X Window 的奥秘 大名鼎鼎的 X Window 大家肯定不陌生。都知道它是 Unix/Linux 下面的窗口系统,也都知道它基于 Server/Clinet 架构。在网上随便搜一搜,也可以找到不少 X Window 的介绍。有不少文章为了给用户留一个直观的印象,往往先让系统进入纯文本界面,然 阅读全文
X Window System protocols and architecture In computing, the X Window System (commonly X11 or X) is a network-transparent windowing system for bitmap 阅读全文
Are you a Linux fan? Do you hate to do things the easy way? Are you a pro who loves to put his computer’s life on the line to experiment and customize 阅读全文
An X server is a program in the X Window System that runs on local machines (i.e., the computers used directly by users) and handles all access to the 阅读全文