python window批量启动程序
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import threading import time import win32process """ CreateProcess(appName, cmdLine, proAttr, threadAttr, InheritHandle, CreationFlags, newEnv, currentDir, Attr) appName 可执行文件名 cmdLine 命令行参数 procAttr 进程安全属性 threadAttr 线程安全属性 InheritHandle 继承标志 CreationFlags 创建标志 currentDir 进程的当前目录 Attr 创建程序的属性 """ dir_path = 'd:/one-button-start' file_path = 'd:/one-button-start/start_app.txt' app_list = [] class OneButton: # 定义构造器 def __init__(self, app_list): # 封装账户编号、账户余额的两个成员变量 self.app_list = app_list self.lock = threading.RLock() def getAppList(self): global app_list print("获取需要开机启动的软件") if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) file = open(file_path) while 1: lines = file.readlines(100000) if not lines: break index = 0 for line in lines: lineStr = str(line).replace('\n', '') app_list.insert(index,lineStr) index = index + 1 file.close() print('getAppList:↓↓↓') print(app_list) self.app_list = app_list def openAppFile(self): if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) if not os.path.exists(file_path): f = open(file_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") f.close() print("打开文件,写入可执行程序文件路径,写完保存文件后启动程序") # 用记事本打开aa.txt os.system('notepad ' + file_path) # aa.txt文件必须在当前程序目录 def runApps(self): print('runApps:↓↓↓') print(self.app_list) if self.app_list and len(self.app_list) > 0: for app in self.app_list: print('run app path in:' + app) # 打开程序,获得其句柄 try: handle = win32process.CreateProcess(app, '', None, None, 0, win32process.CREATE_NO_WINDOW, None, None, win32process.STARTUPINFO()) except Exception as exc: print('启动'+ app + '报错如下:↓↓↓') print(exc) print('请重新输入正确的路径') finally: time.sleep(4) else: print("没有可以运行的程序!请录入可启动的程序") sys.exit(0) def main(self): self.getAppList() if self.app_list and len(self.app_list) > 0: self.runApps() def sotpApps(self): print("停止程序运行") # todo 关闭运行中的程序 self.getAppList() if self.app_list and len(self.app_list) > 0: self.runApps() if __name__ == '__main__': app = OneButton([]) print('录入需要启动的程序') app.openAppFile() # 打包成exe程序 # pyinstaller -F -w # pyinstaller -F --noconsole # 打包成带图标的exe # my.ico 是一个图标名,和当前的shjys_rjjqk.py文件在同一个目录下 # pyinstaller -F --icon=edit.ico
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import threading import time import win32process """ CreateProcess(appName, cmdLine, proAttr, threadAttr, InheritHandle, CreationFlags, newEnv, currentDir, Attr) appName 可执行文件名 cmdLine 命令行参数 procAttr 进程安全属性 threadAttr 线程安全属性 InheritHandle 继承标志 CreationFlags 创建标志 currentDir 进程的当前目录 Attr 创建程序的属性 """ dir_path = 'd:/one-button-start' file_path = 'd:/one-button-start/start_app.txt' app_list = [] class OneButton: # 定义构造器 def __init__(self, app_list): # 封装账户编号、账户余额的两个成员变量 self.app_list = app_list self.lock = threading.RLock() def getAppList(self): global app_list print("获取需要开机启动的软件") if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) file = open(file_path) while 1: lines = file.readlines(100000) if not lines: break index = 0 for line in lines: lineStr = str(line).replace('\n', '') app_list.insert(index,lineStr) index = index + 1 file.close() print('getAppList:↓↓↓') print(app_list) self.app_list = app_list def openAppFile(self): if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) if not os.path.exists(file_path): f = open(file_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") f.close() print("打开文件,写入可执行程序文件路径,写完保存文件后启动程序") # 用记事本打开aa.txt os.system('notepad ' + file_path) # aa.txt文件必须在当前程序目录 def runApps(self): print('runApps:↓↓↓') print(self.app_list) if self.app_list and len(self.app_list) > 0: for app in self.app_list: print('run app path in:' + app) # 打开程序,获得其句柄 try: handle = win32process.CreateProcess(app, '', None, None, 0, win32process.CREATE_NO_WINDOW, None, None, win32process.STARTUPINFO()) except Exception as exc: print('启动'+ app + '报错如下:↓↓↓') print(exc) print('请重新输入正确的路径') finally: time.sleep(4) else: print("没有可以运行的程序!请录入可启动的程序") sys.exit(0) def main(self): self.getAppList() if self.app_list and len(self.app_list) > 0: self.runApps() def sotpApps(self): print("停止程序运行") # todo 关闭运行中的程序 self.getAppList() if self.app_list and len(self.app_list) > 0: self.runApps() if __name__ == '__main__': app = OneButton([]) # 2.一键启动运行程序 print('一键启动运行程序') app.main() # 打包成exe程序 # pyinstaller -F -w #打包成带图标的exe # my.ico 是一个图标名,和当前的shjys_rjjqk.py文件在同一个目录下 # pyinstaller -F --icon=start.ico
使用 pyinstaller 去打包
然后点击 one_button_start.exe即可启动相关软件