
眼过千遍不如手过一遍! 书看千行不如手敲一行! 手敲千行不如单步一行! 单步源代码千行不如单步对应汇编一行!



windows could not start because of a computer disk 问题

摘要: 惠普 windows could not start because of a computer disk 一个HP台式机2310其硬盘是串口的,160G,只分有C分区和一个备份用的加密小分区,且安装的系统是HOME版的,用GHOST重做系统后,无法正常启动出现以下提示: windows could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem could not read from the selected boot disk check boot path and disk harware pleas 阅读全文

posted @ 2012-05-18 20:07 心心程序博客 阅读(8248) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑