python3 购物程序
选择增加商品及价格:格式: 商品名称 价格
python 版本 3.5
#Author by Andy #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import sys,time,os sys.path.append("E:\my python study\day2") import login_new #定义显示商品列表函数 def product_list(): with open(r'E:\my python study\files\product_list.txt',encoding='utf-8') as f: for index,item in enumerate(f.readlines()): print(item,end='') print('\n') #定义增加商品函数 def add_product(): while True: with open(r'E:\my python study\files\product_list.txt', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as f: Product=input('请输入增加的商品名称及价格:') if Product=='q' or Product=='Q': product_list() exit() else: f.write(Product) f.write('\n') f.close() product_list() #定义修改商品价格函数 def edit_product(): while True: f2 = open(r'E:\my python study\files\product_list.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') with open(r'E:\my python study\files\product_list.txt','r+',encoding='utf-8') as f: print("您的商品列表:") product_list() old=input("请输入要修改的商品名称及价格:") if old == 'q' or old == 'Q': print(product_list()) exit() else: new=input("请输入修改后的商品名称及价格:") if new == 'q' or new== 'Q': print(product_list()) exit() else: for line in f: if old in line: line=line.replace(old,new) f2.write(line) print(product_list()) #定义判断是否第一次登录及充值函数 def chk_first_login(): if os.path.exists(r"E:\my python study\files\balance.txt"): with open(r'E:\my python study\files\balance.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for Balance in f.readlines(): print('欢迎光临,您目前的余额为:', Balance) else: with open(r'E:\my python study\files\balance.txt', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: print('欢迎光临,第一次使用,请先充值!') Balance = input('请输入充值金额:') f.write(Balance) print('正在充值,请稍候', end='') for i in range(10): sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) print('\n充值成功!祝您购物愉快^_^') #定义获取价格函数 def get_price(x): with open(r'E:\my python study\files\product_list.txt',encoding='utf-8') as f: item=[] price=[] for i in f.readlines(): item.append(i.split()[0]) price.append(i.split()[1]) s=zip(item,price) d={} for k,v in s: d[k]=v if x not in d.keys(): print("输入错误,请重新输入!") buy_main() else: return int(d[x]) #定义获取余额函数 def get_balance(): with open(r'E:\my python study\files\balance.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: return int(balance) #定义购物车记录函数 def shopping_record(record): with open(r'E:\my python study\files\shopping_cart.txt', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as f: for i in record: f.write('%s\n'%(i)) #定义获取购物记录函数 def get_shopping_record(): with open(r'E:\my python study\files\shopping_cart.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: print( #定义购买函数 def buy_main(): choice=input("输入商品名称购买商品,退出请按q!:") if choice == 'q' or choice =='Q': print('我的购物车:',end='') get_shopping_record() print("欢迎下次光临,再见!") exit() else: Price = int(get_price(choice)) print("您要购买的商品价格为:%s" %(Price)) Balance=get_balance() if Price > Balance: print("\033[31;1m对不起,您的余额不足!\033[0m") else: print("您购买的%s 已添加至购物车"%(choice)) Balance=str(Balance - Price) with open(r'E:\my python study\files\balance.txt', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(Balance) Shopping_cart=[] Shopping_cart.append(choice) shopping_record(Shopping_cart) ####################################################################################################################### def fun_customers(): login_name = input("Login:") login_pass = input("Password:") login_new.confirm(login_name,login_pass) chk_first_login() time.sleep(1) print("我们有一下商品供您选购:") product_list() while True: buy_main() def fun_seller(): login_name = input("Login:") login_pass = input("Password:") login_new.confirm(login_name, login_pass) print("您的商品列表:") product_list() while True: print("增加商品输入a,修改商品价格输入)c:") choice=input(":") if choice=='a': add_product() elif choice=='c': edit_product() else: print("输入错误,请重新输入!") ##################################################################################################################### print("商家入口输入s") print("用户入口输入c") role=input(":") while True: if role =='c' or role=='C': fun_customers() elif role == 's' or role == 'B': fun_seller() elif role == 'q' or role == 'Q': print("谢谢使用!") else: print('输入错误,请重新输入!')
#Author by Andy #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ #定义校验用户名及密码函数 def confirm(x,y): login_name = x login_pass = y _username = open(r"E:\my python study\files\username.txt") username_list = [] for username in _username.readlines(): username_list.append(username.strip("\n")) _username.close() _password = open(r"E:\my python study\files\password.txt") password_list = [] for passwd in _password.readlines(): password_list.append(passwd.strip("\n")) _password.close() passwd_dict = {} s = zip(username_list, password_list) for k, v in s: passwd_dict[k] = v if passwd_dict[login_name] != login_pass: print ("username or password wrong!") return 1 else: # print ("Welcome!") return 0