定义一个类Date,包含三个私有属性年(year)、月(month)、日(day),均为整型数,其中:年份的合法取值范围为[1900,2000] ,月份合法取值范围为[1,12] ,日期合法取值范围为[1,31] 。

输入格式: 在一行内输入年月日的值,均为整型数,可以用一到多个空格或回车分隔。 输出格式: 当输入数据非法及输入日期不存在时,输出“Date Format is Wrong”; 当输入日期合法,输出下一天,格式如下:Next day is:年-月-日
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args){ Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int year = input.nextInt(); int month = input.nextInt(); int day = input.nextInt(); Date ac = new Date(year,month,day); ac.nextDate(year,month,day); } }
private int year = 0; private int month = 0; private int day = 0 ;
public void setyear(int year){ this.year=year; } public void setmonth(int month){ this.month=month; } public void setday(int day){ this.day=day; }
public Date(int year,int month,int day){ this.year=year; this.month=month; this.day=day; }
public int getyear(){ return this.year; } public int getmonth(){ return this.month; } public int getday(){ return this.day; }
public boolean isLeapYear(int year){ boolean a; if((year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||year%400==0) a=true; else a=false; return a; }
public boolean checkInputValidity(int year,int month,int day) { int i; int b=month-1; boolean a=true; int[] c = {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; if(!isLeapYear(year)){ c[1]=28; } if(month<1||month>12) a=false; else if(year<1900||year>2000) a=false; else if(day<=0||day>c[b]) a=false; return a; }
public void nextDate(int year,int month,int day){ int y=0,m=0,d=0; int b=month-1; int[] c ={31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; if(!isLeapYear(year)){ c[1]=28; } if(checkInputValidity(year,month,day)){ if(month==12){ if(day==31) {y=year+1;m=1;d=1;} else {y=year;m=month;d=day+1;} } else if(day==c[b]) {y=year;m=month+1;d=1;} else if(day<c[b]) {y=year;m=month;d=day+1;} System.out.println("Next day is:"+y+"-"+m+"-"+d); } else System.out.println("Date Format is Wrong"); }
参考题目3和日期相关的程序,设计一个类DateUtil,该类有三个私有属性year、month、day(均为整型数),其中,year∈[1820,2020] ,month∈[1,12] ,day∈[1,31] , 除了创建该类的构造方法、属性的getter及setter方法外,需要编写如下方法: public boolean checkInputValidity();//检测输入的年、月、日是否合法 public boolean isLeapYear(int year);//判断year是否为闰年 public DateUtil getNextNDays(int n);//取得year-month-day的下n天日期 public DateUtil getPreviousNDays(int n);//取得year-month-day的前n天日期 public boolean compareDates(DateUtil date);//比较当前日期与date的大小(先后) public boolean equalTwoDates(DateUtil date);//判断两个日期是否相等 public int getDaysofDates(DateUtil date);//求当前日期与date之间相差的天数 public String showDate();//以“year-month-day”格式返回日期值 应用程序共测试三个功能: 求下n天 求前n天 求两个日期相差的天数 注意:严禁使用Java中提供的任何与日期相关的类与方法,并提交完整源码,包括主类及方法(已提供,不需修改) 程序主方法如下: import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int year = 0; int month = 0; int day = 0; int choice = input.nextInt(); if (choice == 1) { // test getNextNDays method int m = 0; year = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); month = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); day = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); DateUtil date = new DateUtil(year, month, day); if (!date.checkInputValidity()) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } m = input.nextInt(); if (m < 0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } System.out.print(date.getYear() + "-" + date.getMonth() + "-" + date.getDay() + " next " + m + " days is:"); System.out.println(date.getNextNDays(m).showDate()); } else if (choice == 2) { // test getPreviousNDays method int n = 0; year = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); month = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); day = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); DateUtil date = new DateUtil(year, month, day); if (!date.checkInputValidity()) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } n = input.nextInt(); if (n < 0) { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } System.out.print( date.getYear() + "-" + date.getMonth() + "-" + date.getDay() + " previous " + n + " days is:"); System.out.println(date.getPreviousNDays(n).showDate()); } else if (choice == 3) { //test getDaysofDates method year = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); month = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); day = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); int anotherYear = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); int anotherMonth = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); int anotherDay = Integer.parseInt(input.next()); DateUtil fromDate = new DateUtil(year, month, day); DateUtil toDate = new DateUtil(anotherYear, anotherMonth, anotherDay); if (fromDate.checkInputValidity() && toDate.checkInputValidity()) { System.out.println("The days between " + fromDate.showDate() + " and " + toDate.showDate() + " are:" + fromDate.getDaysofDates(toDate)); } else { System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } } else{ System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } } } 输入格式: 有三种输入方式(以输入的第一个数字划分[1,3]): 1 year month day n //测试输入日期的下n天 2 year month day n //测试输入日期的前n天 3 year1 month1 day1 year2 month2 day2 //测试两个日期之间相差的天数 输出格式: 当输入有误时,输出格式如下: Wrong Format 当第一个数字为1且输入均有效,输出格式如下: year1-month1-day1 next n days is:year2-month2-day2 当第一个数字为2且输入均有效,输出格式如下: year1-month1-day1 previous n days is:year2-month2-day2 当第一个数字为3且输入均有效,输出格式如下: The days between year1-month1-day1 and year2-month2-day2 are:值
private int year; private int month; private int day; public DateUtil(int year,int month,int day){ this.year=year; this.month=month; this.day=day; } // public int getYear(){ return this.year; } public void setYear(int year){ this.year=year; } // public int getMonth(){ return this.month; } public void setMonth(int month){ this.month=month; } // public int getDay(){ return this.day; } public void setDay(int day){ this.day=day; }
public boolean isLeapYear(int year){ boolean a; if((year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||year%400==0) a=true; else a=false; return a; } // public boolean checkInputValidity() { int i; int b=this.month-1; boolean a=true; int[] c = {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; if(!isLeapYear(this.year)){ c[1]=28; } if(this.month<1||this.month>12) a=false; else if(this.year<1820||this.year>2020) a=false; else if(this.day<=0||this.day>c[b]) a=false; return a; }
public DateUtil getNextNDays(int n) { int year2=0,month2=0,day2=0; int d=this.day; int i=0,j=0; int[] c ={31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; if(!isLeapYear(this.year)){ c[1]=28; } for(i=0;i<this.month-1;i++){ d+=c[i]; } d=d+n; for(i=0;i<1000;i++){ if(!isLeapYear(this.year+i)){ j=365; } else j=366; if(d<=j) break; d=d-j; } year2=this.year+i; for(i=0;i<12;i++){ if(!isLeapYear(year2)){ c[1]=28; } else c[1]=29; if(d<=c[i]) break; d=d-c[i]; } month2=i+1; day2=d; return new DateUtil(year2,month2,day2); } // public DateUtil getPreviousNDays(int n){ int year2=0,month2=0,day2=0; int d=this.day; int i=0,j=0; int[] c ={31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; if(!isLeapYear(this.year)){ c[1]=28; } for(i=0;i<this.month-1;i++){ d+=c[i]; } d=d-n; for(i=0;i<1000;i++){ if(!isLeapYear(this.year-i)){ j=365; } else j=366; if(d>0) break; d=d+j; } year2=this.year-i; for(i=0;i<12;i++){ if(!isLeapYear(year2)){ c[1]=28; } else c[1]=29; if(d<=c[i]) break; d=d-c[i]; } month2=i+1; day2=d; return new DateUtil(year2,month2,day2); }
public boolean equalTwoDates(DateUtil date){ boolean a; a=true; if(this.year!=date.year||this.month!=date.month||this.day!=date.day) a=false; return a; }
public boolean equalTwoDates(DateUtil date){ boolean a; a=true; if(this.year!=date.year||this.month!=date.month||this.day!=date.day) a=false; return a; }
public int getDaysofDates(DateUtil date){ int[] c= {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int i,j,d = 0; int year1=0,month1=0,day1=0; int year2=0,month2=0,day2=0; if (this.equalTwoDates(date)) { return 0; } else if (!this.compareDates(date)) { year1=this.year; month1=this.month; day1=this.day; year2=date.year; month2=date.month; day2=date.day; } else { year2=this.year; month2=this.month; day2=this.day; year1=date.year; month1=date.month; day1=date.day; } for(i=year2+1;i<year1;i++) { if(isLeapYear(i)) d=d+366; else d=d+365; } if (year1!=year2) { for(j=month2+1;j<=12;j++){ if(isLeapYear(year2)){ c[1]=29; } d=d+c[j-1]; } d+=c[month2-1]-day2; for(j=1;j<month1;j++){ if(isLeapYear(year1)){ c[1]=29; } d+=c[j-1]; } d+=day1; } else if(year2==year1&&month2!=month2){ for(j=month2+1;j<=month1-1;j++){ if(isLeapYear(year2)){ c[1]=29; } d+=c[j-1]; } d+=day1+c[month2-1]-day2; } else if(year1==year2&&month1==month2) d=day1-day2; return d; } // public String showDate(){ return this.year + "-" + this.month + "-" + this.day; }
第一点:在输出保留2位小数的双精度浮点型的数据时,用了String.format("%.2lf",b),最后编译器报错,原因是format里面的格式化输出和printf不完全相同,format里面 float、double用%f、%e,而printf里面float、double分别用%f、%lf。
import java.util.Scanner; public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args){ int i,j,k=0; Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); String a=input.next(); for(i=0;i<a.length();i++){ for(j=0;j<i;j++){ if(a.charAt(i)==a.charAt(j)) {k=1;break;} } if(k==0) System.out.print(a.charAt(i)); k=0; } } }
for(i=0;i<a;i++){ c[i]=input.nextInt(); if(k==1) for(j=0;j<i;j++) { if(c[i]==c[j]) {k=0;break;} } else break; }
for(i=0;i<a;i++){ c[i]=input.nextInt(); } //输入 Arrays.sort(c); for(i=0;i<a-1;i++){ if(c[i]==c[i+1]) break; } //判断是否有重复的数
float a = 10.2222225, b = 10.2222229; if (fabs(a-b) < 1e-6) //double fabs(double),int abs(int) printf("这两个数相等\n"); else printf("这两个数不相等\n");
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