
129: Sum Root to Leaf Numbers

463: Island Perimeter



Fixing Linux filesystem performance regressions




:sort i
:reg show registers content
"xy yank into register x
"xp paste contents of register x
:v/regex/d 只保留有匹配的行
:set wrap! toggle wrap
:set cul! toggle cursor line
:set cuc! toggle cursor column
`` switch cursor
ctrl+O back cursor
ctrl+I forward cursor
sp、vsp split view
ctrl + s/v split view key
ctrl w w toggle window
ctrl w h/j/k/l toggle window next/pre
ctrl w n/c/q window new/close/quit
ctrl w =/_/| window resize/x height/x width
zz/zt/zb center/top/bottom cusor in the screen
H、L、M move cusor to top、bottom、middle
ctrl + e move screen down
ctrl + y move screen up
ctrl + f / b / d/ u page up / down /half
:set rnu/nornu
% match parenthesis or bracket, everywhere
:%s/old/new/g change in whole file(without g, only the first of every line)
😒/old/new/g change in a line(without g, only the first)
:#,#s/old/new/gc betweent the two lines, with c means confirmation
:.,$s/old/new/g substitute from current line to file end
:.,+8s/old/new/g substitute to next 8 line
:/FROM/,/TO/s/old/new/g substitute betweent FROM and TO
shift+v & 😒 substitute in select lines
/ and ? search forward or backward
:w fileName then :!pwd/ls/rm
:#,# w fileName write part
:r fileName retrieve and merge
r or R R replace more
gv last visual selection
o when selection,toggle pos
ctrl + n/p auto complete


学习如何有效决策 - 《原则》 - RAY DALIO


  1. 影响好决策的最重大的威胁是有害的情绪
  2. 决策是一个两步流程,先了解后决定,先把了解做好
  3. 综合分析眼前的形势,包括可信的人、区分观点和事实、避免眼前的夸大、避免过度细节。
  4. 综合分析变化中的形势,包括关注改善的速度和水平、粗略预估、关键性因素。
  5. 综合考虑各个层次,定位问题所在的层次,在合理的层次决策。
  6. 基于证据、符合逻辑、理性和常识进行决策,更具体的关注期望、概率、时机、顺序(先做必做之事和重要之事)等。
  7. 简化、使用原则、记录和评估。
posted @ 2020-11-03 00:13  Jeff_p  阅读(60)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报