在博客中加入Snap Shots
Snap Shots表示“花絮”的意思,在博客中可以使用Snap Shots来添加“花絮”效果。
http://www.cnblogs.com/psunny内部的链接Snap Shots效果不可用
http://www.google.cn外部的链接Snap Shots可用。
可以通过设置来达到这种效果,一般情况下,我们不需要站内链接的Snap Shots效果。
在Snap Shots中进行相关设置。
- Show Snap Shot Link Icon
With this option enabled, a small icon will be added at the end of your active links, signaling to your users which of your links Snap Shots and which do not.
- Trigger Snap Shots on Link Icon Only
With this option enabled, the trigger hot-zone for the Snap Shots will be limited to the link icon only, which in turn will decrease the chances of your users accidentally triggering Snap Shots.
启用该选项,触发Snap Shots的热点将尽限于链接图标,从而大大减少用户不小心触发Snap Shots的机会
- Display Large Snap Shots by Default
- Enable Snap Shots for External Links
With this option enabled, Snap Shots will be enabled for links pointing to pages on other sites.
启用该选项,Snap Shots将能够指向其他网站的链接(显示其他网站的截图)
- Enable Snap Shots for Internal Links
With this option enabled, Snap Shots will be enabled for links pointing to pages on your own site. Not recommended for sites where all pages look the same, unless they have
启用该选项,Snap Shots将能够指向自己的网站的链接。不建议所有的页面看起来都一样,除非它们有RSS.
- Only Display Preview Shots
- Enable Snap Shots to look for key phrases on your web site, and then add the right Snap Shots.
在Snap Shots中能够通过查找关键词,来添加正确的Snap Shots.