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}}, "20180202": {"00:02:00": {"name": "\u7f8e\u5973", "price": 998}}, "20180724": {"22:11:13": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "22:11:14": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "22:38:21": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "22:40:32": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "22:41:31": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "22:41:35": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "22:42:41": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}, "22:42:43": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "22:46:16": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "22:56:56": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "23:13:32": {"name": "\u7535\u8111", "price": 1999}}, "20180808": {"20:28:50": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "21:53:58": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "21:54:57": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "23:04:07": {"name": "\u7f8e\u5973", "price": 998}, "23:04:20": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}, "23:39:55": {"name": "\u9f20\u6807", "price": 10}}}}
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' 测试账号(用户名:liubei,密码:lb123) ''' import os import sys import time import json BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.append(BASE_PATH) from atm.interface import pay_interface # from atm.core import main goods = [ {'name': '电脑', 'price': 1999}, {'name': '鼠标', 'price': 10}, {'name': '游艇', 'price': 20}, {'name': '美女', 'price': 998} ] class Shopping(object): def __init__(self): self.acc_data = {} # 用户信息 def authentication(self): ''' 用户认证程序 :return:登陆成功返回True ''' acc = '' auth_list = [] # 用于存放每次输入的用户名 print('- - - Login - - -') while auth_list.count(acc) < 3: # 当相同的用户名登陆失败3次,跳出循环 acc = input('Account:').strip() pwd = input('Password:').strip() path = 'data\\%s' % acc # 用户信息存放路径 if os.path.isfile(path): # 用户名是否存在 with open(path) as f: self.acc_data = json.loads(f.read()) #读取信息 if self.acc_data['lock state']: #用户是否被锁定 if self.acc_data['password'] == pwd: print('Login success !') return True else: auth_list.append(acc) print('The password is error,you have %s times' % (3 - auth_list.count(acc))) else: print('You have tried 3 times,your account has locked.') exit() else: auth_list.append(acc) print('The account is not exist...you have %s times' % (3 - auth_list.count(acc))) if auth_list.count(acc) == 3: # 已存在的用户登陆失败三次,锁定,写入文件 if os.path.isfile(path): with open(path, 'w')as f: self.acc_data['lock state'] = False f.write(json.dumps(self.acc_data)) def shopping(self): ''' 购物窗口 :return: ''' buy_dic = [] while True: print('List of goods'.center(30,'-')) for index,item in enumerate(goods,1): print('%s . \033[0;33m%s\033[0m \033[0;32m%s\033[0m'%(index,item['name'],item['price'])) buy = input('("q" to exit)\nchoose one to buy:').strip() if buy.isnumeric() and 0 < int(buy) <= len(goods): #输入是数字且在商品序号范围内 print(''' - - - choose how to pay - - - 1. Shopping VIP Card 2. Credit Card''') pay_way = input('>>>').strip() if pay_way == '1': # 选择使用超市vip付款 if self.acc_data['balance'] >= int(goods[int(buy) - 1]['price']): self.acc_data['balance'] -= int(goods[int(buy) - 1]['price']) # 扣除余额 else: print('\033[0;33mYour balance can not afford anyone..\033[0m') elif pay_way == '2': pay_interface.run(goods[int(buy) - 1]) # 调用atm # 更新购物清单 buy_dic.append(goods[int(buy) - 1]) # 购物记录 localday = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime()) localtime = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) if localday in self.acc_data['record']: self.acc_data['record'][localday][localtime] = goods[int(buy) - 1] else: self.acc_data['record'][localday] = {localtime: goods[int(buy) - 1]} # 写入文件 if self.db_handle(): print('You have buy:\033[0;32m%s\033[0m' % goods[int(buy) - 1]['name']) else: print('\033[0;31mSystem error...you have not buy %s\033[0m' % goods[int(buy) - 1]['name']) elif buy == 'q': if len(buy_dic) != 0: print('\033[1;31;46mShopping receipts\033[0m') for index,item in enumerate(buy_dic,1): print('%s . \033[0;33m%s\033[0m \033[0;32m%s\033[0m' % (index, item['name'], item['price'])) break else: print('\033[0;31minput error...\033[0m') def recharge(self): ''' 充值 :return: ''' recharge = input('You want to recharge:').strip() if recharge.isnumeric() and int(recharge) < 0: print('\033[0;31mPlease input a number greater than zero\033[0m') elif recharge.isnumeric(): self.acc_data['balance'] += int(recharge) if self.db_handle(): print('\033[0;31mRecharge success !\033[0m') else: print('\033[0;31mRecharge error...\033[0m') else: print('\033[0;31minput error...\033[0m') def record(self): ''' 查询历史清单 :return: ''' for date in self.acc_data['record']: print('\033[0;34m%s\033[0m'%date.center(20, '-')) for time in self.acc_data['record'][date]: print(time, ':', self.acc_data['record'][date][time]['name'], self.acc_data['record'][date][time]['price']) def exit(self): ''' 退出函数 :return: ''' print('exit...') exit() def db_handle(self): ''' 文件写入 :return: ''' with open('data\\'+self.acc_data['account'],'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.acc_data)) return True def interaction(self): ''' 交互 :return: ''' print(' Mall '.center(30, '*')) if self.authentication(): #登陆认证成功 exit_flag = False while not exit_flag: print('''\nVip name:{account}\nBalance:\033[1;31;46m{balance}\033[0m\n\n1. 购物\n2. 充值\n3. 清单\n4. 退出 '''.format(account=self.acc_data['account'], balance=self.acc_data['balance'])) menu_dic = { #对应类方法的字典 '1': self.shopping, '2': self.recharge, '3': self.record, '4': self.exit } user_option = input('>>>').strip() if user_option in menu_dic: menu_dic[user_option]() else: print('Without this option(%s)' % user_option) if __name__ == '__main__': s = Shopping() #实例化 s.interaction()