SAP Number Range

Internal (' ') or external ('X') number range flag

Indicator which determines whether the number range interval is external or internal.


The SAP system issues the numbers for internal number range intervals automatically. This number is between the from-number and the to-number. The last number issued is logged in the current number level.

You need to enter a number for external number issue. The number you enter needs to be between the from-number and the to-number. 





Tx: SPRO --> Display SAP Reference IMG --> SAP Customizing Implementation Guide --> Cross-Application Components --> SAP Business Partner --> Business Partner --> Basic Settings --> Number Ranges and Groupings --> Define Number Ranges / Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges


Pass the BP grouping (ZBP_HEADER-PARTN_GRP = '0002') & BP number (ZBP_HEADER-BPARTNER) to Function Module: CVI_EI_INBOUND_MAIN. 

posted @ 2017-09-20 14:54  PrinceMay  阅读(609)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报