Thrift实践:(一)安装 -- 未完待续
1. 新建一个目录,C:\test\thrift-test,里面建2个子文件夹,client-node和sever-csharp,然后把Thrift官方的thrift定义文件也拷贝进去。
2. 官方的thrift定义文件,会去引用一个shared的thrift文件,但是这个文件貌似没地方下载,导致生成接口时报错,索性我就把他从定义里面删掉,干净起见,注释也删了。
namespace cpp tutorial namespace d tutorial namespace java tutorial namespace php tutorial namespace perl tutorial typedef i32 MyInteger const i32 INT32CONSTANT = 9853 const map<string,string> MAPCONSTANT = {'hello':'world', 'goodnight':'moon'} enum Operation { ADD = 1, SUBTRACT = 2, MULTIPLY = 3, DIVIDE = 4 } struct Work { 1: i32 num1 = 0, 2: i32 num2, 3: Operation op, 4: optional string comment, } exception InvalidOperation { 1: i32 what, 2: string why } service Calculator{ void ping(), i32 add(1:i32 num1, 2:i32 num2), i32 calculate(1:i32 logid, 2:Work w) throws (1:InvalidOperation ouch), oneway void zip() }
3. 打开Visual Studio 2012,新建一个项目,名为thrift-1stApp-server,项目放在刚才建立的子目录server-csharp下。
4. 右键项目,选择Manage Nuget Packages,选择Online, 然后搜索thrift,第一个应该就是Apache官方提供的thrift C#库了,注意版本号和CreateBy属性,CreateBy一定要是The Apache Software Foundation,别下载山寨版。版本号要和接下来下载的thrift compiler对应。我这里显示的是2012年11月20日发布的0.9.0.0版本。点击安装,thrift.dll就被自动加入到项目引用里面了。
5. 现在thrift的windows版compiler(已经帮你编译好的exe),官方提供的下载链接是:,只有最新0.91版的,找了半天也没找到0.90的,网上搜了下,总算下载到了:
6. 把下载下来的thrift-0.9.0.exe,放到D:\Tools\thrift目录下。
7. 执行: C:\test\thrift-test\server-csharp\>D:\Tools\thrift\thrift-0.9.0 --gen csharp ..\tutorial-tutorial.thrift
8. 你应该能看到,多出来一个子目录gen-csharp,把该目录下的所有文件都Include到Visual Studio的工程里面去。
9. 编译一下,应该是没有编译错误的。
1. 添加CalculatorHandler.cs:
using System; namespace thrift_1stApp_server { public class CalculatorHandler : Calculator.Iface { public CalculatorHandler() { } public void ping() { Console.WriteLine("ping()"); } public int add(int n1, int n2) { Console.WriteLine("add({0},{1})", n1, n2); return n1 + n2; } public int calculate(int logid, Work work) { Console.WriteLine("calculate({0}, [{1},{2},{3}])", logid, work.Op, work.Num1, work.Num2); int val = 0; switch (work.Op) { case Operation.ADD: val = work.Num1 + work.Num2; break; case Operation.SUBTRACT: val = work.Num1 - work.Num2; break; case Operation.MULTIPLY: val = work.Num1 * work.Num2; break; case Operation.DIVIDE: if (work.Num2 == 0) { InvalidOperation io = new InvalidOperation(); io.What = (int)work.Op; io.Why = "Cannot divide by 0"; throw io; } val = work.Num1 / work.Num2; break; default: { InvalidOperation io = new InvalidOperation(); io.What = (int)work.Op; io.Why = "Unknown operation"; throw io; } } return val; } public void zip() { Console.WriteLine("zip()"); } } }
2. 实现Main方法:
using System; using Thrift.Server; using Thrift.Transport; namespace thrift_1stApp_server { class Program { public static void Main() { try { CalculatorHandler handler = new CalculatorHandler(); Calculator.Processor processor = new Calculator.Processor(handler); TServerTransport serverTransport = new TServerSocket(9090); TServer server = new TSimpleServer(processor, serverTransport); Console.WriteLine("Starting the server..."); server.Serve(); } catch (Exception x) { Console.WriteLine(x.StackTrace); } Console.WriteLine("done."); } } }
3. 编译运行,控制台会显示:Starting the Server...,然后就等待。
4. 应该可以看到,多了一个gen-nodejs的目录
5. TBD...