基与python的GRPC SSL/TLS加密及Token鉴权


├── protos
│   └── hello_world.proto
├── dists
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── hello_world_pb2.py
│   └── hello_world_pb2_grpc.py
├── server.py
├── client.py
├── token.py
├── grpc_ssl_key.pem
├── grpc_ssl_cert.pem
└── grpc_ssl_server.pem


# protos/hello_world.proto

syntax = "proto3";

package test;

message User {
    string name = 1;

message Result {
    string reply = 1;

service Test {
    rpc Hello(User) returns (Result) {}

# 通过命令构建
python -m grpc_tools.protoc \
  -I protos \
  --python_out=dists \
  --grpc_python_out=dists \



1 // 创建grpc_ssl_key.pem和grpc_ssl_cert.pem
2 // 其中<domain>务必事先指定, 后续需要用到
3 openssl req -subj "/CN=black-ip.yazx.com" -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -days 7200 \
4     -keyout grpc-ssl-key.pem \
5     -out grpc-ssl-cert.pem
6 // 创建grpc_ssl_server.pem
7 openssl rsa -in grpc-ssl-key.pem -out grpc-ssl-server.pem


# server.py

from grpc.experimental import aio
from typing import AnyStr
from dist import hello_world_pb2
from dist import hello_world_pb2_grpc

# 实现具体的grpc函数
class TestServicer(hello_world_pb2_grpc.TestServicer):

    async def Hello(self, request, context) -> hello_world_pb2.Result:
        return hello_world_pb2.Result(reply=f"hello {request.name}")

# 读取密钥二进制数据
def read_file(path: str, binary: bool) -> AnyStr:
    with open(path, 'rb' if binary else 'r') as f:
        return f.read()

# 创建grpc服务端证书
def create_ssl_server_credentials() -> aio.grpc.ChannelCredentials:
    return aio.grpc.ssl_server_credentials(
                read_file('grpc_ssl_server.pem', True),
                read_file('grpc_ssl_cert.pem', True),

# 运行grpc服务
async def run(host: str, port: int) -> None:
    server = aio.server()
    server_credetials = create_ssl_server_credentials()
    server.add_secure_port(f'[::]:{port}', server_credetials)
    hello_world_pb2_grpc.add_TestServicer_to_server(TestServicer(), server)
    await server.start()
    await server.wait_for_termination()


# client.py

from grpc.experimental import aio
from typing import AnyStr
from dist import hello_world_pb2
from dist import hello_world_pb2_grpc

# 创建grpc客户端证书
def create_ssl_channel_credentials() -> aio.grpc.ChannelCredentials:
    return aio.grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(

# 运行grpc客户端
async def run(host: str, port: int) -> None:
    options = (('grpc.ssl_target_name_override', '<domain>'),)
    kwargs = {
        'target': f"{host}:{port}",
        'options': (
            ("grpc.lb_policy_name", "round_robin"),  # 自动根据dns域名解析服务列表
    channel_credentials = create_ssl_channel_credentials()
    creds = aio.grpc.composite_channel_credentials(channel_credentials)
    channel = aio.secure_channel(**kwargs, credentials=creds)
    await channel.channel_ready()
    stub = hello_world_pb2_grpc.TestStub(channel)
    result = await stub.Hello(hello_world_pb2.User(name='world'))




# token.py

from typing import Callable, List, Any
from grpc.experimental import aio

class BearerToken(object):
    code: aio.grpc.StatusCode = aio.grpc.StatusCode.UNAUTHENTICATED
    details: str = 'bad bearer token'

    def __init__(self, token: str) -> None:
        self.token = token

    def __call__(self, func) -> Callable:
        async def wrapper(inner_self, request, context: aio.ServicerContext) -> Any:
            metadata = context.invocation_metadata()
            for item in metadata:
                if item[0] == 'authorization' and item[1] == f'Bearer {self.token}':
                    return await func(inner_self, request, context)
            await context.abort(

        return wrapper


# server.py

from grpc.experimental import aio
from typing import AnyStr
from dist import hello_world_pb2
from dist import hello_world_pb2_grpc
from token import BearerToken

# 实现具体的grpc函数
class TestServicer(hello_world_pb2_grpc.TestServicer):

    async def Hello(self, request, context) -> hello_world_pb2.Result:
        return hello_world_pb2.Result(reply=f"hello {request.name}")


# client.py

from grpc.experimental import aio

token = 'xxx'

# 创建Token认证
def create_access_token_credentials(cls) -> aio.grpc.CallCredentials:
    return aio.grpc.access_token_call_credentials(token)

# 运行grpc客户端
async def run(host: str, port: int) -> None:
    options = (('grpc.ssl_target_name_override', '<domain>'),)
    kwargs = {
        'target': f"{host}:{port}",
        'options': (
            ("grpc.lb_policy_name", "round_robin"),  # 自动根据dns域名解析服务列表
    channel_credentials = create_ssl_channel_credentials()
    token_credentials = self.create_access_token_credentials()
    creds = aio.grpc.composite_channel_credentials(
    channel = aio.secure_channel(**kwargs, credentials=creds)
    await channel.channel_ready()
    stub = hello_world_pb2_grpc.TestStub(channel)
    result = await stub.Hello(hello_world_pb2.User(name='world'))




posted @ 2022-04-26 11:27  Nolinked  阅读(1152)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报