1、面试题 04.05. 合法二叉搜索树 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/legal-binary-search-tree-lcci/
1、按题意思是要比较当前节点和左右子树的值,也就是先要计算出左右子树的列表,才可知当前节点是否满足要求。 由此可知为后序遍历
3、(注意)需要考虑到 左右子树为空,左子树为空,右子树为空,左右子树均不为空等情况
class Solution: def helper(self, root, result): if root == None: return [] l_list = self.helper(root.left, result) r_list = self.helper(root.right, result) print(str(root.val) + "*" + str(l_list) + "*" + str(r_list)) if l_list == [] and r_list == []: return [root.val] elif l_list == [] and r_list and root.val < min(r_list): r_list.append(root.val) return r_list elif r_list == [] and l_list and root.val > max(l_list): l_list.append(root.val) return l_list elif ((l_list and root.val > max(l_list)) and (r_list and root.val < min(r_list))): l_list.extend(r_list) l_list.append(root.val) return l_list else: result.append(False) def isValidBST(self, root: TreeNode) -> bool: result = [] self.helper(root, result) return False if False in result else True
2、面试题 16.19. 水域大小 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/pond-sizes-lcci/
1、典型的二维数组 深度搜索问题,根据找到的某个位置,深度搜索满足条件的块
class Solution: def helper(self, pos, now_pos, land): row = len(land) col = len(land[0]) i, j = pos for x, y in [(i+1, j), (i-1, j), (i, j+1), (i, j-1), (i-1, j-1), (i+1, j-1), (i-1, j+1), (i+1, j+1)]: if 0 <= x < row and 0 <= y < col and land[x][y] == 0 and (x, y) not in now_pos: now_pos.append((x, y)) self.helper((x, y), now_pos, land) return now_pos def pondSizes(self, land: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]: row = len(land) col = len(land[0]) haved = [] result = [] for i in range(row): for j in range(col): if land[i][j] == 0 and (i, j) not in haved: now_pos = [] now_pos.append((i, j)) self.helper((i, j), now_pos, land) result.append(len(now_pos)) haved.extend(now_pos) result.sort() return result
3、面试题 04.06. 后继者 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/successor-lcci/
2、(注意) 递归方法中设中间值和判断逻辑都在中序位置, 开始只做叶子节点返回值处理
class Solution: def helper(self, root, p, find, result): if root == None: return self.helper(root.left, p, find, result) if True in find and root is not None and result is not None: result.append(root) if root == p: find.append(True) self.helper(root.right, p, find, result) def inorderSuccessor(self, root: TreeNode, p: TreeNode) -> TreeNode: find = [] result = [] self.helper(root, p, find, result) return result[0] if result else None
4、面试题 17.22. 单词转换
按照常规的深度搜索+优先搜索 往目的字符串转的方式,还是会时间超时
class Solution: def helper(self, beginWord, endWord, result, wordList, cur_list): if len(result) > 0: return if cur_list[-1] == endWord: result.append(cur_list) return word_len = len(beginWord) choice_words = [] for i in range(word_len): if not beginWord[i] == endWord[i]: choice_words.append("%s%s%s" % (beginWord[0:i], endWord[i:i+1], beginWord[i+1:])) # print(beginWord + "&" + str(choice_words)) for choice_word in choice_words: if choice_word in wordList: new_wordList = list(wordList) new_wordList.remove(choice_word) new_cur_list = list(cur_list) new_cur_list.append(choice_word) self.helper(choice_word, endWord, result, new_wordList, new_cur_list) # print(beginWord + "*" + str(wordList)) for word in wordList: # 判断相差1 bigger_diff = 0 for i in range(word_len): if not beginWord[i] == word[i]: bigger_diff += 1 if bigger_diff == 1: new_wordList = list(wordList) new_wordList.remove(word) new_cur_list = list(cur_list) new_cur_list.append(word) # print(str(new_cur_list) + "**" + str(new_wordList)) self.helper(word, endWord, result, new_wordList, new_cur_list) def findLadders(self, beginWord: str, endWord: str, wordList: List[str]) -> List[str]: if endWord not in wordList: return [] result = [] cur_list = [beginWord] self.helper(beginWord, endWord, result, wordList, cur_list) # print(result) if len(result) > 0: return result[0] else: return []
换个思路,引入字典: 使用*代表任意字符,构建字典如下:
按照startword 每个位置* 替换后开始深度搜索
2、函数中函数,好处是 内部函数可以使用外部函数的参数; 注意内不函数要给外部函数参数赋值,需要将参数值定义为类变量 self.变量名
5、面试题 04.12. 求和路径 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/paths-with-sum-lcci/ 最后差2个用例由于事件超时,以后研究
class Solution: # 先序遍历所有的路径 def helper(self, cur, cur_path, results): if cur == None: return if cur.left == None and cur.right == None: cur_path.append(cur) results.append(cur_path) else: cur_path.append(cur) l_cur_path = list(cur_path) self.helper(cur.left, l_cur_path, results) r_cur_path = list(cur_path) self.helper(cur.right, r_cur_path, results) def isum(self, ilist): iss = 0 for i in range(len(ilist)): # print("***" + str(left) + "&"+str(right)+"&"+ str(i)) iss += ilist[i].val # print(str(ilist) + "*"+str(iss)) return iss def pathSum(self, root: TreeNode, sum: int) -> int: results = [] cur_path = [] self.helper(root, cur_path, results) # print(results) rresult = [] # 满足条件的路径 for result in results: # 双指针 统计满足 -- 当 整数值恒正,才会用到左右指针 # le = len(result) # left = 0 # for right in range(1, le+1): # if self.isum(result[left:right]) == tt: # rresult += 1 # while self.isum(result[left:right]) > tt and right > left + 1: # left += 1 # if self.isum(result[left:right]) == tt: # rresult += 1 # 由于值存在正负,直接用遍历 for i in range(1, len(result)+1): for j in range(i): if self.isum(result[j:i]) == tt: if result[j:i] not in rresult: rresult.append(result[j:i]) return len(rresult)
6、剑指 Offer 12. 矩阵中的路径 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/ju-zhen-zhong-de-lu-jing-lcof/
2、一定要主要 判断满足条件实在迭代函数的判断逻辑中,不是在迭代最开始的地方
class Solution: def helper(self, cur, have, next_pos, result, word, board): if True in result: return row = len(board) col = len(board[0]) cur_i, cur_j = cur for i,j in [(cur_i - 1, cur_j),(cur_i, cur_j - 1),(cur_i+1, cur_j),(cur_i, cur_j+1)]: if 0 <= i < row and 0 <= j < col and (i, j) not in have: if board[i][j] == word[next_pos]: if next_pos == len(word)-1: result.append(True) return else: new_have = list(have) new_have.append((i, j)) self.helper((i, j), new_have, next_pos + 1, result, word, board) def exist(self, board: List[List[str]], word: str) -> bool: row = len(board) col = len(board[0]) if not board: return False result = [] for i in range(row): for j in range(col): if board[i][j] == word[0]: if len(word) == 1: return True else: have = set() have.add((i, j)) self.helper((i, j), have, 1, result, word, board) if True in result: return True else: return False
7 1466. 重新规划路线 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/reorder-routes-to-make-all-paths-lead-to-the-city-zero/
class Solution: change = 0 # def helper(self, cur_list, rest_lists): # if len(rest_lists) == 0: # return # next_list = [] # for cur in cur_list: # for rest_list in list(rest_lists): # if cur in rest_list: # if cur == rest_list[0]: # self.change += 1 # next_list.append(rest_list[1]) # else: # next_list.append(rest_list[0]) # rest_lists.remove(rest_list) # self.helper(next_list, rest_lists) def helper(self, cur_list, connections_dict): if len(connections_dict) == 0: return next_list = [] for cur in cur_list: all_lists = connections_dict.get(cur) for all_list in all_lists: if all_list[0] == cur: self.change += 1 next_list.append(all_list[1]) connections_dict[all_list[1]].remove(all_list) else: next_list.append(all_list[0]) connections_dict[all_list[0]].remove(all_list) del connections_dict[cur] self.helper(next_list, connections_dict) def minReorder(self, n: int, connections: List[List[int]]) -> int: connections_dict = dict() for i in range(len(connections)): connection = connections[i] if connections_dict.get(connection[0]): connections_dict.get(connection[0]).append(connection) else: connections_dict[connection[0]] = [connection] if connections_dict.get(connection[1]): connections_dict.get(connection[1]).append(connection) else: connections_dict[connection[1]] = [connection] # print(connections_dict) cur_list = [0] self.helper(cur_list, connections_dict) # self.helper(cur_list, connections) return self.change
8 971. 翻转二叉树以匹配先序遍历 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/flip-binary-tree-to-match-preorder-traversal/
2、技巧,主要逻辑(判断值是否和list中相等,是否置换左右子树 )均放在先序 位置上
# Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode: # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # self.left = None # self.right = None class Solution: Failed = False def helper(self, root, voyage, result): if self.Failed == True or root == None or voyage == None: return if not root.val == voyage[0]: self.Failed = True return del voyage[0] if root.left and not root.left.val == voyage[0]: tmp = root.left root.left = root.right root.right = tmp result.append(root.val) self.helper(root.left, voyage, result) self.helper(root.right, voyage, result) def flipMatchVoyage(self, root: TreeNode, voyage: List[int]) -> List[int]: result = [] if root == None: return [-1] self.helper(root, voyage, result) if self.Failed: return [-1] else: return result
9 面试题 17.07. 婴儿名字 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/baby-names-lcci/
1、并查集,比常规并查集复杂的地方在 需要维护一个字典保存各元素位置
2、注意:在关系中的名字不一定在实际中存在,所有 按照实际有的名字建立 需要进行并查集的列表。 将要进行并查集建立关系的元素,需要2个元素都在并查集列表中,才需要进行。要不然没有必要按照并查集建立关系
class Solution: def search(self, name, name_list, name_index): if name_list[name_index.get(name)] != name: name_list[name_index.get(name)] = self.search(name_list[name_index.get(name)], name_list, name_index) return name_list[name_index.get(name)] def union(self, name1, name2, name_list, name_index): if name1 in name_index and name2 in name_index: name1_first = self.search(name1, name_list, name_index) name2_first = self.search(name2, name_list, name_index) # print("&&"+ str(name1_first) + str(name2_first)) if name1_first > name2_first: name_list[name_index.get(name1_first)] = name2_first else: name_list[name_index.get(name2_first)] = name1_first def trulyMostPopular(self, names: List[str], synonyms: List[str]) -> List[str]: name_num = dict() name_index = dict() index = 0 name_list = [] for name in names: iname = name[:name.index("(")] num = int(name[name.index("(") + 1: -1]) name_num[iname] = num name_index[iname] = index index = index + 1 name_list.append(iname) # print(name_num) # print(name_index) # print(name_list) # 并查集,找到相同真实名字 for syno in synonyms: sname_list = syno[1:-1].split(",") name1 = sname_list[0] name2 = sname_list[1] self.union(name1, name2, name_list, name_index) # print("*"+str(name_list)) for iname in name_index.keys(): self.search(iname, name_list, name_index) # print(name_list) # 计算总个数 result = {} for name, num in name_num.items(): if result.get(name_list[name_index.get(name)]): result[name_list[name_index.get(name)]] = result.get(name_list[name_index.get(name)]) + num else: result[name_list[name_index.get(name)]] = num # 拼接成返回格式 result_list = [] for name, num in result.items(): result_list.append(name + "(%d)" % num) return result_list
947. 移除最多的同行或同列石头
10 721. 账户合并 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/accounts-merge/
1、一看该题,考查的比较像并查集,但是 注意里面 长度要求不高,直接使用递归暴力求解方法
2、注意,既然该题考查是并查集,也就是merge_list 方法一遍遍历不出来结果,所以该出使用递归
class Solution: def merge_list(self, mails_list): change = False all_result = [] for mails in list(mails_list): is_find = False for mail in mails: for idx in range(len(all_result)): if mail in all_result[idx]: all_result[idx].extend(mails) all_result[idx] = list(set(all_result[idx])) is_find = True change = True break if is_find: continue if is_find: continue else: all_result.append(mails) if change: return self.in_list(all_result) else: return mails_list def add_result(self, name, all_list, results): for s_list in all_list: result = [name] tmp = list(set(s_list)) tmp.sort() result.extend(tmp) results.append(result) def accountsMerge(self, accounts: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]: # 按照account 计算map accounts_dict = collections.defaultdict(list) for account in accounts: name = account[0] accounts_dict[name].append(account[1:]) results = [] for name, mails_list in accounts_dict.items(): all_list = self.merge_list(mails_list) self.add_result(name, all_list, results) return results
11. 1026. 节点与其祖先之间的最大差值 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/maximum-difference-between-node-and-ancestor/
1、深度搜索,之前有道题目是 计算每个节点及子节点最大,最小值,可以很快得到 最大距离
class Solution: def set_max(self, a, b): if a - b > self.max_dis: self.max_dis = a - b elif b - a > self.max_dis: self.max_dis = b - a def helper(self, root): if root == None: return None, None l_min, l_max = self.helper(root.left) r_min, r_max = self.helper(root.right) # 左右节点都为空 if l_min==None and r_min==None: return root.val, root.val # 左节点为空 elif l_min==None: self.set_max(r_min, root.val) self.set_max(r_max, root.val) return min(r_min, root.val), max(r_max, root.val) elif r_min==None: self.set_max(l_min, root.val) self.set_max(l_max, root.val) return min(l_min, root.val), max(l_max, root.val) else: self.set_max(r_min, root.val) self.set_max(r_max, root.val) self.set_max(l_min, root.val) self.set_max(l_max, root.val) return min(min(l_min, r_min), root.val), max(max(l_max, r_max), root.val) def maxAncestorDiff(self, root: TreeNode) -> int: # 使用后续遍历,计算每个节点最小值和最大值 self.max_dis = 0 self.helper(root) return self.max_dis
12 1376. 通知所有员工所需的时间 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/time-needed-to-inform-all-employees/
直接按照深度搜索 时间超时
class Solution: def helper(self, n, cur, manager, informTime, cur_time): not_end = False # 找到下一层 for i in range(n): if manager[i] == cur: self.helper(n, i, manager, informTime, cur_time+informTime[cur]) not_end = True if not not_end: if self.all_time < cur_time: self.all_time = cur_time def numOfMinutes(self, n: int, headID: int, manager: List[int], informTime: List[int]) -> int: cur_list = [headID] self.all_time = 0 self.helper(n, headID, manager, informTime, 0) return self.all_time
class Solution: def helper(self, n, cur, manager_dict, informTime, cur_time): if manager_dict[cur]: for chre in manager_dict[cur]: self.helper(n, chre, manager_dict, informTime, cur_time+informTime[cur]) not_end = True else: if self.all_time < cur_time: self.all_time = cur_time def numOfMinutes(self, n: int, headID: int, manager: List[int], informTime: List[int]) -> int: # 管理者关系字典 manager_dict = collections.defaultdict(list) for i in range(n): if not manager[i] == -1: manager_dict[manager[i]].append(i) cur_list = [headID] self.all_time = 0 self.helper(n, headID, manager_dict, informTime, 0) return self.all_time
13 638. 大礼包 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/shopping-offers/
1。深度搜索, 假设 套餐肯定比单独购买便宜,所以优先遍历递归套餐,然后遍历递归单个商品
class Solution: def helper(self, price, special, needs, cur_price): if needs == [0] * len(needs): if cur_price < self.total_price: self.total_price = cur_price return for i in range(len(special)): tmp_need = list(needs) fil_condition = True for j in range(len(needs)): new_j = tmp_need[j] - special[i][j] if new_j >= 0: tmp_need[j] = tmp_need[j] - special[i][j] else: fil_condition = False break if fil_condition: # print(tmp_need, cur_price + special[i][-1]) self.helper(price, special, tmp_need, cur_price + special[i][-1]) for i in range(len(needs)): tmp_need = list(needs) if tmp_need[i] > 0: tmp = tmp_need[i] tmp_need[i] = 0 self.helper(price, special, tmp_need, cur_price + tmp * price[i]) def shoppingOffers(self, price: List[int], special: List[List[int]], needs: List[int]) -> int: self.total_price = 0 for i in range(len(needs)): self.total_price += needs[i] * price[i] self.helper(price, special, needs, 0) return self.total_price
考虑加速递归过程,考虑2个方面优化后通过: 1、 已经知道不满足要求的套餐,删除,下次不用再递归 2、单独购买商品,套餐参数设置为空数组,均不用 递归遍历套餐了(基于套餐肯定比单独购买便宜,前面已经穷尽套餐了,所有参数传递的套餐设置为空数组)
class Solution: def helper(self, price, special, needs, cur_price): if needs == [0] * len(needs): if cur_price < self.total_price: self.total_price = cur_price return # 选择可遍历的list for i in range(len(special)): tmp_need = list(needs) special_new = list(special) fil_condition = True for j in range(len(needs)): new_j = tmp_need[j] - special[i][j] if new_j >= 0: tmp_need[j] = tmp_need[j] - special[i][j] else: fil_condition = False special_new.remove(special[i]) break if fil_condition: self.helper(price, special_new, tmp_need, cur_price + special[i][-1]) for i in range(len(needs)): tmp_need = list(needs) if tmp_need[i] > 0: tmp = tmp_need[i] tmp_need[i] = 0 self.helper(price, [], tmp_need, cur_price + tmp * price[i]) def shoppingOffers(self, price: List[int], special: List[List[int]], needs: List[int]) -> int: self.total_price = 0 for i in range(len(needs)): self.total_price += needs[i] * price[i] self.helper(price, special, needs, 0) return self.total_price
14 1457. 二叉树中的伪回文路径 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/pseudo-palindromic-paths-in-a-binary-tree/
1、 二叉树中 路径个数,使用深度搜索
2、 判断数列是否构成回文窜,判断逻辑是 如果字符出现奇数次的 个数大于等于1,则不能构成回文。 <=1 则可以构成回文
# Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode: # def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None): # self.val = val # self.left = left # self.right = right class Solution: def helper(self, root, cur_path): if root == None: return if root.left == None and root.right == None: tmp_path = list(cur_path) tmp_path.append(root.val) self.paths.append(tmp_path) return tmp_path = list(cur_path) tmp_path.append(root.val) self.helper(root.left, tmp_path) self.helper(root.right, tmp_path) def pseudoPalindromicPaths (self, root: TreeNode) -> int: self.paths = [] # 1.找到所有路径 self.helper(root, []) # print(self.paths) # 2.数列是否是回文(判断字符出现奇数次是否大于1,此处引入字典) result = 0 for path in self.paths: result_dict = dict() for item in path: if result_dict.get(item): result_dict[item] = result_dict.get(item) + 1 else: result_dict[item] = 1 ji_count = 0 for key, value in result_dict.items(): if not value % 2 == 0: ji_count += 1 if ji_count <= 1: result += 1 return result