C语言 猜字游戏
#include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> main() { char c; clock_t start, end; time_t a, b; double var; int i, guess; int YY; srand(time(NULL)); printf("do you want to play it.('y' or 'n') \n"); loop: while((c=getchar()) == 'y') { i = rand()%100; YY = 1; printf("\nPlease input number you guess:\n"); start = clock(); a = time(NULL); scanf("%d", &guess); while(guess!=i) { printf("%d %c\n", guess, guess); if(guess>i) { printf("please input a little smaller.\n"); if(!scanf("%d", &guess)){YY = 0;break;}; } else { printf("please input a little bigger.\n"); if(!scanf("%d", &guess)){YY = 0;break;}; } } end = clock(); b = time(NULL); printf("\1: It took you %6.3f seconds\n", var=(double)(end-start)/1000); printf("\1: It took you %6.3f seconds\n\n", difftime(b, a)); if(YY == 0) { printf("input data type error!"); } else if(var < 15 && YY == 1) { printf("\1\1 You are vary clever! \1\1\n\n"); } else if(var < 25 && YY == 1) { printf("\1\1 you are normal! \1\1\n\n"); } else { printf("\1\1 you are stupid!\1\1\n\n"); } if(YY == 1) { printf("The number you guess is %d", i); } } printf("\nDo you want to try t again?(\"y\".or.\"n\")\n"); if((c=getch()) == 'y') goto loop; }
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