xunsearch 在 window 下测试实践(2)
# 先上测试效果:
# Xunsearch 搜索骨架代码
# 《XUNSEARCH 10分钟入门》
# 在 Laravel框架 下,还有 Xunsearch 生成的骨架代码基础上,测试 Xunsearch 基础用法;代码导入数据、更新、删除、搜索,基本功能就有了;
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Post; use Carbon\Carbon; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator; use Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator; //加载XS.php require_once "../vendor/xunsearch/lib/XS.php"; class XunsearchController extends Controller { public function __construct() { } /** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index(Request $request) { $keyword = !empty($request->all()['wd']) ? $request->all()['wd'] : ''; $page = !empty($request->all()['page']) ? $request->all()['page'] : 1; // TODO xunsearch 迅搜测试 if($keyword){ $count = $total = $search_cost = 0; $docs = $related = $corrected = $hot = array(); $error = $pager = ''; try { $xs = new \XS('laravel'); //// 创建 XS 对象 $index = $xs->index; // 获取索引对象 $search = $xs->search; // 获取搜索对象 // TODO 清空索引 $index->clean(); die; $arr = Post::all()->toArray(); foreach ($arr as $v){ $document = new \XSDocument($v); // TODO 添加数据,不管是否已经存在相同主键数据 $index->add($document); // TODO 更新数据,同主键则更新数据,不同则添加(推荐) $index->update($document); // TODO 删除数据,传入主键,单个可直接传,多个放数组中,例如 array(1, 3, 5) if(in_array($v['id'], [2, 4])){ // 删除掉主键为 2,4的数据 $index->del($v['id']); } } // 同步索引数据 $index->flushIndex(); } catch (\XSException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; exit; } $listRows = 3; $search->setLimit($listRows, $listRows*($page-1)); // 设置偏移量 $search_begin = microtime(true); $docs = $search->setQuery($keyword)->search(); // 查询 $search_cost = microtime(true) - $search_begin; // $count = $search->count($keyword); // // 直接检索关键词的数量 $count = $search->getLastCount(); // 获取搜索总数,这个和count()的不一样是不用传入搜索词 $total = $search->getDbTotal(); // TODO 返回纠正后的关键词组成的数组 if ($count < 1 || $count < ceil(0.001 * $total)) { $corrected = $search->getCorrectedQuery(); } $hot = $search->getHotQuery(); $related = $search->getRelatedQuery($keyword, 5); $post = []; foreach ($docs as $key=>$doc){ $post[$key]->id = $doc->id; // 高亮处理标题 $post[$key]->title = $search->highlight($doc->title); // 高亮处理标题 $post[$key]->body = $search->highlight($doc->body); // 高亮处理标题 } $paginator = new LengthAwarePaginator($post, $count, $listRows, $page, [ 'path' => Paginator::resolveCurrentPath(), 'pageName' => 'page', ]); // TODO 添加参数到分页链接 $paginator->appends(['wd'=>$keyword]); $data = array( 'post'=>$post, 'paginator'=>$paginator, 'count' => $count, 'total' => $total, 'search_cost' => $search_cost, 'corrected' => $corrected, 'hot' => $hot, 'related' => $related, ); return view('post.index', $data); }
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