postgresql 分区 partition by
CREATE TABLE testdb (like testdb_old) partition by range(vdate)
CREATE TABLE cbd_cbdmodeldetails_1_2 PARTITION OF cbd_cbdmodeldetails FOR VALUES FROM (1) TO (3); CREATE TABLE cbd_cbdmodeldetails_3_6 PARTITION OF cbd_cbdmodeldetails FOR VALUES FROM (3) TO (7); --顾头不顾尾
1. 不存在列
-- auto-increment constraint for a new column ALTER TABLE public.products ADD COLUMN id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY;
2. 已存在列但是没数据
-- create sequence CREATE SEQUENCE public_products_id_seq OWNED BY; -- use sequence for the target column ALTER TABLE public.products ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public_products_id_seq');
3. 已经存在列并且已经有数据
-- create sequence CREATE SEQUENCE public_products_id_seq OWNED BY; -- set the current value of the sequence to the max value from that column -- (id column in this scenario) SELECT SETVAL('public_products_id_seq', (select max(id) from public.products), false) -- use sequence for the target column ALTER TABLE public.products ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public_products_id_seq');
from sqlalchemy import create_engine odoo_conn = create_engine('postgresql://user:pswd@') def createPartitionByName(tabname: str, interval: int): tmptab = tabname + '_2' renamesql = '''alter table %s rename to %s''' % (tabname, tmptab) createsql = '''create table %s (like %s) partition by range (id)''' % (tabname, tmptab) seqname = tabname + '_id_seq_1' ownid = tabname + '.id' createseq = '''CREATE SEQUENCE %s OWNED BY %s;''' % (seqname, ownid) altersql = '''ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('%s');''' % (tabname, seqname) dropsql = '''drop table %s''' % tmptab for sql in [renamesql, createsql, createseq, altersql]: print('执行sql: ', sql) odoo_conn.execute(sql) print('执行完成') endnum = 0 for i in range(20): startnum = endnum + 1 endnum = startnum + interval createPartionTable(tabname, startnum, endnum) print('drop tbale') odoo_conn.execute(dropsql) def createPartionTable(tabname, startnum, endnum): print(tabname, startnum, endnum) print('values from', startnum, 'to', endnum) sql = '''CREATE TABLE %s_%s_%s PARTITION OF %s FOR VALUES FROM (%s) TO (%s);''' % (tabname, startnum, endnum, tabname, startnum, endnum+1) odoo_conn.execute(sql) print('创建完成') createPartitionByName('cbd_huilv', interval=1000000)