[bio-tips] genomeCoverageBed: BAM2Wig

Last post  introduced the basic usage of genomeCoverageBed. Here is some update to deal with BAM2WIG processing. 

As the default output of genomeCoverageBed is formatted as following: 
chr start depth

However, WIG file format is different. The chromosome information is recorded in the header line:

variableStep chrom=chr1 span=1
Thus needed information exact work should be done. 
Here I share with you my homemade Perl script that manages to help you out. 
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my ($in, $out) = @ARGV;
die $! && <DATA> unless (@ARGV ==2);

open IN, $in;
open OUT, ">$out";

print OUT "track type=wiggle_0 name="NAME" color=250,100,100 visibility=full autoScale=off viewLimits=0.0:99.0 yLineOnOff=off priority=10\n";
my $tmp = "NA";
while ( <IN> ) {
    my ($chr, $start, $v) = (split /\t/, $_)[0,1,2];
    my $tag = 0; 
    $tag = 1 if ($tmp eq $chr);
         if ($tag == 1 ){
             print OUT "$start\t$v\n";
         elsif ($tag == 0){
              $tmp = $chr;
              print OUT "variableStep chrom=$chr span=1\n";
              print OUT "$start\t$v\n";
== End && reference
== afters
thx god and thx girlfriend


posted @ 2012-09-26 10:58  Puriney  阅读(1223)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报