启发式搜索:A*与IDEA* 16格拼图为例
启发式搜索:A*与IDEA* 16格拼图为例
The goal of the 15 puzzle problem is to complete pieces on
cells where one of the cells is empty space.
In this problem, the space is represented by 0 and pieces are represented by integers from 1 to 15 as shown below.
1 2 3 4
6 7 8 0
5 10 11 12
9 13 14 15
You can move a piece toward the empty space at one step. Your goal is to make the pieces the following configuration in the shortest move (fewest steps).
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 0
Write a program which reads an initial state of the puzzle and prints the fewest steps to solve the puzzle.
The 4×4
integers denoting the pieces or space are given.
Print the fewest steps in a line.
- The given puzzle is solvable in at most 45 steps.
Sample Input
1 2 3 4
6 7 8 0
5 10 11 12
9 13 14 15
Sample Output
存在一个4*4的正方形方格图,其中放有0-15的数字,每次只能移动0,求最少多少步可以得到1-15 的顺序
#define N 4
#define N2 16
#define LIMIT 100
using namespace std;
const int dx[4] = {0,-1,0,1};
const int dy[4] = {1,0,-1,0};
const char dir[4] = {'r','u','l','d'};
int MDT[N2][N2];
struct Puzzle{
int f[N2],space,MD;
Puzzle state;
int limit;
int path[LIMIT];
int getAllMd(Puzzle pz) {
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < N2;i++) {
if(pz.f[i] == N2) continue;//空格是不计入曼哈顿距离的
sum += MDT[i][pz.f[i] - 1];
return sum;
bool IsSolved() {
for(int i = 0;i < N2;i++) if(state.f[i] != i+1) return false;
return true;
bool dfs(int depth,int pre) {
if(state.MD == 0) return true;
if(depth + state.MD > limit) return false;
int sx = state.space / N;
int sy = state.space % N;
Puzzle temp;
for(int r = 0;r < 4;r++) {
int tx = sx + dx[r];
int ty = sy + dy[r];
if(tx < 0 || ty < 0 || tx >= N || ty >= N) continue;
if(abs(pre - r) == 2) continue;//走回上一步了
temp = state;
state.MD -= MDT[tx * N + ty][state.f[tx * N + ty] - 1];//把tx*N+ty这个点的曼哈顿距离减去
state.MD += MDT[sx * N + sy][state.f[tx * N + ty] - 1];//重新计算再加上
swap(state.f[tx * N + ty],state.f[sx * N + sy]);
state.space = tx * N + ty;
if(dfs(depth+1,r)) {path[depth] = r;return true;}
state = temp;
return false ;
string iterative_deepening(Puzzle in) {
in.MD = getAllMd(in);
for(limit = in.MD;limit <= LIMIT;limit++) {
state = in;
if(dfs(0,-100)) {
string ans = "";
for(int i = 0;i < limit;i++) ans += dir[path[i]];
return ans;
return "unsolvable";
int main() {
for(int i = 0;i < N2;i++)
for(int j = 0;j < N2;j++)
MDT[i][j] = abs(i/N - j/N) + abs(i%N - j%N);
Puzzle in;
for(int i = 0;i < N2;i++) {
if(in.f[i] == 0) {
in.f[i] = N2;
in.space = i;
string ans = iterative_deepening(in);
return 0;
#define N 4
#define N2 16
using namespace std;
const int dx[4] = {0,-1,0,1};
const int dy[4] = {1,0,-1,0};
const char dir[4] = {'r','u','l','d'};
int MDT[N2][N2];
struct Puzzle {
int f[N2],space,MD;
int cost;
bool operator < (const Puzzle &p)const {
for(int i = 0;i < N2;i++) {
if(f[i] == p.f[i]) continue;
return f[i] < p.f[i];
return false;
struct State{
Puzzle puzzle;
int estimated;
bool operator < (const State &s) const {
return estimated > s.estimated;
int getAllMd(Puzzle pz) {
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < N2;i++) {
if(pz.f[i] == N2) continue;
sum += MDT[i][pz.f[i] - 1];
return sum;
int astar(Puzzle s) {
priority_queue<State> PQ;
s.MD = getAllMd(s);
s.cost = 0;
map<Puzzle,bool> V;
Puzzle u,v;
State init;
init.puzzle = s;
init.estimated = getAllMd(s);
while(!PQ.empty()) {
State st = PQ.top();PQ.pop();
u = st.puzzle;
if(u.MD == 0) return u.cost;
V[u] = true;
int sx = u.space / N;
int sy = u.space % N;
for(int r = 0;r < 4;r++) {
int tx = sx + dx[r];
int ty = sy + dy[r];
if(tx < 0 || ty < 0 || tx >= N || ty >= N) continue;
v = u;
v.MD -= MDT[tx * N + ty][v.f[tx * N + ty] - 1];
v.MD += MDT[sx * N + sy][v.f[tx * N + ty] - 1];
swap(v.f[sx * N + sy],v.f[tx * N + ty]);
v.space = tx * N + ty;
if(!V[v]) {
State now;
now.puzzle = v;
now.estimated = v.cost + v.MD;
return -1;
int main() {
for(int i = 0;i < N2;i++) {
for(int j = 0;j < N2;j++) {
MDT[i][j] = abs(i/N - j/N) + abs(i%N - j%N);
Puzzle in;
for(int i = 0;i < N2;i++) {
if(in.f[i] == 0) {
in.f[i] = N2;
in.space = i;
return 0;