
Prereading Questions

In English, word order is important. Is word order important in your first language? How does it differ from English word order? As you read the following passage, think about your first language.


The laws of order are those regularities that govern changes in meaning when order changes, "The cat caught the mouse" means something obviously different from "The mouse caught the cat". Order is used differently in different languages and cultures. While order is of major important on the sentence lever in English, this is not the case in some language.
Order also has great importance in other parts of cultral system besides language: order of birth, order of arrival, order in line to get tickets. Order applies to the courses of a meal. Consider what it would be like to start dinner with dessert, then switch to potatoes, hors d'oeuvre(hos d'oeuvre appetizer, small snacks before a meal), coffee, salad, and end with meat!
[Adapted from Hall, pp. 132-133]

A. Adjectives

One or more adjectives can modify a none. Usually, no more than three or four adjectives are used to describe the same noun. The chart give examples of the usual order of some descriptive adjectives.

Type(类别) Number Quality or Characteristic Size Shape Age Color Origin Material Noun
口诀 -
例1 a beautiful short new red Chinese woollen coat
例2 three big long red pencils
例3 five different small round gold rings
例4 some expensive old oriental carpets



书名: Mosaic1-Grammar 4th Edition
作者: Patricia K.Werner/Lou Spaventa
章节: Chapter1 - New Challenges
页码: p9-p10

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