Singleton Best Practice



/// Singleton instance per AppDomain, not thread safe
///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public staticclass Singleton<T>where T : class, new()
privatestatic T _instance;

publicstatic T Instance
if (_instance ==default(T))
=new T();
return _instance;


/// Singleton instance per AppDomain
///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
publicstaticclass Singleton<T>where T : class, new()
privatestatic T _instance;
privatestaticreadonlyobject _padLock =newobject();

publicstatic T Instance
lock (_padLock)
//only one thread can enter this scrope each time
if (_instance ==default(T))
=new T();
return _instance;

  虽然它已经线程安全,但是由于lock块,及时_instance != null,每次也要lock,多线程场景下性能差,所以可以采用Double Check:

/// Singleton instance per AppDomain
///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
publicstaticclass Singleton<T>where T : class, new()
privatestatic T _instance;
privatestaticreadonlyobject _padLock =newobject();

publicstatic T Instance
//if _instance!= default(T), it does not lock, just return
if (_instance==default(T))
lock (_padLock)
if (_instance ==default(T))
=new T();
return _instance;

  Double check在绝大多数情况下工作的很好,但是在多核心情况下会出现创建多个实例的情况。

  比如双核,CPU0执行到释放锁得时候,由于CPU高速缓存(cache)和写缓存(Store Buffer)的存在,主内存中可能_instance对象还没有创建,当CPU1执行到_instance==null时候,判断为true,然后接下去就创建了另外一个对象,因此,double check给出了2个完全不同的对象。

  根据 Memory Reordering/Memory Model 及其对.NET的影响 这篇文章来看,在多处理器环境下,可以这样解决问题:

/// Singleton instance per AppDomain
///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
publicstaticclass Singleton<T>where T : class, new()
//add volatile to make sure _instance exist in memory, not cpu cache
privatevolatilestatic T _instance;
privatestaticreadonlyobject _padLock =newobject();

publicstatic T Instance
//if _instance!= default(T), it does not lock, just return
if (_instance==default(T))
lock (_padLock)
if (_instance ==default(T))
=new T();
return _instance;


  但是,加入volatile没有考虑到写缓存同步到主内存中,这样CPU0 new T()后,写入CPU0的cache中,而此时CPU1访问主存中的_instance,发现为null,于是它也new T(),这仅在IA64模式下可能发生,因为IA64目前是弱内存模型。而且加入volatile会带来性能开销(不用cpu cache),每次访问都访问内存,而且并发专家一再告诫我们:


  "Loads are not reorderd with other loads" is a FACT!!


  去掉了volatile关键字,一旦_instance初始化好,之后访问都可以利用Cpu cache。

/// Singleton instance per AppDomain
///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
publicstaticclass Singleton<T>where T : class, new()
privatestatic T _instance;
privatestaticreadonlyobject _padLock =newobject();

publicstatic T Instance
//if _instance!= default(T), it does not lock, just return
if (_instance==default(T))
lock (_padLock)
if (_instance ==default(T))
var temp
=new T();
//The processor executing the current thread cannot reorder instructions in such a way that
//memory accesses prior to the call to MemoryBarrier execute after memory accesses that
//follow the call to MemoryBarrier.
= temp;
return _instance;


/// Singleton instance per AppDomain
///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
publicstaticclass Singleton<T>where T : class, new()
privatestatic T _instance;
privatestaticreadonly Mutex _mutex =new Mutex();

publicstatic T Instance
//if _instance != default(T), it does not lock, just return
if (_instance ==default(T))
if (_instance ==default(T))
var temp
=new T();
//The processor executing the current thread cannot reorder instructions in such a way that
//memory accesses prior to the call to MemoryBarrier execute after memory accesses that
//follow the call to MemoryBarrier.
= temp;
return _instance;


/// Singleton instance per AppDomain
///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public staticclass Singleton<T>where T : class, new()
/// Lazy load singleton instance
publicstatic T Instance
return Nested.instance;

privateclass Nested
/// .net make sure that during static constructor, it's thread safe per appdomain.
internalstaticreadonly T instance =new T();

当然,泛型约束为new()的话,意味着T必须有public constructor,如果没有呢?比如是private constructor怎么办?

其实一般来讲,人家用private constructor,就是为了不让你new 出来一个实例,如果你非得要搞出来,可以采用以下方法:

/// Singleton instance per AppDomain
///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public staticclass Singleton<T> where T : class
/// Lazy load singleton instance
publicstatic T Instance
return Nested.instance;

privateclass Nested
/// .net make sure that during static constructor, it's thread safe per appdomain.
internalstaticreadonly T instance = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), true);


/// Singleton instance per AppDomain
///<typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public staticclass Singleton<T>where T : class, new()
/// static readonly make sure _lazy is thead safe and singleton.
/// using Lazy<T> make sure that it's lazy value creation is thead safe.
privatestaticreadonly Lazy<T> _lazy =new Lazy<T>(() =>new T(), true);

publicstatic T Instance
return _lazy.Value;


posted @ 2011-05-26 23:35  primeli  阅读(483)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报