LoadRunner 11 视频


安装LoadRunner 11 后,可以在C:\Program Files\HP\LoadRunner\dat目录下找到介绍LoadRunner新功能的视频,下面逐一介绍:


介绍LoadRunner11新增的协议Ajax TruClient的使用

Ajax TruClient: An advanced protocol for modern JavaScript based applications

(including Ajax) emulating user activity within a web browser. Scripts are developed

interactively in Mozilla Firefox



Silverlight: A new protocol for Silverlight based applications emulating user activity

at the transport level. Allows generating high level scripts by automatically importing

and configuring WSDL files used by the application.

silverlight_service_call - Calls a Web service in a Silverlight enviroment. 
silverlight_soap_request - Performs a SOAP request in a Silverlight environment. 


介绍LoadRunner11新增的Java Over HTTP协议的使用

Java over HTTP: A new protocol designed to record java-based applications and applets.

It produces a Java language script using web functions. This protocol is distinguished

from other Java protocols in that it can record and replay Java remote calls over HTTP

Java Over HTTP协议提供了几个函数:
JavaHTTP.sendSerialized  - Serializes an object and sends it to the server. 
lrapi.lr2.fieldGetter - Reflects an object and returns the value of a field. 
lrapi.lr2.fieldSetter - Reflects an object and sets the value of a field. 

Java over HTTP functions are used to make java remote invocations over HTTP. Use them

in conjuction with the java languate utility functions and the java language web



介绍LoadRunner11的新功能DFE(Data Format Extension)的使用

Data Format Extension (DFE): Enhanced data format capabilities for the Web (HTTP/HTML)

protocol family. Allows converting raw HTTP traffic into a maintainable and structured

XML format and enables correlations by XPATH.

Finds data in an HTML buffer that has been formatted as XML and saves the data to a


VuGen supports the recording of many different types of data. New formats are

constantly being created and VuGen must adapt to support them. Some formats are

proprietary and use custom serialization, making it difficult for the user to

understand the code due to binary and unformatted data. VuGen has developed a way to

use Data Format Extensions (DFEs) to convert the code to more readable formats allowing

you to parameterize and correlate this data.

Data Format Extensions work in ordered chains. VuGen attempts to deserialize the data

using the DFEs in a chain one at a time. The extensions within a chain are each

designed to deserialize/serialize a specific data format. If an extension does not

convert the specified data, this data is passed to the next extension in the chain. If

an extension does successfuly convert the data, you can configure VuGen to either

continue to run the rest of the DFE chain on the converted data, or to end the process.

可以开发自己的DFE扩展(利用DFE SDK),安装目录中提供了一个Sample(C:\Program

Files\HP\LoadRunner\samples\DataFormatExtension),可以参考着用Visual Studio 2005修改来


1、Base64 Extension
 Decodes strings that are encoded with a BASE64 encoder.
2、URL Encoding Extension
 Decodes strings that are encoded with URL encoding format.
3、JSON Extension
 Transforms JSON data to XML format.
4、XML Validator Extension
 Receives data and checks to see if it conforms with XML syntax. This check

allows VuGen to perform correlations based on xpath and to display snapshot data in an

xml viewer.




Correlation Studio: Web (HTTP/HTML) automatic correlation mechanism has been enhanced

to search for possible correlations in the larger scope of snapshot data created during

code generation including data formatted by DFE.

web_reg_save_param_ex replaces the deprecated web_reg_save_param


介绍LoadRunner11在树形视图的Snapshot View的功能增强

Snapshot View: New snapshot view for Web (HTTP/HTML) protocol steps allows viewing

complete HTTP traffic in both raw and DFE generated formats.











posted on 2010-10-08 16:34  preftest  阅读(4116)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
