Realtime Update of the resources in Ogre App
This code contains a class, with helper to reload RessourceGroup.
The idea is : you create a ressource group, with your material in it (and texture and shaders).
then you call an update fonction.
The update function :
1/ first time you call it, it just make the list of all files, and corresponding last modification date.
2/ then second and + times that you call it, it checks if the last modification date has been modified.
3/ it reloads if needed the content of the RessourceGroup.
What is more, the update function output errors from the log. Very useful if you want to display that
"at line 6 in mymat.material you made an error", or that "in the shader at line 20 the compiler got a problem".
So I find it very cool, but it's just a class.
#ifndef RESOURCEGROUPHELPER_H #define RESOURCEGROUPHELPER_H #include <utility> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <OgreRenderable.h> #include <OgreLog.h> ///\brief a fake class with different useful methods for manipulating Resourcegroups. /// please note that it was not tested with background loading. class ResourceGroupHelper { private: /// \brief anti copy constructor (no use) ResourceGroupHelper(const ResourceGroupHelper&); /// \brief anti affector (no use) ResourceGroupHelper& operator=(const ResourceGroupHelper&); /// \brief a helper method to visit all overlay /// it uses a recursive call void visitRecursivelyRenderablesFrom(Ogre::OverlayContainer* pOverlayContainer, Ogre::Renderable::Visitor& pVisitor, bool debugRenderable = false); ///\brief a map [key : nameOfTheRessourceGroup]/[value : last modification time on the hdd from the files of the ResourceGroup] std::map<std::string, time_t > mRessourceGroupModificationTimes; // ------ helper classes /// \brief this visitor will be used to set the material on known renderable that allow this operation. /// for other user class renderable, must be tweaked/changed class BRAND_NAME : public Ogre::Renderable::Visitor { private: BRAND_NAME(const BRAND_NAME&);///<\brief anti copyconstructor BRAND_NAME& operator=(const BRAND_NAME&);///<\brief anti affector public: /// \brief default constructor BRAND_NAME(); /// \brief called for each renderable virtual void visit(Ogre::Renderable *rend, Ogre::ushort lodIndex, bool isDebug, Ogre::Any *pAny=0); }; ///\brief this class will listen to the log. /// it will check if there are "errors" or "exception" send to the listener /// and allows to keep or not the messages. class ResourceGroupHelperLogListener : public Ogre::LogListener { private: ResourceGroupHelperLogListener(const ResourceGroupHelperLogListener&);///<\brief anti copyconstructor ResourceGroupHelperLogListener& operator=(const ResourceGroupHelperLogListener&);///<\brief anti affector std::stringstream mKeptMessages;///<\brief interesting messages that we choose to keep public: /// \brief the constructor ResourceGroupHelperLogListener(); ///\brief the destructor de-register itself from the log ~ResourceGroupHelperLogListener(); /// \brief called for each message virtual void messageLogged(const Ogre::String &message, Ogre::LogMessageLevel lml, bool maskDebug, const Ogre::String &logName, bool& skipThisMessage); /// \brief get a copy of kept messages std::string getKeptMessages(); ///\brief tells if mKeptMessages is empty or not bool areMessagesKept(); ///\brief clear the kept messages void clearKeptMessages(); }; public: /// \brief default constructor ResourceGroupHelper(void); /// \brief destructor ~ResourceGroupHelper(void); /// \brief : a path + the archive type. typedef std::pair<std::string,std::string> ArchivePathAndType; /// \brief get a vector with directory path and corresponding type. /// can be useful if you want to reload some Resourcegroup. /// note : does not check the config file. /// \param the name of the resourcegroup /// \warning there is no garanty that the path order will be the same than during the first loading. std::vector<ArchivePathAndType> getAllPathAndTypesNames(const std::string& pResourceGroupName); /// \brief tries to suppress a Resourcegroup and reload it completely using the provided ordered locations. /// \param the name of the resourcegroup /// \param the path and types of the archives to be loaded, and in the order to be loaded /// it will not work correctly if some elements of the Resourcegroup are still used. /// \return true if the Resourcegroup was found and correctly destroy, false otherwise. bool reloadAResourceGroup(const std::string& pResourceGroupName,const std::vector<ArchivePathAndType>& pLocationToAdd); /// \brief this serves the same purpose than reloadAResourceGroup, but it does not destroy/recreate the ResourceGroup. /// \param the name of the resourcegroup /// on the one hand, you don't need to worry about the path and order of the locations. /// on the other hand, there is no test that the resources were really cleared and reloaded. /// personnally I prefer this thought, because it's much smarter & less costly in the end. bool reloadAResourceGroupWithoutDestroyingIt(const std::string& pResourceGroupName); /// \brief return true if the resourcegroup exists /// \param the name of the resourcegroup bool resourceGroupExist(const std::string& pResourceGroupName); /// \brief updating informations about materials on all 'reachable' renderables /// that are currently used by the different scenemanagers and overlays void updateOnEveryRenderable(); /// \brief get the latest modification time : check all files date from the resourcegroup /// \param the name of the resourcegroup /// \warning time-costly! because access the HDD! time_t getLatestModificationTime(const std::string& pResourceGroupName); /// \brief test latest modification time. /// if it did change since the latest call to this function, /// then the resourcegroup is reloaded /// and all the renderables are updated /// bool returns if reload was tried or not. /// if an error happens during reloading (parsing script + glsl), it is likely to be /// described in the pOutLoggedMessages param, if useLog. bool checkTimeAndReloadIfNeeded(const std::string& pResourceGroupName,std::string &pOutLoggedMessages, bool useLog=true); }; #endif
#include "ResourceGroupHelper.h" #include "OgreResourceGroupManager.h" #include "OgreLogManager.h" #include "OgreRoot.h" #include "OgreMovableObject.h" #include "OgreMaterialManager.h" #include "OgreEntity.h" #include "OgreSubEntity.h" #include "OgreBillBoardChain.h" #include "OgreBillBoardSet.h" #include "OgreOverlayElement.h" #include "OgreOverlay.h" #include "OgreOverlayManager.h" #include "OgreOverlayContainer.h" ResourceGroupHelper::BRAND_NAME::BRAND_NAME(): Ogre::Renderable::Visitor() { } void ResourceGroupHelper::BRAND_NAME::visit( Ogre::Renderable *rend, Ogre::ushort lodIndex, bool isDebug, Ogre::Any *pAny) { const Ogre::MaterialPtr mat = rend->getMaterial(); if(!mat.isNull()) { std::string newMatName = mat->getName(); Ogre::MaterialPtr newMat = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(newMatName); if(newMat.isNull()) { // this can happen if there was error during the reloading of the material. // in that case, we keep the ancient one. // Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage(newMatName+" : new material is null!"); return; } // unfortunately, the renderable gives access only to a const MaterialPtr. // and there is no 'setMaterial' or 'setMaterialName' method on renderables. // so I have to try to down cast with known classes... { Ogre::SubEntity* lRend = dynamic_cast<Ogre::SubEntity*>(rend); if(lRend){lRend->setMaterialName(newMatName);return;} } { Ogre::SimpleRenderable* lRend = dynamic_cast<Ogre::SimpleRenderable*>(rend); if(lRend){lRend->setMaterial(newMatName);return;} } { Ogre::ShadowRenderable* lRend = dynamic_cast<Ogre::ShadowRenderable*>(rend); if(lRend){lRend->setMaterial(newMat);return;} } { Ogre::BillboardChain* lRend = dynamic_cast<Ogre::BillboardChain*>(rend); if(lRend){lRend->setMaterialName(newMatName);return;} } { Ogre::BillboardSet* lRend = dynamic_cast<Ogre::BillboardSet*>(rend); if(lRend){lRend->setMaterialName(newMatName);return;} } { Ogre::OverlayElement* lRend = dynamic_cast<Ogre::OverlayElement*>(rend); if(lRend){lRend->setMaterialName(newMatName);return;} } }else{ // was there for debug... // Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("material of renderable is null!"); } } ResourceGroupHelper::ResourceGroupHelperLogListener::ResourceGroupHelperLogListener(): Ogre::LogListener(),mKeptMessages() { Ogre::LogManager* logMgr = Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr(); if(logMgr) { bool logExist = true; try{logMgr->getDefaultLog();}catch(Ogre::Exception&) { logExist = false; } if(logExist) { logMgr->getDefaultLog()->addListener(this); } } } ResourceGroupHelper::ResourceGroupHelperLogListener::~ResourceGroupHelperLogListener() { Ogre::LogManager* logMgr = Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr(); if(logMgr) { bool logExist = true; try{logMgr->getDefaultLog();}catch(Ogre::Exception&) { logExist = false; } if(logExist) { logMgr->getDefaultLog()->removeListener(this); } } } bool ResourceGroupHelper::ResourceGroupHelperLogListener::areMessagesKept() { return mKeptMessages.peek()==EOF; } std::string ResourceGroupHelper::ResourceGroupHelperLogListener::getKeptMessages() { return mKeptMessages.str(); } void ResourceGroupHelper::ResourceGroupHelperLogListener::clearKeptMessages() { mKeptMessages.str(std::string()); } void ResourceGroupHelper::ResourceGroupHelperLogListener::messageLogged (const Ogre::String &message, Ogre::LogMessageLevel lml, bool maskDebug, const Ogre::String &logName, bool& skipThisMessage) { Ogre::String copy = message; Ogre::StringUtil::toLowerCase(copy); Ogre::String pattern1 = "*error*"; Ogre::String pattern2 = "*exception*"; bool lErrorfound = Ogre::StringUtil::match(message,pattern1,true) || Ogre::StringUtil::match(message,pattern2,true); if(lErrorfound) { mKeptMessages<<message; } } ResourceGroupHelper::ResourceGroupHelper(void): mRessourceGroupModificationTimes() { // reloading the default resource group is a bad idea. // lets make it harder, by giving it a big modification time. time_t veryBig = 1; { int nbBytes = sizeof(time_t); for(int i = 0; i<(nbBytes-1)*8;i++) { veryBig+=2*veryBig; } } mRessourceGroupModificationTimes[Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME] = veryBig; } ResourceGroupHelper::~ResourceGroupHelper(void) { } std::vector<ResourceGroupHelper::ArchivePathAndType> ResourceGroupHelper::getAllPathAndTypesNames(const std::string& pResourceGroupName) { // note : unfortunately no access to the order in which path where loaded Ogre::FileInfoListPtr fli_dirs = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().listResourceFileInfo(pResourceGroupName,true); std::vector<ResourceGroupHelper::ArchivePathAndType> lDirectoryInfos; if(!fli_dirs.isNull()) { Ogre::FileInfoList::iterator itFliD = fli_dirs->begin(); Ogre::FileInfoList::iterator itFliDEnd = fli_dirs->end(); for(; itFliD!=itFliDEnd;itFliD++) { Ogre::FileInfo& lFinfoD = (*itFliD); if(lFinfoD.archive) { ResourceGroupHelper::ArchivePathAndType arch; arch.first = lFinfoD.path + lFinfoD.archive->getName(); arch.second = lFinfoD.archive->getType(); lDirectoryInfos.push_back(arch); } } } return lDirectoryInfos; } bool ResourceGroupHelper::reloadAResourceGroup(const std::string& pResourceGroupName,const std::vector<ResourceGroupHelper::ArchivePathAndType>& pLocationToAdd) { if(!resourceGroupExist(pResourceGroupName)) { // not present. something wrong. return false; } Ogre::ResourceGroupManager& resGroupMgr = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(); resGroupMgr.destroyResourceGroup(pResourceGroupName); if(resourceGroupExist(pResourceGroupName)) { // still present. something wrong. return false; } resGroupMgr.createResourceGroup(pResourceGroupName); std::vector<ResourceGroupHelper::ArchivePathAndType>::const_iterator iterLoc= pLocationToAdd.begin(); std::vector<ResourceGroupHelper::ArchivePathAndType>::const_iterator iterLocEnd= pLocationToAdd.end(); for(;iterLoc!=iterLocEnd;iterLoc++) { // add the location in the resourceGroup resGroupMgr.addResourceLocation(iterLoc->first,iterLoc->second,pResourceGroupName,false); } resGroupMgr.initialiseResourceGroup(pResourceGroupName); return true; } bool ResourceGroupHelper::reloadAResourceGroupWithoutDestroyingIt(const std::string& pResourceGroupName) { if(!resourceGroupExist(pResourceGroupName)) { // not present. something wrong. return false; } Ogre::ResourceGroupManager& resGroupMgr = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(); resGroupMgr.clearResourceGroup(pResourceGroupName); resGroupMgr.initialiseResourceGroup(pResourceGroupName); return true; } bool ResourceGroupHelper::resourceGroupExist(const std::string& pResourceGroupName) { bool lIsPresent = false; Ogre::ResourceGroupManager& resGroupMgr = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(); Ogre::StringVector lAllResourceGroups = resGroupMgr.getResourceGroups(); Ogre::StringVector::iterator iter = lAllResourceGroups.begin(); Ogre::StringVector::iterator iterEnd = lAllResourceGroups.end(); for(;iter!=iterEnd;iter++) { if((*iter) == pResourceGroupName) { lIsPresent = true; } } return lIsPresent; } void ResourceGroupHelper::updateOnEveryRenderable() { //1/ get all the available object type (entity, light, user defined types ...) std::vector<std::string> allAvailableTypes; Ogre::Root::MovableObjectFactoryIterator iterFactory = Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getMovableObjectFactoryIterator(); for(;iterFactory.hasMoreElements();) { Ogre::MovableObjectFactory* factory = iterFactory.getNext(); allAvailableTypes.push_back(factory->getType()); } BRAND_NAME BRAND_NAME; //2/ for each scene manager, lets visit renderables! // unfortunately that does not cover all renderables type... (overlays...) Ogre::SceneManagerEnumerator::SceneManagerIterator iterSceneManager = Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getSceneManagerIterator(); for(;iterSceneManager.hasMoreElements();) { Ogre::SceneManager * scMgr = iterSceneManager.getNext(); std::vector<std::string>::iterator iterMovableType = allAvailableTypes.begin(); std::vector<std::string>::iterator iterMovableTypeEnd = allAvailableTypes.end(); for(;iterMovableType!=iterMovableTypeEnd;iterMovableType++) { Ogre::SceneManager::MovableObjectIterator iterMovable = scMgr->getMovableObjectIterator(*iterMovableType); for(;iterMovable.hasMoreElements();) { Ogre::MovableObject * movable = iterMovable.getNext(); movable->visitRenderables(&BRAND_NAME,false); } } } // 3 / visit overlays! { Ogre::OverlayManager::OverlayMapIterator iterOverlay = Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton().getOverlayIterator(); for(;iterOverlay.hasMoreElements();) { Ogre::Overlay* lOverlay = iterOverlay.getNext(); // get the first level of OverlayContainer in the Overlay Ogre::Overlay::Overlay2DElementsIterator iterOverlayElem = lOverlay->get2DElementsIterator(); for(;iterOverlayElem.hasMoreElements();) { Ogre::OverlayContainer * lOverlayCont = iterOverlayElem.getNext(); visitRecursivelyRenderablesFrom(lOverlayCont,BRAND_NAME, false); } } } } void ResourceGroupHelper::visitRecursivelyRenderablesFrom(Ogre::OverlayContainer* pOverlayContainer, Ogre::Renderable::Visitor& pVisitor, bool debugRenderable) { // call on 'this' pOverlayContainer->visitRenderables(&pVisitor,false); // call on 'leaf' (cf composite pattern) { Ogre::OverlayContainer::ChildIterator childIter = pOverlayContainer->getChildIterator(); for(;childIter.hasMoreElements();) { Ogre::OverlayElement* lOverElem = childIter.getNext(); lOverElem->visitRenderables(&pVisitor,false); } } // call on 'not-leaf' (cf composite pattern) { Ogre::OverlayContainer::ChildContainerIterator childContainerIter = pOverlayContainer->getChildContainerIterator(); for(;childContainerIter.hasMoreElements();) { Ogre::OverlayContainer * childContainer = childContainerIter.getNext(); visitRecursivelyRenderablesFrom(childContainer, pVisitor,debugRenderable); } } } time_t ResourceGroupHelper::getLatestModificationTime(const std::string& pResourceGroupName) { time_t result(0); Ogre::ResourceGroupManager& rgMgr = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton(); Ogre::FileInfoListPtr fli_files = rgMgr.listResourceFileInfo(pResourceGroupName,false); if(fli_files.isNull()) { // something went wrong (example : no files)! return result; } // for each file, we check the modification date. // we keep the latest one. Ogre::FileInfoList::iterator iterFiles = fli_files->begin(); Ogre::FileInfoList::iterator iterFilesEnd = fli_files->end(); for(;iterFiles!=iterFilesEnd;iterFiles++) { Ogre::FileInfo& file = *iterFiles; if(file.archive) { // [4/24/2013 zhangzh] Ogre::Archive* pArchive = const_cast<Ogre::Archive*>(file.archive); time_t modifTime = pArchive->getModifiedTime(file.filename); //time_t modifTime = file.archive->getModifiedTime(file.filename); if(result < modifTime) { result = modifTime; } } } return result; } bool ResourceGroupHelper::checkTimeAndReloadIfNeeded(const std::string& pResourceGroupName, std::string &pOutLoggedMessages, bool useLog) { bool result = false; // 1/ get last modification time. time_t lastModificationTime = getLatestModificationTime(pResourceGroupName); std::map<std::string, time_t >::iterator iterInfoTime = mRessourceGroupModificationTimes.find(pResourceGroupName); if(iterInfoTime!=mRessourceGroupModificationTimes.end()) { if(iterInfoTime->second < lastModificationTime) { // update the value iterInfoTime->second = lastModificationTime; Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("Time has evaluated ! Reload the ResourceGroup!");// use log if needed if(useLog) { // constructor register itself, and destructor unregister itself ResourceGroupHelperLogListener lLogListener; // try to reload reloadAResourceGroupWithoutDestroyingIt(pResourceGroupName); pOutLoggedMessages = lLogListener.getKeptMessages(); }else{ // try to reload reloadAResourceGroupWithoutDestroyingIt(pResourceGroupName); } // update the material of reachable renderables updateOnEveryRenderable(); result = true; } }else{ mRessourceGroupModificationTimes[pResourceGroupName] = lastModificationTime; } return result; }
And in my application I just call it that way :
at initialisation :
#include "ResourceGroupHelper.h" // ... some code ResourceGroupHelper resourceGrouphelper;
In the infinit loop (or your framelistener), if I press 'R', then I check for reload (note that I could have done it without checking for R pressed):
if(firstR==0.0f && mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_R)) { firstR = 1.0f; // name of the resource group that we want to track std::string resourceGroupName = "Yaose"; // to receive the error messages std::string errorMessages; // look on the hdd the last modification time and try reload changes if needed resourceGrouphelper.checkTimeAndReloadIfNeeded(resourceGroupName, errorMessages); if(errorMessages.size()>0) { // you can display them in a message box, or in an overlay for example // here I resend them to the log... Ogre::LogManager& logMgr = Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton(); logMgr.logMessage("****************** HERE THE BAD MESSAGES : "); logMgr.logMessage(errorMessages); logMgr.logMessage("****************** END OF THE BAD MESSAGES *****"); } }else if(!mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_R)) { firstR = 0.0; }
And so the "Yaose" resourceGroupManager is reloaded when at least 1 file has been modified.
note : neveer try to reload the default resourcegroupmanager, it is not meant to be.
I hope you like it!
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