05 2021 档案
发表于 2021-05-27 17:37阅读:82评论:0推荐:0
摘要:1、Visualize attention weights of multiple heads in this experiment. from matplotlib import pyplot as plt out = attention.attention.attention_weights.d
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发表于 2021-05-27 17:32阅读:45评论:0推荐:0
摘要:1、Modify keys in the toy example and visualize attention weights. Do additive attention and scaled dot-product attention still output the same attenti
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发表于 2021-05-27 17:30阅读:87评论:0推荐:0
摘要:#2.What is the value of our learned w in the parametric attention pooling experiment? Why does it make the weighted region sharper when visualizing th
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发表于 2021-05-27 17:26阅读:77评论:0推荐:0
摘要:#1、What can be the volitional cue when decoding a sequence token by token in machine translation? What are the nonvolitional cues and the sensory inpu
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发表于 2021-05-26 20:56阅读:52评论:0推荐:0
摘要:def solution(nn): result = [1] cur = 2 chou = [2,3,5] while len(result) < nn: print(cur, result) if cur in chou: result.append(cur) cur += 1 continue
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发表于 2021-05-26 20:55阅读:55评论:0推荐:0
摘要:def solution(nn): result = [1] cur = 2 chou = [2,3,5] while len(result) < nn: print(cur, result) if cur in chou: result.append(cur) cur += 1 continue
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发表于 2021-05-21 14:58阅读:2822评论:0推荐:0
摘要:huawei.com0.t.keepitpumpin.io 0p0n4lk6y.2gxcy-qhr20rfls9.com 0po3jgx7px4ihpzrkknxpt.3pwu7xi71cg-frzjzgs.com 0rs53w3d7hcn5wpb2.0gpppx5d9.com 1-180-206-
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发表于 2021-05-21 14:56阅读:98评论:0推荐:0
摘要:python3 亲试可行 1、pip install python-whois 2、 def is_registered(domain_name): """ A function that returns a boolean indicating whether a `domain_name` is
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发表于 2021-05-19 23:22阅读:43评论:0推荐:0
摘要:tensor.repeat和torch.repeat_interleave tensor.repeat() a = torch.tensor([[1,2],[3,4]]) a.repeat((2,1)) 表示在行的维度复制2遍,列维度不变,结果为tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4],[1,
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发表于 2021-05-19 00:35阅读:190评论:0推荐:0
摘要:1.需要在git命令窗口生成公私钥 2.在github的profile中添加步骤1生成的公钥即可
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发表于 2021-05-17 16:43阅读:57评论:0推荐:0
摘要:画简单的图 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 50) y = np.sin(x) plt.plot(x, y) 同一个图画多个曲线 x = np.linspace(0, 2
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发表于 2021-05-10 15:36阅读:473评论:0推荐:0
摘要:1、https://www.ping.cn/ping/ 如果结果有很多IP,则可能是经过cdn地址 2、get-site-ip.com 3、http://tool.chinaz.com/
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发表于 2021-05-08 11:41阅读:531评论:0推荐:0
摘要:优化 在一个深度学习问题中,我们通常会预先定义一个损失函数。有了损失函数以后,我们就可以使用优化算法试图将其最小化。在优化中,这样的损失函数通常被称作优化问题的目标函数(objective function)。依据惯例,优化算法通常只考虑最小化目标函数。其实,任何最大化问题都可以很容易地转化为最小化
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发表于 2021-05-06 17:12阅读:49评论:0推荐:0
摘要:批量归一化层和 dropout 层一样,在训练模式和预测模式下计算不同
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发表于 2021-05-06 17:07阅读:504评论:0推荐:0
摘要:主要作用是:训练深层神经网络是十分困难的,特别是在较短的时间内使他们收敛更加棘手,可持续加速深层网络的收敛速度。 怎么达到加速深层网络的收敛速度: 1、数据的预处理影响收敛速度和调参难度,比较明显的例子是线性回归,如果特征量纲差别特别大,他的斜率可能近视90度或者0度,收敛速度和调参是比较困难的。B
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