
Posted on 2006-01-12 18:04  瞳孔  阅读(1862)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

  今天突然不能访问通过\\HostDomain\DFSRootName来访问dfs目录,登陆DFS服务器后发现机器本身也不能打开\\HostDomain\ 本来想把DFS配置删除后,重新设置看看DFS能不能恢复,没想到把设置删除后就再也不能添加根目录,添加的时候提示“不支持的请求”或者“拒绝访问”。“拒绝访问”倒是很好理解,因为当时登陆的用户没有domain admins的权限自然就不能添加域根目录了,对于“不支持的请求”第一次看到反复检查了所有的设置后都没有解决。到google和microsoft一阵搜索,在Microsoft找到一篇文章把问题搞定了文章地址:http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=224384 

1. Stop the DFS service by tying net stop dfs at a command prompt.
2. Start Registry Editor and delete the following registry keys:a.  Delete the Volumes folder and any subfolders under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DfsHost.
b.  Delete all subfolders under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DfsDriver\LocalVolumes, leaving LocalVolumes intact.
3. From the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in, click Advanced Features on the View menu. Open the DFS-Configuration container under the System folder. Delete the DFS root in the right pane.

Note that the DFS configuration data can also be removed from the Active Directory using LDAP or Adsiedit.msc. For a computer in the A.COM domain with a fault-tolerant DFS root named DFSFT, the LDAP path would be CN=DFS-Configuration,CN=System,DC=A,DC=COM. 
4. Restart the DFS service you stopped in step 1.


  最后才找到问题的毛病是GC那台服务器出了一些问题,导致\\HostDomain 解析不出来,误认为是Dfs的故障。不过误打误撞学习到了关于Dfs的经验,也有不小收获^_^ 。


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