老李分享:robotium常用API 1
中文API: http://www.robotium.cn/archives/category/api/page/7
(源代码解析-Solo : http://www.robotium.cn/archives/1050)
① 点击:
clickOnButton(int)—Clickson a Button
with a givenindex.根据索引值点击Button.
clickOnButton(String)—Clickson a Button
with a giventext.根据文本点击Button.
clickOnCheckBox(int)—Clickson a CheckBox
with a givenindex.
clickOnView(View)—Clickson a given View.
clickOnText(String)—Clickson a View
displaying agiven text.
clickLongOnText(String)—Longclicks on a givenView
clickOnRadioButton(int)—Clickson a RadioButton
with a givenindex.
clickOnScreen(float, float)—Clickson a given coordinate on the screen.
② 取得:
getCurrentActivity()—Returnsthe current Activity.
getText(String)—Returnsa TextView which shows a given text.
getView(int)—Returnsa View with a given id.
getEditText(String)—Returnsan EditText which shows a given text.
getImage(int)—Returnsan ImageView with a given index.
③ 拖拽:
drag(float, float, float,float, int)—Simulate touching a given location anddragging it to a new location.
④ 搜索:
searchText(String)—Searchesfor a text string and returnstrue
if at least one item is found with the expected text.
searchEditText(String)—Searchesfor a text string in the EditText objects located in the current Activity.
searchButton(String, boolean)—Searchesfor a Button with the given text string and returns true if at least one Buttonis found.