VMWare Centos7 Shared Folder Setting.

I use Centos7 in VMWare 15. But when I tried to set Shared Folder by Menu: VM->Setting->Options->Shared Folder, it did not work. After searching resolution on internet, I found valid method as following:

  1. VM->right click Menu choose Reinsall VMWare Tools...
  2. The VMWare Tools disk will appear on the desktop, click in to copy VMareTools-xxxxxx.tar.gz on somewhere; If you use centos minimal installation, you could use following commands to mount cdrom:
    mkdir /mnt/cdrom
    mount -t /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
    cd /mnt/cdrom
    cp VMWareTools-xxxxxx.tar.gz /home
    cd /home


  3. User  command "tar zxf VMareTools-xxxxxx.tar.gz" to extract file.
  4. Go into the extracted file folder, for example:"vmware-tools-distrb", run a terminal as root.
  5. Run "./vmare-install.pl" to start resintall, click Enter when prompt to confirm default setting.
  6. If installation finished, go to directory "/usr/bin", run "./vmware-config-tool.pl" with default options.
  7. If no error occurs during the process, your can run the "ls /mnt/hgfs" command to check the shared folders.

I meet with tips:"The path "" is not a valid path to the 3.10.0_xxx.el7.x86_64 kernel headers" when I try to install vmware tools by rum 'vmware-install.pl', I get one valid solution as following:

yum install gcc*
yum install kernel*
yum install kernel-devel
#select the newest kernel version

run the "./vnmware-install.pl" again.

If this method doesn't work, try to found include files in the directory follows:

/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/include/linux

posted @ 2020-02-15 23:10  zhangzheng08pku  阅读(156)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报