

大家都知道我们习惯性称作的 CSS3 对于 CSS2.1 有很多的修改和补充。抛开浏览器的兼容性问题,这里把所有的变化整理到一份表格中便于学习和查阅  。不能保证没有遗漏,欢迎大家补充。
新增的 属性 新增的每个属性新值 新增的选择器 其它 新特性
  • animation (and eight associated longhand properties)
  • background-clip
  • background-origin
  • background-size
  • border-radius (and four associated longhand properties)
  • border-image (and six associated longhand properties)
  • box-decoration-break
  • box-shadow
  • box-sizing
  • columns (and thirteen associated multi-column properties)
  • clear-after
  • flex (and eleven associated flexbox properties)
  • font-stretch
  • font-size-adjust
  • font-synthesis
  • font-kerning
  • font-variant-caps
  • hanging-punctuation
  • hyphens
  • icon
  • image-resolution
  • image-orientation
  • line-break
  • object-fit
  • object-position
  • opacity
  • outline-offset
  • overflow-wrap / word-wrap
  • backface-visibility
  • perspective
  • perspective-origin
  • pointer-events (for HTML)
  • resize
  • tab-size
  • text-align-last
  • text-decoration-line
  • text-decoration-skip
  • text-decoration-position
  • text-decoration-style
  • text-emphasis (and three associated properties)
  • text-justify
  • text-orientation
  • text-overflow
  • transform
  • transform-style
  • text-shadow
  • transition (and four associated longhand properties)
  • word-break
  • word-spacing
  • writing-mode
  • Value “local” for the background-attachment property
  • Value "rgba()" for any property that accepts a color value
  • Value "hsl()" for any property that accepts a color value
  • Value "hsla()" for any property that accepts a color value
  • Value "currentColor" for any property that accepts a color value
  • Value "inset()" for the clip property
  • Value "linear-gradient()" for any property that accepts an image value
  • Value "radial-gradient()" for any property that accepts an image value
  • Value "repeating-linear-gradient()" for any property that accepts an image value
  • Value "repeating-radial-gradient()" for any property that accepts an image value
  • Value "image()" for any property that accepts an image value
  • Multiple comma-separated images for any property that accepts an image value
  • Multiple comma-separated background-related values to match multiple background image declarations
  • Value "center" for the position property
  • Value "page" for the position property
  • Value "space" for the background-repeat property
  • Value "round" for the background-repeat property
  • 15 new values for the cursor property
  • Values "flex" and "inline-flex" for the display property
  • Values "all-small-caps", "petite-caps", "all-petite-caps", "titling-caps", and "unicase" for the font-variant property
  • Multiple, space-separated values for the letter-spacing property
  • New values for the text-align property, including "<string>", "match-parent", "start", "end", and "start end"
  • text-decoration is now a shorthand property
  • Keywords "hanging" and "each-line" declared along with length or percentage values for the tfext-indent property
  • Value "full-width" for the text-transform property
  • rem units for lengths
  • calc() units for lengths
  • toggle() units
  • Angle units (deg, grad, rad, turn)
  • Time units (s, ms)
  • Substring matching attribute selectors ([att^=val], [att$=val], [att*=val])
  • :target pseudo-class
  • New pseudo-classes: :enabled, :disabled, :checked, and :indeterminate
  • :root pseudo-class
  • New expression-based structural pseudo-classes: :nth-child(), :nth-last-child(), :nth-of-type(), :nth-last-of-type()
  • Other new structural pseudo-classes: :last-child, :first-of-type, :last-of-type, :only-child, :only-of-type, :empty
  • The negation pseudo-class :not()
  • Four pseudo-elements with double-colon syntax (::first-line, ::first-letter,::before, ::after)
  • The following-sibling combinator (p ~ img)
  • ::selection pseudo-class (removed from the spec, but everyone uses it)
  • @font-face
  • Media Queries
  • Keyframe animations using @keyframes
  • Conditional styles using @supports
  • Namespacing using @namespace
  • Regions
  • Filters

  • Counter Styles Level 3
  • Device Adaptation
  • Display Module Level 3
  • Line Grid
  • Mobile Text Size Adjustment
  • CSS Variables
  • Box Alignment
  • The "all" property
  • Exclusions and Shapes
  • Generated Content for Paged Media
  • Grid Layout
  • Grid Template Layout
  • Line Layout Module
  • New features in Lists and Counters
  • Overflow Module
  • New features in Paged Media
  • New features in CSS Sizing
  • Media Queries Level 4
  • Selectors Level 4
  • ch units
  • Viewport relative lengths
  • New resolution units
  • Compositing and Blending
  • New features in CSS speech
  • The unicode-range descriptor for @font-face
  • New features in CSS Images and Replaced Content
  • CSS Masking


CSS3 模块编辑

    • 选择器
    • 盒模型
    • 背景和边框
    • 文字特效
    • 2D/3D转换
    • 动画
    • 多列布局
    • 用户界面
posted @ 2015-09-21 13:31  心在梦就在  阅读(1237)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报