| # This configuration file is for reference only. Please do not use this configuration directly to run the program as it may have various issues. |
| |
| # your proxy name will be changed to {user}.{proxy} |
| user = "your_name" |
| |
| # A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed |
| # in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80" |
| # For single serverAddr field, no need square brackets, like serverAddr = "::". |
| serverAddr = "" |
| serverPort = 7000 |
| |
| # STUN server to help penetrate NAT hole. |
| # natHoleStunServer = "stun.easyvoip.com:3478" |
| |
| # Decide if exit program when first login failed, otherwise continuous relogin to frps |
| # default is true |
| loginFailExit = true |
| |
| # console or real logFile path like ./frpc.log |
| log.to = "./frpc.log" |
| # trace, debug, info, warn, error |
| log.level = "info" |
| log.maxDays = 3 |
| # disable log colors when log.to is console, default is false |
| log.disablePrintColor = false |
| |
| auth.method = "token" |
| # auth.additionalScopes specifies additional scopes to include authentication information. |
| # Optional values are HeartBeats, NewWorkConns. |
| # auth.additionalScopes = ["HeartBeats", "NewWorkConns"] |
| |
| # auth token |
| auth.token = "12345678" |
| |
| # oidc.clientID specifies the client ID to use to get a token in OIDC authentication. |
| # auth.oidc.clientID = "" |
| # oidc.clientSecret specifies the client secret to use to get a token in OIDC authentication. |
| # auth.oidc.clientSecret = "" |
| # oidc.audience specifies the audience of the token in OIDC authentication. |
| # auth.oidc.audience = "" |
| # oidc.scope specifies the permissions of the token in OIDC authentication if AuthenticationMethod == "oidc". By default, this value is "". |
| # auth.oidc.scope = "" |
| # oidc.tokenEndpointURL specifies the URL which implements OIDC Token Endpoint. |
| # It will be used to get an OIDC token. |
| # auth.oidc.tokenEndpointURL = "" |
| |
| # oidc.additionalEndpointParams specifies additional parameters to be sent to the OIDC Token Endpoint. |
| # For example, if you want to specify the "audience" parameter, you can set as follow. |
| # frp will add "audience=<value>" "var1=<value>" to the additional parameters. |
| # auth.oidc.additionalEndpointParams.audience = "https://dev.auth.com/api/v2/" |
| # auth.oidc.additionalEndpointParams.var1 = "foobar" |
| |
| # Set admin address for control frpc's action by http api such as reload |
| webServer.addr = "" |
| webServer.port = 7400 |
| webServer.user = "admin" |
| webServer.password = "admin" |
| # Admin assets directory. By default, these assets are bundled with frpc. |
| # webServer.assetsDir = "./static" |
| |
| # Enable golang pprof handlers in admin listener. |
| webServer.pprofEnable = false |
| |
| # The maximum amount of time a dial to server will wait for a connect to complete. Default value is 10 seconds. |
| # transport.dialServerTimeout = 10 |
| |
| # dialServerKeepalive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps. |
| # If negative, keep-alive probes are disabled. |
| # transport.dialServerKeepalive = 7200 |
| |
| # connections will be established in advance, default value is zero |
| transport.poolCount = 5 |
| |
| # If tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true, it must be same with frps |
| # transport.tcpMux = true |
| |
| # Specify keep alive interval for tcp mux. |
| # only valid if tcpMux is enabled. |
| # transport.tcpMuxKeepaliveInterval = 30 |
| |
| # Communication protocol used to connect to server |
| # supports tcp, kcp, quic, websocket and wss now, default is tcp |
| transport.protocol = "tcp" |
| |
| # set client binding ip when connect server, default is empty. |
| # only when protocol = tcp or websocket, the value will be used. |
| transport.connectServerLocalIP = "" |
| |
| # if you want to connect frps by http proxy or socks5 proxy or ntlm proxy, you can set proxyURL here or in global environment variables |
| # it only works when protocol is tcp |
| # transport.proxyURL = "http://user:passwd@" |
| # transport.proxyURL = "socks5://user:passwd@" |
| # transport.proxyURL = "ntlm://user:passwd@" |
| |
| # quic protocol options |
| # transport.quic.keepalivePeriod = 10 |
| # transport.quic.maxIdleTimeout = 30 |
| # transport.quic.maxIncomingStreams = 100000 |
| |
| # If tls.enable is true, frpc will connect frps by tls. |
| # Since v0.50.0, the default value has been changed to true, and tls is enabled by default. |
| transport.tls.enable = true |
| |
| # transport.tls.certFile = "client.crt" |
| # transport.tls.keyFile = "client.key" |
| # transport.tls.trustedCaFile = "ca.crt" |
| # transport.tls.serverName = "example.com" |
| |
| # If the disableCustomTLSFirstByte is set to false, frpc will establish a connection with frps using the |
| # first custom byte when tls is enabled. |
| # Since v0.50.0, the default value has been changed to true, and the first custom byte is disabled by default. |
| # transport.tls.disableCustomTLSFirstByte = true |
| |
| # Heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value. |
| # The default value of heartbeatInterval is 10 and heartbeatTimeout is 90. Set negative value |
| # to disable it. |
| # transport.heartbeatInterval = 30 |
| # transport.heartbeatTimeout = 90 |
| |
| # Specify a dns server, so frpc will use this instead of default one |
| # dnsServer = "" |
| |
| # Proxy names you want to start. |
| # Default is empty, means all proxies. |
| # start = ["ssh", "dns"] |
| |
| # Specify udp packet size, unit is byte. If not set, the default value is 1500. |
| # This parameter should be same between client and server. |
| # It affects the udp and sudp proxy. |
| udpPacketSize = 1500 |
| |
| # Additional metadatas for client. |
| metadatas.var1 = "abc" |
| metadatas.var2 = "123" |
| |
| # Include other config files for proxies. |
| # includes = ["./confd/*.ini"] |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| # 'ssh' is the unique proxy name |
| # If global user is not empty, it will be changed to {user}.{proxy} such as 'your_name.ssh' |
| name = "ssh" |
| type = "tcp" |
| localIP = "" |
| localPort = 22 |
| # Limit bandwidth for this proxy, unit is KB and MB |
| transport.bandwidthLimit = "1MB" |
| # Where to limit bandwidth, can be 'client' or 'server', default is 'client' |
| transport.bandwidthLimitMode = "client" |
| # If true, traffic of this proxy will be encrypted, default is false |
| transport.useEncryption = false |
| # If true, traffic will be compressed |
| transport.useCompression = false |
| # Remote port listen by frps |
| remotePort = 6001 |
| # frps will load balancing connections for proxies in same group |
| loadBalancer.group = "test_group" |
| # group should have same group key |
| loadBalancer.groupKey = "123456" |
| # Enable health check for the backend service, it supports 'tcp' and 'http' now. |
| # frpc will connect local service's port to detect it's healthy status |
| healthCheck.type = "tcp" |
| # Health check connection timeout |
| healthCheck.timeoutSeconds = 3 |
| # If continuous failed in 3 times, the proxy will be removed from frps |
| healthCheck.maxFailed = 3 |
| # Every 10 seconds will do a health check |
| healthCheck.intervalSeconds = 10 |
| # Additional meta info for each proxy. It will be passed to the server-side plugin for use. |
| metadatas.var1 = "abc" |
| metadatas.var2 = "123" |
| # You can add some extra information to the proxy through annotations. |
| # These annotations will be displayed on the frps dashboard. |
| [proxies.annotations] |
| key1 = "value1" |
| "prefix/key2" = "value2" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "ssh_random" |
| type = "tcp" |
| localIP = "" |
| localPort = 22 |
| # If remotePort is 0, frps will assign a random port for you |
| remotePort = 0 |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "dns" |
| type = "udp" |
| localIP = "" |
| localPort = 53 |
| remotePort = 6002 |
| |
| # Resolve your domain names to [serverAddr] so you can use http://web01.yourdomain.com to browse web01 and http://web02.yourdomain.com to browse web02 |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "web01" |
| type = "http" |
| localIP = "" |
| localPort = 80 |
| # http username and password are safety certification for http protocol |
| # if not set, you can access this customDomains without certification |
| httpUser = "admin" |
| httpPassword = "admin" |
| # if domain for frps is frps.com, then you can access [web01] proxy by URL http://web01.frps.com |
| subdomain = "web01" |
| customDomains = ["web01.yourdomain.com"] |
| # locations is only available for http type |
| locations = ["/", "/pic"] |
| # route requests to this service if http basic auto user is abc |
| # routeByHTTPUser = abc |
| hostHeaderRewrite = "example.com" |
| requestHeaders.set.x-from-where = "frp" |
| responseHeaders.set.foo = "bar" |
| healthCheck.type = "http" |
| # frpc will send a GET http request '/status' to local http service |
| # http service is alive when it return 2xx http response code |
| healthCheck.path = "/status" |
| healthCheck.intervalSeconds = 10 |
| healthCheck.maxFailed = 3 |
| healthCheck.timeoutSeconds = 3 |
| # set health check headers |
| healthCheck.httpHeaders=[ |
| { name = "x-from-where", value = "frp" } |
| ] |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "web02" |
| type = "https" |
| localIP = "" |
| localPort = 8000 |
| subdomain = "web02" |
| customDomains = ["web02.yourdomain.com"] |
| # if not empty, frpc will use proxy protocol to transfer connection info to your local service |
| # v1 or v2 or empty |
| transport.proxyProtocolVersion = "v2" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "tcpmuxhttpconnect" |
| type = "tcpmux" |
| multiplexer = "httpconnect" |
| localIP = "" |
| localPort = 10701 |
| customDomains = ["tunnel1"] |
| # routeByHTTPUser = "user1" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "plugin_unix_domain_socket" |
| type = "tcp" |
| remotePort = 6003 |
| # if plugin is defined, localIP and localPort is useless |
| # plugin will handle connections got from frps |
| [proxies.plugin] |
| type = "unix_domain_socket" |
| unixPath = "/var/run/docker.sock" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "plugin_http_proxy" |
| type = "tcp" |
| remotePort = 6004 |
| [proxies.plugin] |
| type = "http_proxy" |
| httpUser = "abc" |
| httpPassword = "abc" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "plugin_socks5" |
| type = "tcp" |
| remotePort = 6005 |
| [proxies.plugin] |
| type = "socks5" |
| username = "abc" |
| password = "abc" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "plugin_static_file" |
| type = "tcp" |
| remotePort = 6006 |
| [proxies.plugin] |
| type = "static_file" |
| localPath = "/var/www/blog" |
| stripPrefix = "static" |
| httpUser = "abc" |
| httpPassword = "abc" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "plugin_https2http" |
| type = "https" |
| customDomains = ["test.yourdomain.com"] |
| [proxies.plugin] |
| type = "https2http" |
| localAddr = "" |
| crtPath = "./server.crt" |
| keyPath = "./server.key" |
| hostHeaderRewrite = "" |
| requestHeaders.set.x-from-where = "frp" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "plugin_https2https" |
| type = "https" |
| customDomains = ["test.yourdomain.com"] |
| [proxies.plugin] |
| type = "https2https" |
| localAddr = "" |
| crtPath = "./server.crt" |
| keyPath = "./server.key" |
| hostHeaderRewrite = "" |
| requestHeaders.set.x-from-where = "frp" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "plugin_http2https" |
| type = "http" |
| customDomains = ["test.yourdomain.com"] |
| [proxies.plugin] |
| type = "http2https" |
| localAddr = "" |
| hostHeaderRewrite = "" |
| requestHeaders.set.x-from-where = "frp" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "plugin_http2http" |
| type = "tcp" |
| remotePort = 6007 |
| [proxies.plugin] |
| type = "http2http" |
| localAddr = "" |
| hostHeaderRewrite = "" |
| requestHeaders.set.x-from-where = "frp" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "plugin_tls2raw" |
| type = "tcp" |
| remotePort = 6008 |
| [proxies.plugin] |
| type = "tls2raw" |
| localAddr = "" |
| crtPath = "./server.crt" |
| keyPath = "./server.key" |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "secret_tcp" |
| # If the type is secret tcp, remotePort is useless |
| # Who want to connect local port should deploy another frpc with stcp proxy and role is visitor |
| type = "stcp" |
| # secretKey is used for authentication for visitors |
| secretKey = "abcdefg" |
| localIP = "" |
| localPort = 22 |
| # If not empty, only visitors from specified users can connect. |
| # Otherwise, visitors from same user can connect. '*' means allow all users. |
| allowUsers = ["*"] |
| |
| [[proxies]] |
| name = "p2p_tcp" |
| type = "xtcp" |
| secretKey = "abcdefg" |
| localIP = "" |
| localPort = 22 |
| # If not empty, only visitors from specified users can connect. |
| # Otherwise, visitors from same user can connect. '*' means allow all users. |
| allowUsers = ["user1", "user2"] |
| |
| # frpc role visitor -> frps -> frpc role server |
| [[visitors]] |
| name = "secret_tcp_visitor" |
| type = "stcp" |
| # the server name you want to visitor |
| serverName = "secret_tcp" |
| secretKey = "abcdefg" |
| # connect this address to visitor stcp server |
| bindAddr = "" |
| # bindPort can be less than 0, it means don't bind to the port and only receive connections redirected from |
| # other visitors. (This is not supported for SUDP now) |
| bindPort = 9000 |
| |
| [[visitors]] |
| name = "p2p_tcp_visitor" |
| type = "xtcp" |
| # if the server user is not set, it defaults to the current user |
| serverUser = "user1" |
| serverName = "p2p_tcp" |
| secretKey = "abcdefg" |
| bindAddr = "" |
| # bindPort can be less than 0, it means don't bind to the port and only receive connections redirected from |
| # other visitors. (This is not supported for SUDP now) |
| bindPort = 9001 |
| # when automatic tunnel persistence is required, set it to true |
| keepTunnelOpen = false |
| # effective when keepTunnelOpen is set to true, the number of attempts to punch through per hour |
| maxRetriesAnHour = 8 |
| minRetryInterval = 90 |
| # fallbackTo = "stcp_visitor" |
| # fallbackTimeoutMs = 500 |
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