文章分类 - JBoss+Tomcat
摘要:http://my.oschina.net/itblog/blog/669131 http://my.oschina.net/u/1179414/blog/202529 此处以截至目前的最新版tomcat为例,非安装版(zip,tar.gz)解压即可用,版本号为:8.0.17 方法一:最简单的做法
摘要:from http://hongjiang.info/qa-how-tomcat-shutdown/发表回复Q: tomcat的关闭过程是怎么触发的?是通过系统信号吗?如果存在多个tomcat进程,关闭时怎么保证不会误杀?A: 这个过程可以跟踪一下关闭时的脚本就知道了。$ bash -x ./cat...
摘要:JBoss logging, like Apache log4j can make use of an MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context) for logging information specific to a thread and its children.The ...
摘要:1. How to create JMS queue/topic in AS6To create a queue/topic in AS6, you will have to create a *-hornetq-jms.xml with contents like below and place ...
摘要:Using @DataSourceDefinition to configure a DataSourceDefining a Managed DataSourceLinksInstalling the JDBC DriverInstalling a JDBC driver as a deploymentModify the JARInstalling a JDBC driver as a moduleDefining the DataSource itselfIn older versions of the application server, data source configurat