随笔分类 - Openvswitch
摘要:http://blog.163.com/s_zhchluo/blog/static/15014708201411144727961/ 本文是2012年文章,对Openflow的发展、规范、应用和SDN的提出及相关应用做出较为客观全面的介绍。笔者希望通过本文对OpenFlow/SDN做一个初步介绍,以期帮助大家能够进一步深入了解和学习OpenFlow/SDN。 序言:从网络虚拟化说起 云计...
摘要:GETTING STARTED OPENFLOW OPENVSWITCH TUTORIAL LAB : SETUPFor a more up to date tutorial as anything more then 6 months old is outdated in the world of...
摘要:OpenContrail 体系架构文档 英文原文:http://opencontrail.org/opencontrail-architecture-documentation/ 翻译者:@KkBLuE知行合一 其微信号:kkbluepublic, SDNAP.com翻译整理 OpenContrail 体系架构文档 1 概述 1.1 使用案例 1.2 OpenCon...
摘要:In this post, I want to provide some additional insight on how the use of Open vSwitch (OVS) affects—or doesn’t affect, in some cases—how a Linux host directs traffic through physical interfaces, OVS ...
摘要:Running KVM and Openvswitch on Ubuntu 12.10I’ve got an aging VMWare ESXi 4.0 server that needs to be replaced with something a little more modern and ...
摘要:Posted in Linux Application at November 13th, 2012如果你是用 openvswitch 内置的 GRE tunnel,那么配置很简单,基本上就一条命令:ovs-vsctl add-port br0 gre0 -- set interface gre0 ...
摘要:List of OpenFlow Software Projects (that I know of) http://yuba.stanford.edu/~casado/of-sw.html (I am trying to keep a running list of all OpenFlow-related software projects where either the bits or...
摘要:场景: 创建一个Virtual Switch,支持VLAN,支持MAC-Learning 包含下面四个Port: P1, truck port P2, VLAN 20 P3, P4 VLAN 30 包含五个flow table: Table 0: Admission control. Table 1: VLAN input processing. ...
摘要:Open vSwitch 概述Open vSwitch(下面简称为 OVS)是由 Nicira Networks 主导的,运行在虚拟化平台(例如 KVM,Xen)上的虚拟交换机。在虚拟化平台上,OVS 可以为动态变化的端点提供 2 层交换功能,很好的控制虚拟网络中的访问策略、网络隔离、流量监控等等。...
摘要:Open vSwitch Advanced Features Tutorial=======================================Many tutorials cover the basics of OpenFlow. This is not such atutorial...
摘要:Open vSwitch安装及配置一、 Open vSwitch简介1.1概述Open vSwitch是一个高质量的、多层虚拟交换机,使用开源Apache 2.0许可协议,由Nicira Networks开发,主要实现代码为可移植的C代码。 它的目的是让大规模网络自动化可以通过编程扩展,同时仍然支持...