Disable beep in WSL terminal on Windows 10 [closed]



  1. To disable the beep in bash you need to uncomment (or add if not already there) the line set bell-style none in your /etc/inputrc file.

    Note: Since it is a protected file you need to be a privileged user to edit it (i.e. launch your text editor with something like sudo <editor> /etc/inputrc).

  2. To disable the beep also in vim you need to add set visualbell in your ~/.vimrc file.

  3. To disable the beep also in less (i.e. also in man pages and when using "git diff") you need to add export LESS="$LESS -R -Q" in your ~/.profile file.

posted @ 2021-09-25 15:13  profesor  阅读(72)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报