http://rhythm-zju.blog.163.com/blog/static/310042008015115718637/建立 CA建立 CA 目录结构按照 OpenSSL 的默认配置建立 CA ,需要在文件系统中建立相应的目录结构。相关的配置内容一般位于 /usr/ssl/openssl.... 阅读全文
How To Setup a CAOriginal Version by Ian AldermanUpdated by Zach MillerIntroductionYou can set up a Certificate Authority (CA) in multiple different w... 阅读全文
先假设自己是一个CA,而且是一个root CA,Cliu8CA 生成一个CA的private key openssl genrsa -out caprivate.key 1024 当然可以跟密码 openssl genrsa -out caprivatepass.key 1024 -des3 -passout hello:world 1024 CA有一个certificate,里面放着CA的pub... 阅读全文
Overcommits KVM allows for both memory and disk space overcommit. However, hard errors resulting from exceeding available resources will result in guest failures. CPU overcommit is also supported bu... 阅读全文