

1. AAA型(原形、过去式、过去分词同形)

原形 (V1) 过去式 (V2) 过去分词 (V3) 中文含义 例句
bet bet bet 打赌 He bet all his money on the game.(他把所有钱押在了比赛上。)
burst burst burst 爆裂 The balloon burst suddenly.(气球突然爆了。)
cost cost cost 花费 This dress cost $50.(这条裙子花了50美元。)
hit hit hit 击打 The car hit a tree.(车撞到了树。)
spread spread spread 展开 She spread the map on the table.(她把地图铺在桌上。)

2. ABA型(过去分词与原形相同)

原形 (V1) 过去式 (V2) 过去分词 (V3) 中文含义 例句
come came come They came to visit us yesterday.(他们昨天来看我们。)
run ran run The dog ran after the cat.(狗追着猫跑。)
overcome overcame overcome 克服 She overcame her fears.(她克服了恐惧。)

3. ABB型(过去式与过去分词同形)

原形 (V1) 过去式 (V2) 过去分词 (V3) 中文含义 例句
build built built 建造 They built a house last year.(他们去年建了房子。)
lend lent lent 借出 He lent me his bike.(他把自行车借给了我。)
lose lost lost 丢失 I lost my wallet on the bus.(我在公交车上丢了钱包。)
shine shone shone 发光 The sun shone brightly.(阳光明媚。)
stick stuck stuck 粘住 The glue stuck the papers together.(胶水把纸粘在一起。)

4. ABC型(原形、过去式、过去分词均不同)

原形 (V1) 过去式 (V2) 过去分词 (V3) 中文含义 例句
arise arose arisen 出现 A problem arose during the meeting.(会议中出现了问题。)
blow blew blown The wind blew the leaves away.(风吹走了树叶。)
freeze froze frozen 冻结 The lake froze in winter.(湖面在冬天结冰了。)
steal stole stolen 偷窃 Someone stole my bicycle.(有人偷了我的自行车。)
swear swore sworn 发誓 He swore to tell the truth.(他发誓要说实话。)

5. 特殊变化型

原形 (V1) 过去式 (V2) 过去分词 (V3) 中文含义 例句
be was/were been 是/在 They were at the party last night.(他们昨晚在派对上。)
go went gone She has gone to Paris.(她去了巴黎。)
lie lay lain The cat lay on the sofa all day.(猫整天躺在沙发上。)
hang hung hung 悬挂 He hung the picture on the wall.(他把画挂在墙上。)
sow sowed sown/sowed 播种 The farmer sowed seeds in the field.(农民在田里播种。)

6. 其他高频不规则动词

原形 (V1) 过去式 (V2) 过去分词 (V3) 中文含义 例句
bite bit bitten The dog bit the postman.(狗咬了邮递员。)
choose chose chosen 选择 She chose the blue dress.(她选了蓝色裙子。)
draw drew drawn He drew a picture of a mountain.(他画了一幅山的画。)
forbid forbade forbidden 禁止 Smoking is forbidden here.(此处禁止吸烟。)
swim swam swum 游泳 They swam across the river.(他们游过了河。)

7. 英美差异与双形式动词

原形 (V1) 过去式 (V2) 过去分词 (V3) 中文含义 例句
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned 燃烧 The fire burned all night.(火燃烧了一整夜。)
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed 做梦 I dreamt about flying last night.(我昨晚梦见在飞。)
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned 学习 She learnt French in school.(她在学校学了法语。)


  1. 完成时态:过去分词用于完成时(如:I have eaten breakfast.)。
  2. 被动语态:过去分词用于被动语态(如:The window was broken by the ball.)。
  3. 一词多义:注意动词不同含义的用法(如 hang 表“悬挂”用 hung,表“绞刑”用 hanged)。

如果需要更详细的分类或特定动词的扩展例句,请随时告诉我! 📚

posted @ 2025-02-18 10:50  朴文  阅读(73)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报