

from      # 先找到表from
where     # where约束条件,在文件中找记录,不能和聚合函数合用
group by  # 对记录进行分组,如果没有,就所有字段是一组
select   # 执行select
distinct  # 如果没有group by,就用distinct去重,放在select之后
having    # 进行having过滤,只有group by使用时才用having过滤
order by  # 按条件进行排序
limit    # 显示查询结果显示的条数



字段名                  数据类型                说明
员工id:id                int            primary key,auto_increment
姓名:name                varchar                not null
性别:gender           enum("male","female")      not null,default "male" 
年龄:age                 int(3)         not null,default 24,unsigned
入职日期:hire_date            date                not null
岗位:post               varchar(50)    
职位描述:post_comment        varcahr(100)    
薪水:salary              double(15,2)    
办公室:office               int               一个部门一间办公室
部门编号:depart_id            int    


insert into employee(name, gender, age, hire_date, post, post_content, salary, office, depart_id) values 
('小周','female',18,'20110211','hr',6000,403,2),    # 人力资源
('小冯','male',48,'20101111','it',200000,405,3),    # 程序猿


# 查询指定字段
select name,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id from employee;
# 用*查询表中所有数据
    select * from employee;    
# 避免重复distinct
    select distinct post from employee;
# 通过四则运算查询
    select name, salary*12 from employee;
    # 计算出年薪并作为一个新字段显示
    select name, salary*12 as annual_salary from employee;
    # 查询年薪
    select name, salary, annual_salary from employee;
# 定义显示格式
    # concat(),用于连接字符串
    select concat('姓名:', name,'   薪资:', salary) from employee;
    # concat_ws(),第一个参数是分割符
    select concat_ws(':', name, salary) as annual_salary from employee;
# 结合case语句使用:
    ( case                  # case,开始一个条件语句 when name
= '小周' then name    # when 条件1 then 字段操作 when name = '小王' then concat(name,'_BIGSB') else concat(name, 'SB')       # else, 字段操作 end                   # 结束条件语句 ) as new_name from employee;


比较运算符:>    <    >=    <=    !=    <>    # 对值进行判断
between a and b        # 值在a-b之间, 对范围进行判断,是一个闭区间
in(10,20,30)           # 值是10,20或30
like '%'               # 通配符可以是%(任意多个字符),_(一个字符)
    like 'a%'    # 以a开头的字符
    like '%a'    # 以a结尾的字符
    like '%a%'  # 中间包含a的字符
    like '_a'    # 任意一个字符+a
    like 'a_'    # a+任意一个字符
# 单条件查询
    select name from employee where post='sale';

# 多条件查询
    select name, salary from employee where post='sale' and salary>7000;

# 关键字between and
    select name, salary from employee where salary between 10000 and 16000;
    select name, salary from employee where salary not between 10000 and 16000;

# 关键字is null
    select name,post_content from employee where post_content is null;
    select name,post_content from employee where post_content is not null;
    select name,post_content from employee where post_content =''; 注意''是空字符串,不是null
    ps:需要执行 update employee set post_comment='' where id=2;之后,再用上条查看,就会有结果了

# 关键字in
    select name,salary from employee where salary=10000 or salary=16000 or salary=18000;
    select name,salary from employee where salary in (8600,16000,18000);
    select name,salary from employee where salary not in (8600,16000,18000);

# like模糊查询
    # 通配符%
    select * from employee where name like '小%'# 通配符_
    select * from employee where name like '小_'

group by

# 单独使用group by
    select post from employee group by post;
    # 按照post字段分组,select查询的字段只能是post,要获取其他信息,需要借助函数来实现;

# group by 和 group_concat()联合使用
    select post, group_concat(name) from employee group by post;
    # 按照岗位分组,并展示组内成员
    select post, group_concat(name) as emp_members from employee group by post;    # 按照岗位分组,将组内成员作为新字段展示

# group by和 聚合函数 一起使用
    select post, count(id) as count from employee broup by post;
    # 按照岗位分组,并查看每个组中有多少人

# ps:如果用unique字段作为分组依据,则每条记录自成一组,这样的分组没有意义


# 聚合函数聚合的是组的内容,如果没有分组,默认是一组

select count(*) from employee;
select count(id) from employee where dapart_id=3;

select max(salary) from employee;
select min(salary) from employee;
select avg(salary) from employee;
select sum(salary) from employee;
select sum(salary) from employee where dapart_id=1;


# having和where不一样的地方在于:
    执行优先级:where > group by > having
# where 发生在group by之前,可以有任意字段,但绝对不能使用聚合函数;
# having函数发生在group by之后,可以使用分组的字段,不能取到其他字段,可以使用聚合函数;

order by排序

# 按单列进行排序
    select * from employee order by salary;
    select * from employee order by salary asc;      # 升序
    select * from employee order by salary desc;     # 降序
# 按多列排序:先按age排序,如果年纪相同,按薪资排序
    select * from employee order by age, salary desc;


select * from employee order by salary desc limit 3;# 默认初始位置0
select * from employee order by salary desc limit 0,5# 从0开始,先查询第一条,包含这一条在内往后查询5条;
select * from employee order by salary desc limit 5,5;
    # 从5开始,先查询第六条,往后查询5条;


posted @ 2019-04-09 12:45  DF-包子  阅读(126)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报