WordPress => Argon主题博客美化记录




     /* 核心样式 */
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         background-color: #9aaec7 !important;
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         background-color: #99a5cd !important;
 <div class="github-badge-big">
     <span class="badge-subject"><i class="fa fa-id-card"></i> 备案号 </span>
     <span class="badge-value bg-orange">
         <!-- 备案链接 -->
         <a href="https://beian.miit.gov.cn/" target="_blank" one-link-mark="yes">粤ICP备2024282816号-1</a>
 <div class="github-badge-big">
     <span class="badge-subject"><i class="fa fa-cloud" aria-hidden="true"></i>云存储</span>
     <span class="badge-value bg-shallots">
         <!-- GitHub链接 -->
         <a href="https://github.com/" target="_blank" one-link-mark="yes">GitHub</a>
     <span class="badge-subject"><i class="fa fa-wordpress"></i> Powered</span>
     <span class="badge-value bg-green">
         <!-- wordpress链接 -->
         <a href="https://cn.wordpress.org/" target="_blank" one-link-mark="yes">
 <div class="github-badge-big">
     <span class="badge-subject"><i class="fa fa-copyright" aria-hidden="true"></i>Copyright </span>
     <span class="badge-value bg-red">
         <a href="http://blog.albert-go.top:9999/" target="_blank" one-link-mark="yes"/>@ Albert
 <!-- 运行时间 -->
 <div class="github-badge-big">
     <span class="badge-subject"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> Running Time</span>
     <span class="badge-value bg-apricots">
         <span id="blog_running_days" class="odometer odometer-auto-theme"></span>
         <span id="blog_running_hours" class="odometer odometer-auto-theme"></span> H
         <span id="blog_running_mins" class="odometer odometer-auto-theme"></span> M
         <span id="blog_running_secs" class="odometer odometer-auto-theme"></span>S
 <script no-pjax="">
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     var blog_running_hours = document.getElementById("blog_running_hours");
     var blog_running_mins = document.getElementById("blog_running_mins");
     var blog_running_secs = document.getElementById("blog_running_secs");
     function refresh_blog_running_time() {
         var time = new Date() - new Date(2024, 6, 25, 0, 0, 0); /*此处日期的月份改为自己真正月份的前一个月*/
         var d = parseInt(time / 24 / 60 / 60 / 1000);
         var h = parseInt((time % (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) / 60 / 60 / 1000);
         var m = parseInt((time % (60 * 60 * 1000)) / 60 / 1000);
         var s = parseInt((time % (60 * 1000)) / 1000);
         blog_running_days.innerHTML = d;
         blog_running_hours.innerHTML = h;
         blog_running_mins.innerHTML = m;
         blog_running_secs.innerHTML = s;
     if (typeof bottomTimeIntervalHasSet == "undefined") {
         var bottomTimeIntervalHasSet = true;
         setInterval(function () {
         }, 500);





 // Aplayer 底部音乐播放器
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/aplayer/dist/APlayer.min.css">
 <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/aplayer/dist/APlayer.min.js"></script>
 <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/meting@2.0.1/dist/Meting.min.js"></script>
 // 根据主题自动透明
   function hexToRgb(hex,op){
     let str = hex.slice(1);
     let arr;
     if (str.length === 3) arr = str.split('').map(d => parseInt(d.repeat(2), 16));
     else arr = [parseInt(str.slice(0, 2), 16), parseInt(str.slice(2, 4), 16), parseInt(str.slice(4, 6), 16)];
     return  `rgb(${arr.join(', ')}, ${op})`;
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   let op1 = 0.6
   let themeColorRgb = hexToRgb(themeColorHex,op1);
   let themecolorGradient = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--themecolor-gradient')*
   let op2 = 0.8
   // 方法一:
   let colorTint92 = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--color-tint-92').trim();
   colorTint92 += ', '+op2;
   // 方法二:(无效)
   // let colorForegroundHex = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--color-foreground').trim();
   // let colorForeground = hexToRgb(colorForegroundHex,op2)
   // 无效的原因是博客里的--color-fpreground是局部变量,不是:root里的全局变量,所以最好的办法是修改--color-tint-92,这个是全局的
   // document.documentElement.style.setPrope。rty('--color-fpreground',colorForeground)
    // 不要用下面这种cssText这种写法,会导致上面--themecolor-gradient的样式修改失效!
    // document.documentElement.style.cssText = '--color-tint-92:'+colorTint92
   let op3 = 0.65
   let colorShade90 = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--color-shade-90').trim();
   colorShade90 += ', ' + op3;
   let op4 = 0.8
   let colorShade86 = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--color-shade-86').trim();
   colorShade86 += ', ' + op4;
 $("#fabtn_back_to_top > span > i").removeClass("fa fa-angle-up");
 $("#fabtn_back_to_top > span > i").addClass("fa fa-arrow-up");
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 <!--判断是否为Safari浏览器--><script>var isSafari = /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent);</script>
 window.pjaxLoaded = function () {
     //站点概览点击头像或作者名跳转到关于页, 暂时是主页
     $("#leftbar_overview_author_image").wrapAll('<a href="/" /a>');
     $("#leftbar_overview_author_name").wrapAll('<a href="/" /a>');
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             reverse: true,  // reverse the tilt direction
             max: 8,     // max tilt rotation (degrees)
             startX: 0,      // the starting tilt on the X axis, in degrees.
             startY: 0,      // the starting tilt on the Y axis, in degrees.
             perspective: 1000,   // Transform perspective, the lower the more extreme the tilt gets.
             scale: 1.02,      // 2 = 200%, 1.5 = 150%, etc..
             speed: 600,    // Speed of the enter/exit transition
             transition: false,   // Set a transition on enter/exit.
             axis: "y",    // What axis should be banned. Can be "x", "y", or null
             reset: true,   // If the tilt effect has to be reset on exit.
             easing: "cubic-bezier(.03,.98,.52,.99)",    // Easing on enter/exit.
             glare: false,  // if it should have a "glare" effect
             "max-glare": 0.8,      // the maximum "glare" opacity (1 = 100%, 0.5 = 50%)
             "glare-prerender": false,  // false = VanillaTilt creates the glare elements for you, otherwise
             // you need to add .js-tilt-glare>.js-tilt-glare-inner by yourself
             "mouse-event-element": null,   // css-selector or link to HTML-element what will be listen mouse events
             gyroscope: true,   // Boolean to enable/disable device orientation detection,
             gyroscopeMinAngleX: -45,    // This is the bottom limit of the device angle on X axis, meaning that a device rotated at this angle would tilt the element as if the mouse was on the left border of the element;
             gyroscopeMaxAngleX: 45,     // This is the top limit of the device angle on X axis, meaning that a device rotated at this angle would tilt the element as if the mouse was on the right border of the element;
             gyroscopeMinAngleY: -45,    // This is the bottom limit of the device angle on Y axis, meaning that a device rotated at this angle would tilt the element as if the mouse was on the top border of the element;
             gyroscopeMaxAngleY: 45,     // This is the top limit of the device angle on Y axis, meaning that a device rotated at this angle would tilt the element as if the mouse was on the bottom border of the element;
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     let endTransitionHeight;
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     endTransitionHeight = $content.offset().top - 75;
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         startTransitionHeight = $bannerContainer.offset().top - 75;
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             toolbar.style.setProperty('-webkit-box-shadow', '');
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                 toolbar.style.setProperty('-webkit-backdrop-filter', 'blur(16px)');
         let transparency = (scrollTop - startTransitionHeight) / (endTransitionHeight - startTransitionHeight) * maxOpacity;
         toolbar.style.setProperty('background-color', 'rgba(var(--toolbar-color), ' + transparency, 'important');
         toolbar.style.setProperty('box-shadow', '');
         if (argonConfig.toolbar_blur) {
             toolbar.style.setProperty('backdrop-filter', 'blur(16px)');
             toolbar.style.setProperty('-webkit-backdrop-filter', 'blur(16px)');
     document.addEventListener("scroll", changeToolbarTransparency, { passive: true });




外观 - 左侧栏小工具 - 年度倒计时( 简码 )

 <div class="progress-wrapper" style="padding: 0">
     <div class="progress-info">
         <div class="progress-label">
             <span id="yearprogress_yearname"></span>
         <div id="yearprogress_text_container" class="progress-percentage">
             <span id="yearprogress_progresstext"></span>
             <span id="yearprogress_progresstext_full"></span>
     <div class="progress">
         <div id="yearprogress_progressbar" class="progress-bar bg-primary"></div>
 <script no-pjax="">
     function yearprogress_refresh() {
         let year = new Date().getFullYear();
         let from = new Date(year, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
         let to = new Date(year, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59);
         let now = new Date();
         let progress = (((now - from) / (to - from + 1)) * 100).toFixed(7);
         let progressshort = (((now - from) / (to - from + 1)) * 100).toFixed(2);
         $("#yearprogress_progresstext").text(progressshort + "%");
         $("#yearprogress_progresstext_full").text(progress + "%");
         $("#yearprogress_progressbar").css("width", progress + "%");
     if (typeof yearProgressIntervalHasSet == "undefined") {
         var yearProgressIntervalHasSet = true;
         setInterval(function () {
         }, 500);
     #yearprogress_text_container {
         width: 100%;
         height: 22px;
         overflow: hidden;
         user-select: none;
         #yearprogress_text_container > span {
             transition: all 0.3s ease;
             display: block;
         #yearprogress_text_container:hover > span {
             transform: translateY(-45px);




外观 - 左侧栏小工具 - 统计

需安装插件 - WP Statistics



外观 - 额外CSS

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     /* 一言居中 */
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     /* 个性签名居中 */
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在 外观 - 主题文件编辑器 - functions.php 中添加如下代码

 if ( ! function_exists( 'get_cravatar_url' ) ) {
     *  把Gravatar头像服务替换为Cravatar
     * @param string $url
     * @return string
     function get_cravatar_url( $url ) {
         $sources = array(
         return str_replace( $sources, 'cravatar.cn', $url );
     add_filter( 'um_user_avatar_url_filter', 'get_cravatar_url', 1 );
     add_filter( 'bp_gravatar_url', 'get_cravatar_url', 1 );
     add_filter( 'get_avatar_url', 'get_cravatar_url', 1 );




评论 IP 归属地显示

来源:博主 - 小崽安

首先在 functions.php 文件中添加以下代码

 /* 根据百度IP查询接口获取IP所在地 */ 
 function getCity($ip) {
     $url = "https://opendata.baidu.com/api.php?query=".$ip."&co=&resource_id=6006&format=json&oe=utf8";
     $out = "<div class='comment-useragent'>";
         $out .= "<i class='fa fa-globe'; style='color:blue';></i>" ." ".$ip['data'][0]['location'];
         /*  如果想使用自定义图标库,可以把上面的“$out .=”后面的内容替换成以下代码,在按自定义图标部分的内容进行操作
         $out .= $GLOBALS['UA_ICON']['City2'] ." ".$ip['data'][0]['location'];
         return false;
     $out .= "</div>";
     return apply_filters("argon_comment_ua_icon", $out);

在 functions.php 中定位到以下代码位置

 echo parse_ua_and_icon($comment -> comment_agent);


     echo getCity(get_comment_author_ip());

自定义图标(可选):找到 useragent-parser.php 文件,在最后添加以下代码,用于在归属地前添加图标

$GLOBALS['UA_ICON']['City2'] = '<svg >……</svg>';

上述代码里的 <svg>......</svg> 替换成自己下载的 svg 代码,格式可参照 useragent-parser.php 文件的原有内容


$GLOBALS['UA_ICON']['City2'] = '<svg t="1722076095941" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" p-id="20328" width="200" height="200"><path d="M512 512m-512 0a512 512 0 1 0 1024 0 512 512 0 1 0-1024 0Z" fill="#50BEE8" p-id="20329"></path><path d="M813.632 98.368A509.552 509.552 0 0 1 912 400c0 282.768-229.232 512-512 512a509.552 509.552 0 0 1-301.632-98.368C191.488 941.12 342.032 1024 512 1024c282.768 0 512-229.232 512-512 0-169.968-82.88-320.512-210.368-413.632z" fill="#00A0C5" p-id="20330"></path><path d="M720.752 128.432s7.968-29.312 10.736-50.176c9.616-4.544 48.384 22.304 81.216 56.704-22.176 82.128-73.888 77.232-73.888 77.232s-42.688-0.88-37.744-32.864l19.68-50.896zM605.792 178.528c4.944-9.856 17.248-14.8 29.552-19.728 12.32-4.928 0 22.176-2.448 36.944-2.464 14.8-4.944 22.176 12.304 39.44 17.248 17.232-32.016 4.928-44.336-4.944-12.304-9.84 4.928-51.712 4.928-51.712zM382.736 658.816c-2.464 12.288-25.68 41.84-35.52 61.536-9.856 19.68-14.784 27.072-27.104 36.944-12.32 9.84-19.696 27.104-19.696 27.104l3.152 41.856s12.304 27.072 19.712 39.408c7.376 12.32-14.784 78.816-14.784 78.816-21.328-4.096-41.744-9.824-49.152-29.568-7.376-19.696-18.048-19.696-15.584-41.872 2.464-22.144-34.48-49.264-41.856-61.584-7.392-12.304-17.248-29.568-17.248-41.84 0-12.336-27.104-29.584-27.104-29.584s-49.248-22.16-56.64-32.016c-7.408-9.856-14.784-51.696-17.264-68.928-2.448-17.264 7.392-61.616 7.392-61.616s19.696-14.784 7.376-27.072c-12.304-12.32-14.784-44.32-14.784-44.32l-22.16-24.608s-17.232-24.672-19.712-36.96c-2.448-12.288 0-19.728 2.48-32.032 2.448-12.32-4.928-34.464-4.928-46.8C131.296 140.08 285.632 87.392 285.632 87.392l12.32 51.712s-27.088 7.392-41.872 2.448c-14.784-4.912-22.176-4.912-22.176-4.912l-19.696 27.088s-7.392 17.232-9.856 27.088c-2.448 9.856 4.928 24.608 4.928 24.608s34.48 2.464 34.48-7.392c0-9.84-4.928-14.768-4.928-14.768l-4.928-17.248s22.16-12.304 81.296-7.36c59.104 4.896 36.928 46.768 61.552 56.624 24.624 9.872-19.696 44.304-29.536 64.032-9.856 19.712-24.64-24.608-24.64-24.608s14.784-17.264-9.856-22.16c-24.624-4.96-29.536 27.04-17.232 24.608 12.304-2.448 14.784 14.768 12.304 27.104-2.448 12.304-2.448 27.056-14.784 54.176-12.304 27.072-59.104 27.072-59.104 27.072s7.392 12.352 14.784 27.088c7.376 14.784-2.464 49.264-2.464 59.12 0 9.84-29.552-17.232-34.464-41.872-4.944-24.64-19.712-15.6-29.568-13.136-9.856 2.48-41.872 9.84-46.8-2.448-4.928-12.32-49.248 22.976-61.584 30.352-12.304 7.392-7.376 27.104 12.336 17.248 19.696-9.856 36.944-2.448 32.016 17.232-4.928 19.728-24.64 7.424-22.16 19.728 2.448 12.304 22.16 24.656 27.072 41.888 4.928 17.232 51.728-7.376 66.512-14.768 14.768-7.408 56.64-14.816 61.552 4.912 4.928 19.68 60.16 36.96 77.424 41.856 17.248 4.96 51.696 7.392 71.408 27.104 19.712 19.696-14.752 56.624-17.232 69.008z" fill="#B7D777" p-id="20331"></path><path d="M308.496 944.464s6.384-19.184 11.152-38.848a507.648 507.648 0 0 1-75.008-17.888c2.704 9.056 9.488 13.232 14.704 27.168 7.408 19.744 27.808 25.472 49.152 29.568z" fill="#84BD5A" p-id="20332"></path><path d="M485.12 82.448c-2.448 24.672-45.136 61.584-40.208 71.424 4.912 9.856 3.264 86.224-31.216 49.264-34.48-36.976-68.96-88.672-66.496-113.296 0.496-4.944 1.056-12.72 1.648-21.296 52.272-48.512 170.272-38.592 176.496-27.136-14.784 24.64-37.744 16.432-40.224 41.04zM541.76 227.76c-7.376-12.336 17.232-19.728 17.232-19.728 34.496 7.392 21.36 32.048 18.88 41.872-2.448 9.872-28.704-9.808-36.112-22.144zM930.912 521.664s18.96 27.968 45.984 26.288c-17.76 205.952-189.648 338.224-189.648 338.224-26.288-26.224-13.136-49.216-13.136-49.216l15.84-39.424 4.096-66.48s-8.448-68.976-74.144-36.144c-70.592 18.08-41.024 26.496-112.432 31.472-71.44 4.88-44.368-139.008-44.368-139.008-4.096-59.12 6.56-44.336 6.56-90.32 0-45.952 151.088-19.696 151.088-19.696 98.512 65.68 111.648-14.8 111.648-14.8l72.224-26.272 6.576-32.848-39.408-45.936-59.104-26.304s-27.104 17.248 0 59.12c0 0-9.04 47.616-31.2 35.28l-60.736-74.704s-20.528 35.312-53.376 55.008c-32.816 19.696-88.672-0.832-88.672-0.832s-18.032-55.792 16.448-73.056l50.896-0.816s-10.688-28.736-4.112-55.008c6.56-26.288 21.344-3.264 47.616-22.976 26.288-19.712 44.336 38.56 83.744 32.016 39.408-6.576 19.696-13.136 45.984-26.288 26.272-13.136 45.968 26.288 45.968 26.288l52.56 6.544s-33.68-89.856-45.6-101.936a5.968 5.968 0 0 0-3.664 0.16c0.64-2.096 1.92-1.936 3.664-0.16 30.56 5.664 136.064 186.48 104.944 294.768-10.88-4.848-19.936-8.928-19.936-8.928H891.52l39.392 45.984z" fill="#B7D777" p-id="20333"></path><path d="M930.912 521.664l-26.992-31.472a509.968 509.968 0 0 1-110.48 237.408c0.432 2.112 0.608 3.44 0.608 3.44l-4.096 66.48-15.84 39.424s-13.152 23.008 13.136 49.216c0 0 171.872-132.272 189.648-338.224-27.04 1.696-45.984-26.272-45.984-26.272zM868.512 190.016a6.24 6.24 0 0 1 3.664-0.16c-1.76-1.776-3.04-1.936-3.664 0.16zM912 400c0 25.728-1.952 50.992-5.616 75.696h50.8s9.04 4.08 19.936 8.928c31.12-108.288-74.384-289.088-104.944-294.768 11.92 12.08 45.6 101.936 45.6 101.936l-18.096-2.256c7.84 35.616 12.32 72.496 12.32 110.464z" fill="#84BD5A" p-id="20334"></path></svg>';






$("#fabtn_back_to_top > span > i").removeClass("fa fa-angle-up");
$("#fabtn_back_to_top > span > i").addClass("fa fa-arrow-up");






$("#leftbar_overview_author_image").wrapAll('<a href="/about" /a>');
$("#leftbar_overview_author_name").wrapAll('<a href="/about" /a>');





server="netease" 指定音乐平台为网易云

type = "song" 指单曲类型

id = 2627667701 为音乐的id(打开音乐歌单后,网址显示的id)

开启吸底模式 fixed = "true"

开启迷你模式 "mini = true"

随机播放 order = "random"

关闭底部歌词 lrc-type="0"

server 可改音乐平台,如netease(网易云)、tencent(QQ音乐)

Aplayer 播放器官方文档: APlayer HTML5音乐播放器 | ACE-BLOG (ace520.github.io)

// Aplayer 底部音乐播放器
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/aplayer/dist/APlayer.min.css">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/aplayer/dist/APlayer.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/meting@2.0.1/dist/Meting.min.js"></script>





CSS 样式表

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HTML 底部信息

<div class="github-badge-big">
    <span class="badge-subject"><i class="fa fa-id-card"></i> 备案号 </span>
    <span class="badge-value bg-orange">
        <!-- 备案链接 -->
        <a href="https://beian.miit.gov.cn/" target="_blank" one-link-mark="yes">粤ICP备2024282816号-1</a>

<div class="github-badge-big">
    <span class="badge-subject"><i class="fa fa-cloud" aria-hidden="true"></i>云存储</span>
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        <span id="blog_running_secs" class="odometer odometer-auto-theme"></span>S



JavaScript 网站运行时间脚本

new Date (year, month, date, hrs, min, sec)

其中 month 值域为 0~11

<!-- 运行时间 -->
<div class="github-badge-big">
    <span class="badge-subject"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> Running Time</span>
    <span class="badge-value bg-apricots">
        <span id="blog_running_days" class="odometer odometer-auto-theme"></span>
        <span id="blog_running_hours" class="odometer odometer-auto-theme"></span> H
        <span id="blog_running_mins" class="odometer odometer-auto-theme"></span> M
        <span id="blog_running_secs" class="odometer odometer-auto-theme"></span>S

<script no-pjax="">
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    var blog_running_hours = document.getElementById("blog_running_hours");
    var blog_running_mins = document.getElementById("blog_running_mins");
    var blog_running_secs = document.getElementById("blog_running_secs");
    function refresh_blog_running_time() {
        var time = new Date() - new Date(2024, 6, 25, 0, 0, 0); /*此处日期的月份改为自己真正月份的前一个月*/
        var d = parseInt(time / 24 / 60 / 60 / 1000);
        var h = parseInt((time % (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) / 60 / 60 / 1000);
        var m = parseInt((time % (60 * 60 * 1000)) / 60 / 1000);
        var s = parseInt((time % (60 * 1000)) / 1000);
        blog_running_days.innerHTML = d;
        blog_running_hours.innerHTML = h;
        blog_running_mins.innerHTML = m;
        blog_running_secs.innerHTML = s;
    if (typeof bottomTimeIntervalHasSet == "undefined") {
        var bottomTimeIntervalHasSet = true;
        setInterval(function () {
        }, 500);





Argon 主题修改记录 - 鸦鸦的巢穴 (crowya.com)

Argon主题博客美化 – Echo小窝 (liveout.cn)

主题评论区展示用户归属地 | 并非正文 (bfzw.top)

posted @ 2024-08-25 15:40  -Xiaoyang-  阅读(70)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报