实现代码:js:view的类型原来1个js给拆分成了4个: view, controller, renderer, model
1、view:AbstractView的子类,这是工厂类:类需要解析 arch字段并设置其它3个类
2、Renderer :渲染器,来自 AbstractRenderer:负责在用户界面中展示数据;
3、Controller:一个控制器 (来看AbstractController):用于协调、与网页客户端对话
4、Model:一个模型 (来自 AbstractModel):用于和服务端对话、加载数据并处理数据
var MapController = AbstractController.extend({});
var MapRenderer = AbstractRenderer.extend({});
var MapModel = AbstractModel.extend({});
var MapView = AbstractView.extend({
config: {
Model: MapModel,
Controller: MapController,
Renderer: MapRenderer,
var viewRegistry = require('web.view_registry');
viewRegistry.add('helpdesk_dashboard', HelpdeskDashboardView);
三、现在我们需要告知网页客户端指定的 ir.ui.view需要使用我们的新类。注意这是一个网页客户端的具体考虑。
<record id="helpdesk_team_view_kanban" model="ir.ui.view" >
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<kanban js_class="helpdesk_dashboard">
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This Dashboard is added to the top of list and kanban Purchase * views, it extends both views with essentially the same code except for * _onDashboardActionClicked function so we can apply filters without changing our * current view. * / var core = require( 'web.core' ); / / 这里是列表视图上的扩展:导入的模块 var ListController = require( 'web.ListController' ); var ListModel = require( 'web.ListModel' ); var ListRenderer = require( 'web.ListRenderer' ); var ListView = require( 'web.ListView' ); / / 这里是kanban视图上的扩展: var KanbanController = require( 'web.KanbanController' ); var KanbanModel = require( 'web.KanbanModel' ); var KanbanRenderer = require( 'web.KanbanRenderer' ); var KanbanView = require( 'web.KanbanView' ); var SampleServer = require( 'web.SampleServer' ); / / 注册模块 var view_registry = require( 'web.view_registry' ); var QWeb = core.qweb; / / Add mock of method 'retrieve_dashboard' in SampleServer, so that we can have / / the sample data in empty purchase kanban and list view let dashboardValues; SampleServer.mockRegistry.add( 'purchase.order/retrieve_dashboard' , () = > { return Object .assign({}, dashboardValues); }); / / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / / List View / / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / / 渲染renderer var PurchaseListDashboardRenderer = ListRenderer.extend({ events:_.extend({}, ListRenderer.prototype.events, { 'click .o_dashboard_action' : '_onDashboardActionClicked' , }), / * * * @override * @private * @returns {Promise} * / _renderView: function () { var self = this; return this._super. apply (this, arguments).then(function () { var values = self .state.dashboardValues; var purchase_dashboard = QWeb.render( 'purchase.PurchaseDashboard' , { values: values, }); self .$el.prepend(purchase_dashboard); }); }, / * * * @private * @param {MouseEvent} * / _onDashboardActionClicked: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $action = $(e.currentTarget); this.trigger_up( 'dashboard_open_action' , { action_name: $action.attr( 'name' ) + "_list" , action_context: $action.attr( 'context' ), }); }, }); / / 模型 model var PurchaseListDashboardModel = ListModel.extend({ / * * * @override * / init: function () { this.dashboardValues = {}; this._super. apply (this, arguments); }, / * * * @override * / __get: function (localID) { var result = this._super. apply (this, arguments); if (_.isObject(result)) { result.dashboardValues = this.dashboardValues[localID]; } return result; }, / * * * @override * @returns {Promise} * / __load: function () { return this._loadDashboard(this._super. apply (this, arguments)); }, / * * * @override * @returns {Promise} * / __reload: function () { return this._loadDashboard(this._super. apply (this, arguments)); }, / * * * @private * @param {Promise} super_def a promise that resolves with a dataPoint id * @returns {Promise - > string} resolves to the dataPoint id * / _loadDashboard: function (super_def) { var self = this; var dashboard_def = this._rpc({ model: 'purchase.order' , method: 'retrieve_dashboard' , }); return Promise. all ([super_def, dashboard_def]).then(function(results) { var id = results[ 0 ]; dashboardValues = results[ 1 ]; self .dashboardValues[ id ] = dashboardValues; return id ; }); }, }); / / 控制器:controller var PurchaseListDashboardController = ListController.extend({ custom_events: _.extend({}, ListController.prototype.custom_events, { dashboard_open_action: '_onDashboardOpenAction' , }), / * * * @private * @param {OdooEvent} e * / _onDashboardOpenAction: function (e) { return this.do_action(e.data.action_name, {additional_context: JSON.parse(e.data.action_context)}); }, }); / / 视图 view var PurchaseListDashboardView = ListView.extend({ config: _.extend({}, ListView.prototype.config, { Model: PurchaseListDashboardModel, Renderer: PurchaseListDashboardRenderer, Controller: PurchaseListDashboardController, }), }); / / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / / Kanban View / / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - var PurchaseKanbanDashboardRenderer = KanbanRenderer.extend({ events:_.extend({}, KanbanRenderer.prototype.events, { 'click .o_dashboard_action' : '_onDashboardActionClicked' , }), / * * * @override * @private * @returns {Promise} * / _render: function () { var self = this; return this._super. apply (this, arguments).then(function () { var values = self .state.dashboardValues; var purchase_dashboard = QWeb.render( 'purchase.PurchaseDashboard' , { values: values, }); self .$el.prepend(purchase_dashboard); }); }, / * * * @private * @param {MouseEvent} * / _onDashboardActionClicked: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $action = $(e.currentTarget); this.trigger_up( 'dashboard_open_action' , { action_name: $action.attr( 'name' ) + "_kanban" , action_context: $action.attr( 'context' ), }); }, }); var = KanbanModel.extend({ / * * * @override * / init: function () { this.dashboardValues = {}; this._super. apply (this, arguments); }, / * * * @override * / __get: function (localID) { var result = this._super. apply (this, arguments); if (_.isObject(result)) { result.dashboardValues = this.dashboardValues[localID]; } return result; }, / * * * @override * @returns {Promise} * / __load: function () { return this._loadDashboard(this._super. apply (this, arguments)); }, / * * * @override * @returns {Promise} * / __reload: function () { return this._loadDashboard(this._super. apply (this, arguments)); }, / * * * @private * @param {Promise} super_def a promise that resolves with a dataPoint id * @returns {Promise - > string} resolves to the dataPoint id * / _loadDashboard: function (super_def) { var self = this; var dashboard_def = this._rpc({ model: 'purchase.order' , method: 'retrieve_dashboard' , }); return Promise. all ([super_def, dashboard_def]).then(function(results) { var id = results[ 0 ]; dashboardValues = results[ 1 ]; self .dashboardValues[ id ] = dashboardValues; return id ; }); }, }); var PurchaseKanbanDashboardController = KanbanController.extend({ custom_events: _.extend({}, KanbanController.prototype.custom_events, { dashboard_open_action: '_onDashboardOpenAction' , }), / * * * @private * @param {OdooEvent} e * / _onDashboardOpenAction: function (e) { return this.do_action(e.data.action_name, {additional_context: JSON.parse(e.data.action_context)}); }, }); 通过VIEW来设置它 var PurchaseKanbanDashboardView = KanbanView.extend({ config: _.extend({}, KanbanView.prototype.config, { Model: PurchaseKanbanDashboardModel, Renderer: PurchaseKanbanDashboardRenderer, Controller: PurchaseKanbanDashboardController, }), }); / / 视图类型和实际类之间的映射需要进行更新 view_registry.add( 'purchase_list_dashboard' , PurchaseListDashboardView); view_registry.add( 'purchase_kanban_dashboard' , PurchaseKanbanDashboardView); return { PurchaseListDashboardModel: PurchaseListDashboardModel, PurchaseListDashboardRenderer: PurchaseListDashboardRenderer, PurchaseListDashboardController: PurchaseListDashboardController, PurchaseKanbanDashboardModel: PurchaseKanbanDashboardModel, PurchaseKanbanDashboardRenderer: PurchaseKanbanDashboardRenderer, PurchaseKanbanDashboardController: PurchaseKanbanDashboardController }; }); |
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | <?xml version = "1.0" ?> <odoo> <template id = "assets_backend" name = "purchase assets" inherit_id = "web.assets_backend" > <xpath expr = "." position = "inside" > <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/scss" href = "/purchase/static/src/scss/purchase.scss" / > <script type = "text/javascript" src = "/purchase/static/src/js/purchase_dashboard.js" >< / script> < / xpath> < / template> < / odoo> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 1. <kanban class = "o_kanban_mobile" js_class = "purchase_kanban_dashboard" sample = "1" >< / kanban> 2. <tree class = "o_kanban_mobile" js_class = "purchase_kanban_dashboard" sample = "1" >< / tree> |
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