posted @ 2017-03-26 13:33 基点项目师 阅读(8860) 评论(1) 推荐(2) 编辑
dotweb released to Version 1.5!!
What's new?
New features:
* New feature:UploadFile.RandomFileName used to get random file name from uuid
* New feature: encodes.base64x used to quickly use base64 EncodeString and DecodeString
* New feature: session.NewRedisConfig use to create redis session config include serverUrl and storeKeyPre
* if you set custom storeKeyPre, it will be store key start with custom set, default is "dotweb:session:"
* New feature: framewrok.RedisClient add Ping(), to check redis is alived
* New feature: DevelopmentMode:default UseLog,default use RequestLogMiddleware,default Console Print
* New feature: 状态页:访问/dotweb/state时增加CurrentTime字段输出
* New feature: GetSessionStore add Redis Ping check,if not alived, it will be panic error
* New feature: add dotweb.ClassicWithConf(config *config.Config),support Start server with custom config
* New feature:完善RedisClient接口能力
Bug fixed:
* fixed: for #114 dotweb: fix error found by vet
* fixed: for #122 - dotweb没有打出 access log
* fixed: 修正Reponse自动释放时未重置body字段,导致内存溢出BUG
* fixed: for #112 自定义处理异常的时候设置返回数据的content-type 但是没有生效
* 合并const目录内容至consts文件,统一const定义文件
* 移除example/static
* 新增example/developmode,便于对developmode的理解
* 调整: dotweb.Classic移除自动UseRequestLog逻辑
* 调整:Session Redis模式时,新增sessionReExpire用于重置有效期,避免调用SessionUpdate导致不必要的redis数据交换
* 调整:Cache.Runtime调整map为sync.Map
* 调整:Session Redis模式时,gob.EncodeMap逻辑调整,移除自动注册interface{}
* 调整:UploadFile.Size实现方法,直接返回Header.Size数据
* 调整:dotweb.Classic签名为Classic(logPath string),若传入logPath为空,则默认以"bin-root/logs"为日志目录
* 调整:默认Log目录由"bin-root"为"bin-root/logs"
* 调整:CharsetUTF8值为"charset=utf-8"
* 调整:内置Vendor目录仅保留包,移除redis与yaml包
posted @ 2018-06-08 17:39 基点项目师 阅读(205) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑