[欢迎转载,请注明出处]升级Firefox之后出现Not compatible with Firefox extensions error when upgraded Firefox

最近升级了Firefox,遇上一个问题,很多插件都不能使用了。Firefox总是说“Not compatible with Firefox”。Google了一翻之后,没有发现什么好的解决方案。经实验发现一个完美解决方案!

I upgraded my Firefox recently, found out a problem, many many extensions were gone. Firefox kept saying "Not compatible with Firefox". After googleing around, I found there was no good solutions. But I find a solution by myself.

打开你的系统盘,找到Document and Settings,比如:"C:\Document and Settings",然后进入你的帐户名的那个目录,比如:"C:\Document and Settings\Administrator"。进入“Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\******.default”这个目录,找到“extensions.cache”这个文件,用文本编辑器打开,每行后面有一个数字,那就是关键,主要是那个数字错了,你的插件才用不了!

Open your system logic drive, I assume that your are using "c:", and I assume your user account name of your windows is "administrator", go into this path:"C:\Document and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\******.default", you will find a file named "extensions.cache", open it in a pure text editor, such like notepad. There's a number in the end of each line, that is the hole point. If that number goes wrong, you will not be able to use your extensions.

那如何才能获得正确的数字呢?最保险的做法是新建一个profile,用新的profile启动firefox,然后安装你不能用的插件,找到那个新的profile里的"extensions.cache"这个文件,看看里面相应的行的数字。如何才能新建一个profile呢?在“C:\Document and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini”这个文件里,查找并删除“Default=1”这一行,保存,重新启动Firefox,这时候他就出现了profile的管理界面了!剩下的你就会了吧~~!

But how to get the CORRECT number? The safest way is create a new profile. Start your Firefox with the new profile, install the extension you were unable to run. Check the "extensions.cache" in the profile directory which newly created, and the number in that file is absolutely the CORRECT number. How to create a new profile? Find and delete "Default=1" line in the file "C:\Document and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini", save this file, restart your Firefox, and the profile manager will appear. Then, I think you can do it yourself.
posted @ 2007-07-28 17:12  Pootow  阅读(297)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报