
Posted on 2018-02-26 17:57  王将军之武库  阅读(466)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
class Deferred:

    called = False#类变量,在实例中引用时会自动在实例中生成
    paused = False
    _debugInfo = None
    _suppressAlreadyCalled = False

    # Are we currently running a user-installed callback?  Meant to prevent
    # recursive running of callbacks when a reentrant call to add a callback is
    # used.
    _runningCallbacks = False

    # Keep this class attribute for now, for compatibility with code that
    # sets it directly.
    debug = False

    _chainedTo = None

    def __init__(self, canceller=None):
        self.callbacks = []#存放回调函数的,每个回调函数的参数是一样的
        self._canceller = canceller
        if self.debug:
            self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
            self._debugInfo.creator = traceback.format_stack()[:-1]

    def addCallbacks(self, callback, errback=None,
                     callbackArgs=None, callbackKeywords=None,
                     errbackArgs=None, errbackKeywords=None):
        Add a pair of callbacks (success and error) to this L{Deferred}.

        These will be executed when the 'master' callback is run.

        @return: C{self}.
        @rtype: a L{Deferred}
        assert callable(callback)
        assert errback is None or callable(errback)
        cbs = ((callback, callbackArgs, callbackKeywords),
               (errback or (passthru), errbackArgs, errbackKeywords))

        if self.called:#如果已经回调了,就运行回调
        return self

    def addCallback(self, callback, *args, **kw):
        Convenience method for adding just a callback.

        See L{addCallbacks}.
        return self.addCallbacks(callback, callbackArgs=args,

    def addErrback(self, errback, *args, **kw):
        Convenience method for adding just an errback.

        See L{addCallbacks}.
        return self.addCallbacks(passthru, errback,

    def addBoth(self, callback, *args, **kw):
        Convenience method for adding a single callable as both a callback
        and an errback.

        See L{addCallbacks}.
        return self.addCallbacks(callback, callback,
                                 callbackArgs=args, errbackArgs=args,
                                 callbackKeywords=kw, errbackKeywords=kw)

    def addTimeout(self, timeout, clock, onTimeoutCancel=None):
        timedOut = [False]

        def timeItOut():
            timedOut[0] = True

        delayedCall = clock.callLater(timeout, timeItOut)

        def convertCancelled(value):
            # if C{deferred} was timed out, call the translation function,
            # if provdied, otherwise just use L{cancelledToTimedOutError}
            if timedOut[0]:
                toCall = onTimeoutCancel or _cancelledToTimedOutError
                return toCall(value, timeout)
            return value


        def cancelTimeout(result):
            # stop the pending call to cancel the deferred if it's been fired
            return result

        return self

    def chainDeferred(self, d):
        d._chainedTo = self#把自己链接到d
        return self.addCallbacks(d.callback, d.errback)

    def callback(self, result):
        assert not isinstance(result, Deferred)

    def errback(self, fail=None):
        if fail is None:
            fail = failure.Failure(captureVars=self.debug)
        elif not isinstance(fail, failure.Failure):
            fail = failure.Failure(fail)


    def pause(self):#在runcallback时会判断paused是否为0,不为0的话会直接返回
        Stop processing on a L{Deferred} until L{unpause}() is called.
        self.paused = self.paused + 1

    def unpause(self):
        Process all callbacks made since L{pause}() was called.
        self.paused = self.paused - 1
        if self.paused:
        if self.called:

    def cancel(self):
        if not self.called:
            canceller = self._canceller
            if canceller:
                # Arrange to eat the callback that will eventually be fired
                # since there was no real canceller.
                self._suppressAlreadyCalled = True
            if not self.called:
                # There was no canceller, or the canceller didn't call
                # callback or errback.
        elif isinstance(self.result, Deferred):
            # Waiting for another deferred -- cancel it instead.

    def _startRunCallbacks(self, result):
        if self.called:
            if self._suppressAlreadyCalled:
                self._suppressAlreadyCalled = False
            if self.debug:
                if self._debugInfo is None:
                    self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
                extra = "\n" + self._debugInfo._getDebugTracebacks()
                raise AlreadyCalledError(extra)
            raise AlreadyCalledError
        if self.debug:
            if self._debugInfo is None:
                self._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
            self._debugInfo.invoker = traceback.format_stack()[:-2]
        self.called = True
        self.result = result#为结果赋值

    def _continuation(self):#回调函数返回deferred时,放置一个标志callback。
        Build a tuple of callback and errback with L{_CONTINUE}.
        return ((_CONTINUE, (self,), None),
                (_CONTINUE, (self,), None))

    def _runCallbacks(self):
        if self._runningCallbacks:#如果正在运行回调,就返回
            # Don't recursively run callbacks

        # Keep track of all the Deferreds encountered while propagating results
        # up a chain.  The way a Deferred gets onto this stack is by having
        # added its _continuation() to the callbacks list of a second Deferred
        # and then that second Deferred being fired.  ie, if ever had _chainedTo
        # set to something other than None, you might end up on this stack.
        chain = [self]#chain队列

        while chain:
            current = chain[-1]#current为自己

            if current.paused:
                # This Deferred isn't going to produce a result at all.  All the
                # Deferreds up the chain waiting on it will just have to...
                # wait.

            finished = True
            current._chainedTo = None
            while current.callbacks:
                item = current.callbacks.pop(0)#从回调队列的第一开始调用,调用完后就从队列中remove
                callback, args, kw = item[
                    isinstance(current.result, failure.Failure)]#根据result选择callback,还是errback
                args = args or ()
                kw = kw or {}

                # Avoid recursion if we can.
                if callback is _CONTINUE:#说明该deferred对象有前级,要进入前级的调用
                    # Give the waiting Deferred our current result and then
                    # forget about that result ourselves.
                    chainee = args[0]
                    chainee.result = current.result
                    current.result = None
                    # Making sure to update _debugInfo
                    if current._debugInfo is not None:
                        current._debugInfo.failResult = None
                    chainee.paused -= 1#前级暂停数减1
                    # Delay cleaning this Deferred and popping it from the chain
                    # until after we've dealt with chainee.
                    finished = False

                    current._runningCallbacks = True#在运行标志
                        current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
                        if current.result is current:
                                "Callback returned the Deferred "
                                "it was attached to; this breaks the "
                                "callback chain and will raise an "
                                "exception in the future.")
                        current._runningCallbacks = False#取消在运行标志
                    # Including full frame information in the Failure is quite
                    # expensive, so we avoid it unless self.debug is set.
                    current.result = failure.Failure(captureVars=self.debug)
                    if isinstance(current.result, Deferred):#返回结果是deferred
                        # The result is another Deferred.  If it has a result,
                        # we can take it and keep going.
                        resultResult = getattr(current.result, 'result', _NO_RESULT)
                        if resultResult is _NO_RESULT or isinstance(resultResult, Deferred) or current.result.paused:
                            # Nope, it didn't.  Pause and chain.
                            current._chainedTo = current.result
                            # Note: current.result has no result, so it's not
                            # running its callbacks right now.  Therefore we can
                            # append to the callbacks list directly instead of
                            # using addCallbacks.
                            # Yep, it did.  Steal it.
                            current.result.result = None
                            # Make sure _debugInfo's failure state is updated.
                            if current.result._debugInfo is not None:
                                current.result._debugInfo.failResult = None
                            current.result = resultResult

            if finished:
                # As much of the callback chain - perhaps all of it - as can be
                # processed right now has been.  The current Deferred is waiting on
                # another Deferred or for more callbacks.  Before finishing with it,
                # make sure its _debugInfo is in the proper state.
                if isinstance(current.result, failure.Failure):
                    # Stash the Failure in the _debugInfo for unhandled error
                    # reporting.
                    if current._debugInfo is None:
                        current._debugInfo = DebugInfo()
                    current._debugInfo.failResult = current.result
                    # Clear out any Failure in the _debugInfo, since the result
                    # is no longer a Failure.
                    if current._debugInfo is not None:
                        current._debugInfo.failResult = None

                # This Deferred is done, pop it from the chain and move back up
                # to the Deferred which supplied us with our result.

    def __str__(self):
        Return a string representation of this C{Deferred}.
        cname = self.__class__.__name__
        result = getattr(self, 'result', _NO_RESULT)
        myID = id(self)
        if self._chainedTo is not None:
            result = ' waiting on Deferred at 0x%x' % (id(self._chainedTo),)
        elif result is _NO_RESULT:
            result = ''
            result = ' current result: %r' % (result,)
        return "<%s at 0x%x%s>" % (cname, myID, result)
    __repr__ = __str__

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def send(self, value=None):
        if self.paused:
            # If we're paused, we have no result to give
            return self

        result = getattr(self, 'result', _NO_RESULT)
        if result is _NO_RESULT:
            return self
        if isinstance(result, failure.Failure):
            # Clear the failure on debugInfo so it doesn't raise "unhandled
            # exception"
            self._debugInfo.failResult = None
            raise result.value
            raise StopIteration(result)

    # For PEP-492 support (async/await)
    __await__ = __iter__
    __next__ = send

def _inlineCallbacks(result, g, deferred):
    See L{inlineCallbacks}.
    # This function is complicated by the need to prevent unbounded recursion
    # arising from repeatedly yielding immediately ready deferreds.  This while
    # loop and the waiting variable solve that by manually unfolding the
    # recursion.

    waiting = [True, # waiting for result?
               None] # result

    while 1:
            # Send the last result back as the result of the yield expression.
            isFailure = isinstance(result, failure.Failure)
            if isFailure:
                result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)
                result = g.send(result)
        except StopIteration as e:
            # fell off the end, or "return" statement
            deferred.callback(getattr(e, "value", None))
            return deferred
        except _DefGen_Return as e:
            # returnValue() was called; time to give a result to the original
            # Deferred.  First though, let's try to identify the potentially
            # confusing situation which results when returnValue() is
            # accidentally invoked from a different function, one that wasn't
            # decorated with @inlineCallbacks.

            # The traceback starts in this frame (the one for
            # _inlineCallbacks); the next one down should be the application
            # code.
            appCodeTrace = exc_info()[2].tb_next
            if isFailure:
                # If we invoked this generator frame by throwing an exception
                # into it, then throwExceptionIntoGenerator will consume an
                # additional stack frame itself, so we need to skip that too.
                appCodeTrace = appCodeTrace.tb_next
            # Now that we've identified the frame being exited by the
            # exception, let's figure out if returnValue was called from it
            # directly.  returnValue itself consumes a stack frame, so the
            # application code will have a tb_next, but it will *not* have a
            # second tb_next.
            if appCodeTrace.tb_next.tb_next:
                # If returnValue was invoked non-local to the frame which it is
                # exiting, identify the frame that ultimately invoked
                # returnValue so that we can warn the user, as this behavior is
                # confusing.
                ultimateTrace = appCodeTrace
                while ultimateTrace.tb_next.tb_next:
                    ultimateTrace = ultimateTrace.tb_next
                filename = ultimateTrace.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename
                lineno = ultimateTrace.tb_lineno
                    "returnValue() in %r causing %r to exit: "
                    "returnValue should only be invoked by functions decorated "
                    "with inlineCallbacks" % (
                    DeprecationWarning, filename, lineno)
            return deferred
            return deferred

        if isinstance(result, Deferred):
            # a deferred was yielded, get the result.
            def gotResult(r):
                if waiting[0]:
                    waiting[0] = False
                    waiting[1] = r
                    _inlineCallbacks(r, g, deferred)

            if waiting[0]:
                # Haven't called back yet, set flag so that we get reinvoked
                # and return from the loop
                waiting[0] = False
                return deferred

            result = waiting[1]
            # Reset waiting to initial values for next loop.  gotResult uses
            # waiting, but this isn't a problem because gotResult is only
            # executed once, and if it hasn't been executed yet, the return
            # branch above would have been taken.

            waiting[0] = True
            waiting[1] = None

    return deferred


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