Adding Row Number to SQL SELECT result
This article will explain how we can add sequence row number to a SQL select query starting from 1 onwards. This can be achieved by using built in SQL function ROW_NUMBER(). This function simply generates row number for each row in the result. You can specify the partition and order by criteria. This is how it works:
e.g. Suppose we have a table Employees.
SELECT EmployeeId, EmployeeName, Salary FROM Employees
EmployeeId EmployeeName Salary
1002 Alden 4000
2343 Lawson 4500
2004 Barbra 4800
1105 Marsden 4500
3116 Mac 5000
Use of ROW_NUMBER() will assign sequence number to rows as:
OVER (ORDER BY EmployeeName) AS Row,
EmployeeId, EmployeeName, Salary
FROM Employees
Row EmployeeId EmployeeName Salary
1 1002 Alden 4000
2 2343 Lawson 4500
3 2004 Barbra 4800
4 1105 Marsden 4500
5 3116 Mac 5000
Using ROW_NUMBER() for calculating Nth highest salary
We can utilize this function for calculating Nth highest salary of a employee. Suppose we want to find employee with 4th highest salary. This can be done as:
OVER (ORDER BY Salary) AS Row,
EmployeeId, EmployeeName, Salary
FROM Employees) AS EMP
WHERE Row = 4
Row EmployeeId EmployeeName Salary
4 1105 Marsden 4500
Using ROW_NUMBER() in case of pagination
This can also be used for getting rows which belongs to a particular page only. This is very common scenario of a business application where we have lots of rows in database and we want to filter based on page number.
OVER (ORDER BY EmployeeName) AS Row,
EmployeeId, EmployeeName, Salary
FROM Employees) AS EMP
Row EmployeeId EmployeeName Salary
2 2343 Lawson 4500
3 2004 Barbra 4800
4 1105 Marsden 4500