
mysqladmin -S /tmp/mysql3306.sock -p'123456' -r -i 1 ext |\
awk -F"|" \
"BEGIN{ count=0; }"\
'{ if($2 ~ /Variable_name/ && ((++count)%20 == 1)){\
print "----------|---------|--- MySQL Command Status --|----- Innodb row operation ----|-- Buffer Pool Read --";\
print "---Time---|---QPS---|select insert update delete| read inserted updated deleted| logical physical";\
else if ($2 ~ /Queries/){queries=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Com_select /){com_select=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Com_insert /){com_insert=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Com_update /){com_update=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Com_delete /){com_delete=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_rows_read/){innodb_rows_read=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_rows_deleted/){innodb_rows_deleted=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_rows_inserted/){innodb_rows_inserted=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_rows_updated/){innodb_rows_updated=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests/){innodb_lor=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Innodb_buffer_pool_reads/){innodb_phr=$3;}\
else if ($2 ~ /Uptime / && count >= 2){\
printf(" %s |%9d",strftime("%H:%M:%S"),queries);\
printf("|%6d %6d %6d %6d",com_select,com_insert,com_update,com_delete);\
printf("|%6d %8d %7d %7d",innodb_rows_read,innodb_rows_inserted,innodb_rows_updated,innodb_rows_deleted);\
printf("|%10d %11d\n",innodb_lor,innodb_phr);\


[root@mysql-zst ~]# sh mysql.sh 
mysqladmin: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
----------|---------|--- MySQL Command Status --|----- Innodb row operation ----|-- Buffer Pool Read --
---Time---|---QPS---|select insert update delete|  read inserted updated deleted|   logical    physical
 12:14:45 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:46 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:47 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:47 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:49 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:50 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:51 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:52 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:52 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:54 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:55 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:56 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:57 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:57 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:14:59 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:15:00 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:15:01 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:15:02 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0
 12:15:03 |        1|     0      0      0      0|     0        0       0       0|         0           0


posted @ 2017-03-03 12:29  BigZero  阅读(848)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报